Chapter 74 Talk

When he got to the dormitory, Yu Dong poured a glass of water for Jimmy, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

In less than ten minutes, Yu Dong came back after taking a bath.

Jimmy looked at Yu Dong's wet hair and asked thoughtfully, "Do you want to take care of your hair?"

"The conditions are poor, so I won't deal with it." Yu Dong rubbed his head with a towel, and then cut to the topic: "I heard what you said just now, I want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "One Day"."

Jimmy didn't expect Yu Dong to be so direct, which was different from those Chinese writers he had dealt with in the past, and he had been observing Yu Dong just now, just to see how Yu Dong's emotions showed when he heard his intentions, but let him Disappointingly, Yu Dong doesn't seem too surprised.

This is somewhat inconsistent with what he has learned.

According to the news he got from "Science World", Yu Dong has just graduated from college and has few works, and he has never been in touch with film and television adaptation before.It stands to reason that Yu Dong's reaction should not be so bland.

"Yes, as you think, I want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of your work "One Day". My sincerity is also very high. Ten years of film and television adaptation rights, six thousand." , Jimmy also compared a six gesture.

It's his favorite digital gesture, and it's very satanic.

"Six thousand dollars, it's not high." Yu Dong nodded.

"..." Jimmy said quickly, "You misunderstood, it's six thousand RMB."

"Oh." Yu Dong nodded, took a sip from the teacup, and took a serious look at Jimmy James.

This foreigner has short brown hair and blue eyes. He is not very burly and is slightly shorter than Yu Dong.He was wearing a well-fitting overcoat, and the shirt collar that exposed his neck was meticulously buttoned up.

It can be seen that he is a very particular person.

However, he must also be a cunning person, which can be seen from the fact that he said, "Ten years and six thousand are very sincere" without changing his face.

"Mr. James, where did you come from?" Yu Dong asked.

"I came from Rongcheng. Speaking of which, I also went through a lot of twists and turns in order to find you, because the magazine didn't leave your contact information, so I had to go to the magazine to ask for your address. From Yanjing to Rongcheng, and from Rongcheng to our Jinling. Of course, I believe everything is worth it. Mr. Yu, your work is totally worth it. As for the price..." Jimmy changed the topic back to film and television In terms of copyright sales, "You may not know much about this, but let me tell you roughly, the current domestic market price of film and television copyright is about 2000 or [-] yuan. Where are you going. Your work is not long, and it is definitely my greatest sincerity to have six thousand words."

Yu Dong didn't follow his ideas to talk about the price, but asked him again: "You said that you work as a screenwriter. I don't know which movies and TV dramas you have written?"

"Is this important?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. James, I just want to know what kind of people I want to work with."

"My latest work is "Two Men", I don't know if you have heard of it."

Yu Dong shook his head, "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it."

"It doesn't matter, I don't have much contact with the United States, so I don't know if it's normal. Of course, I'll tell you the truth. Although I'm a screenwriter, what really makes me money is to help some writers or actors to contact and cooperate. I don't know if you can Can't understand this profession."

"Writer businessman?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows: "Do you know a writer's agent? Of course, my job is not the same as an ordinary writer's agent. I don't sign a long-term contract. I usually do whatever job I encounter."

Yu Dong nodded. The literary agent was actually born in the UK in the last century. However, due to various reasons, the agent system developed in general in the UK, but blossomed everywhere in the US.

In Yu Dong's impression, at its peak, there were at least one or two thousand writers' agencies in the United States.

And like Jimmy, it is a bit like a middleman, and he may not sign a contract with the author and draw a fixed percentage of commission.

In this way, Yu Dong also understands that Jimmy should want to collect his film and television adaptation rights at a low price, and then sell them at a high price.Moreover, if Yu Dong guessed correctly, his next home has been found.

Because people like Jimmy James definitely don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

So Yu Dong asked directly, "Which director is going to shoot the novel "One Day"?"

Jimmy moved his lips and looked at Yu Dong, he suddenly found that Yu Dong was really difficult to deal with.

"It's like this. In fact, no director has any intentions. I am very optimistic about this work. If you give me the right to adapt the film and television of the work, I will definitely help you operate it seriously, and then find a reliable director. Take it out. You may feel that the 6000 yuan is not up to expectations, but you also have to consider another issue. If you give the work to me, you will not only get 6000 yuan, but also get a senior practitioner in the industry. great help."

Speaking of this, Jimmy felt a little thirsty, so he took a sip of water, and then continued: "As long as the work works well, you can gain fame in the United States, and you can also open up the American science fiction market in the future. In this way, you will gain I’m afraid it’s far from being comparable to 6000 yuan.”

Hearing Jimmy's remarks, Yu Dong smiled and praised: "I have to say, Mr. James, you are a very good lobbyist. But there are two problems. First, it is the first time I meet you, and I am not I know if you are a senior practitioner in the industry as you say, I'm sorry, maybe I'm a bit straight."

"It doesn't matter, you speak quickly."

Yu Dong nodded and continued, "Secondly, even if you are a senior practitioner, you are indeed capable of operating my works, but I am not sure that you will really operate with your mind."

"You can rest assured on this point, since it is..."

Yu Dong waved his hand and interrupted him, "Mr. James, it's useless to say what you say. If the two parties want to protect their own interests, they must give each other some restraints."

"What do you mean by constraints?" Jimmy asked.

"Look, can this work? I'll give you the work to operate. If someone buys the film and television adaptation rights, [-]% will be taken as your commission. In this way, it's good for both of us, and you don't have to be afraid of yourself. The money is gone, and I don't have to worry about you not bothering to help me operate."

Jimmy was silent, and Yu Dong's words made him unable to refute. This way of taking a cut is indeed beneficial to both parties-if it really hasn't found a next home.

After thinking about it for a while, Jimmy said: "Ten percent is impossible, I want at least 60.00%. You know, I spent a lot of travel expenses just to come to see you. And the TV has become more and more popular in recent years. Many, the film industry is in a downturn, and film and television adaptation rights cannot be sold for much."

 Thank you [Butterfly Invasion] for the 300 reward
  Thank you [Mr. Poetry] for the 500 reward from the boss
  Thank you [囩 Taohua] for the 242 reward
  There are two or three chapters to be added over the weekend
  Good luck to all readers

  I was brainwashed by Mr. Yu of 91 today, I seriously doubt that the editor did it on purpose

(End of this chapter)

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