Chapter 8 You Come and Try
The outside of the magazine does not look like a mountain or water, but when you enter it, you feel that there is a world inside.The hall is not small, but the aisles for people to walk are very narrow.

Not to mention the fact that the workstations are very close together, there are piles of various manuscripts on the edge of almost every workstation, because there is really no place to put them on the workstations.

Many editors were working hard when they heard someone coming in, glanced over the mountain-like pile of books, and quickly lowered their heads.

This kind of quiet busyness also made people feel very nervous. Yu Dong walked on the ramp, carefully tossing and turning, not only afraid of knocking over the manuscript next to him, but also afraid of making a loud noise to disturb these serious workers.

Finally, at the end, Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sign of the editor's office on the door, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Su Tong's voice came from inside.

Yu Dong gently opened the door, and the smell of smoke came out. Su Tong sat behind the desk with a cigarette in one hand and a pen in the other.

Su Tong was busy working on the layout of the next edition, and when he heard someone came in but didn't speak, he raised his head and looked over. When he saw it was Yu Dong, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's you, Yu Dong, come here, Sit down."

Putting down the pen, he picked up the ashtray and walked to the coffee table, "If you don't smoke, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Yu Dong said quickly: "Senior brother, you're welcome."

"Water should still be drunk." Su Tong smiled and made Yu Dong a cup of tea.

Then the two sat down on the sofa, and Su Tong looked at Yu Dong and said, "Is there a mistake in what Principal Wu said? I told him it was three o'clock, and it was only two o'clock."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Principal Wu said it was three o'clock, and I came early. I happened to be doing something nearby, so I came here first, so I didn't bother you."

"Just kidding, I wish you came earlier, just because I was afraid of delaying your time." Su Tong took the last breath, put out the cigarette, and continued: "You are not the only one invited today, but also Bi Feiyu, Ye Zhaoyan and others. , mainly to organize the next version of the manuscript."

It turned out to be for group drafting!

When he heard the man talking about the drafting at the door just now, Yu Dong had an expectation in his heart, but he still thought it was a little unlikely.

"Zhongshan" magazine wants to organize a manuscript, why is it looking for such a little-known person who has just graduated from college?
Listening to Su Tong's meaning, Bi Feiyu and Ye Zhaoyan will also be in today's conference.

Bi Feiyu will not talk about it. He later became the chairman of the Suzhou Writers Association, but he is not very famous at this time.

Ye Zhaoyan is also amazing. Although there is no masterpiece now, his grandfather is Ye Shengtao, a literary giant, and he has been in the Jinling literary circle for more than ten years.

As for Yu Dong, he just published an article on Harvest when he was a freshman.

Su Tong saw Yu Dong's doubts and said, "It's not about the teacher assigning homework, come and listen and give your opinion, if you want to write, just write, if you don't want to write, just take it as a friend. Ye Zhaoyan and Bi Feiyu will be the mainstays of Jinling's literary circle in the future, and there is no harm in communicating with them more."

Yu Dong nodded, Su Tong was definitely well-intentioned, but at the same time it was also stressful for him.However, this pressure also aroused Yu Dong's motivation, and this time Zhongshan Magazine and his party became special.

At the same time, a different kind of emotion appeared in his heart. After his rebirth, his life suddenly became different. He didn't even change it deliberately, but it had already changed a lot.

Take today's events as an example, if he hadn't gone out for a walk that night, he wouldn't have met Su Tong, and Su Tong wouldn't have invited him over today.

Perhaps in Su Tong's mind, there is indeed a junior student who has published an article on "Harvest" to impress him, but he will gradually forget it over time, just like the previous life.

"Don't be nervous, I'll tell you my own thoughts first." Seeing that Yu Dong didn't speak, Su Tong thought he was nervous, so he took the initiative to comfort him, "The style of "Zhongshan" is different from that of "Harvest", some people It is not unreasonable to say that "Zhongshan" is too conservative, we have always maintained a certain distance from the literary trend, but there are also things that we insist on..."

Su Tong spoke very sincerely and did not intend to advertise "Zhongshan".

In fact, "Zhongshan" does not need to be advertised. Several major domestic literary magazines, "Zhongshan" is on the list. Although it is a little worse than "Harvest" and "People's Literature", it also has an important historical position. .

"Zhongshan" has always followed the "atmospheric and heavy" line, and has always been steady and not following the fashion.Later, when "Harvest" and the others turned their attention to film and television works and online literature, "Zhongshan" deliberately kept a distance.

From a commercial point of view, the strategy of "Zhongshan" may not be right, but for literature, they did stick to their beliefs and maintained a consistent style.

Then Su Tong told Yu Dong about the general direction for the next issue. This time, Su Tong wanted a few manuscripts about local humanities.

Of course not poetry.

"You don't think the scope is very small when you hear about the place. In fact, the topic selection this time is very broad. There are many local humanities that can be written, topography, food, customs, folk myths... I will list a few, your thinking should be It will open up." Su Tong added, afraid of Yu Dong's lack of confidence.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "It's true, but it's best not to write the same kind. If the manuscript comes out, full of delicious food, although it will satisfy your cravings, it will also make you tired."

"This is natural, so we have to discuss it later. Of course, you don't have to be too restrained. Even if someone writes about the same genre, you don't have to worry. You are from Shanghai and you are studying in Yanjing, so you should be familiar with these two places. , but I suggest you write about Shanghai. There are many people writing about Yanjing, and I don’t know how many people are writing about Xiangguai Hutong.” Having said that, Su Tong couldn’t help but lit a cigarette again, “Ye Zhaoyan will probably write about Jinling. "

In fact, Yu Dong is not very interested in short-length works, but he is willing to give it a try.

And the reason why he is not interested in short stories is because he knows that in the future, long novels will be the world, not only physical publishing, but even magazines will follow suit.

But now, there are not many magazines that can produce long stories, that is, magazines such as "Contemporary" that are backed by publishing houses have this kind of confidence.

Therefore, although Yu Dong sent the manuscript of "Second World" to "Science Fiction World", he also knew that it was likely to be called back, because "Science Fiction World" was very likely not willing or willing to try to serialize a long story.

 Thanks for the 1500 reward of [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night Cong] children's shoes, this is also my old reader
(End of this chapter)

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