Chapter 811
After talking with Yu Dong, Jimmy first went to register a new company called "Cat Doctor".

Soon, the company's account had an additional 2000 million US dollars, of which 2000 million US dollars was transferred from Yu Dong's personal account, and the other [-] million US dollars was transferred from Jimmy's account.

Although Jimmy's investment accounted for only 40.00%, but this time Jimmy got more shares, [-]%.

After getting the money, Jimmy quickly sorted out the company's tissue processing, and then he didn't contact the pets company, but first contacted a pet clinic called "Maotian".

The owners of this clinic are two brothers, Benjamin Ramsey and William Ramsey. Their father, Ramsey Sr., is a pet doctor, and they can be regarded as inheriting their father's mantle.

After so many years of operation, their pet clinic has grown to the fourth.

However, the development of the business has reached a bottleneck. They hoped to open the fifth or even more, but there are some problems in terms of funds and management.


Benjamin Ramsey is currently researching bank loans. Although their father Ramsey Sr. has always been opposed to taking loans from banks, Benjamin believes that they should keep pace with the times now.

However, even if the problem of funds can be solved, management is still a big problem.

He and his younger brother, William Ramsey, are only two people, and now they are a bit careless in managing four stores. If they want to open a fifth store, they will definitely need to find another reliable manager to help them share their worries.

He knows a lot of pet doctors, but not many have management skills.

Sometimes Benjamin was also very puzzled, how did those chain stores open? Isn't it troublesome to manage so many stores?

When Benjamin was frowning, the phone in the store suddenly rang.

"Hello, this is Mao's Sky No. [-] store, can I help you?" Nurse Sally answered the phone.

After the other party replied, Sally said to Benjamin, "Doctor, I'm looking for you."

Benjamin nodded, got up and walked over to take the microphone, "Hi, this is Benjamin Ramsey, may I help you?"

The other party said, "Dr. Ramsey, hello, I heard that you are going to open the fifth cat's sky?"

Benjamin raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Well, there is such a thing, but how did you know?"

"I have a friend who is well-informed. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that I know what you need, and I can provide what you need." The other party said.

Benjamin asked tentatively, "Excuse me, are you from the bank?"

The other person didn't answer him, but asked, "Mr. Ramsey, are you free this morning? If so, I'll visit you in the shop in two hours, and we'll have a chat face to face."

Benjamin pondered, "Uh... there is an operation in the afternoon, other times are fine, did you come in the morning... There is no problem with the time, but I don't know yet..."

"I'll see you later, Mr. Ramsay."

After the other party hung up the phone, Benjamin looked confused.

Seeing him like this, Sally couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, who called?"

"I don't know." Benjamin shook his head, he didn't even know the name of the other party, everything happened too fast.He just wanted to ask the other party's name and what he did, but the other party hung up the phone.

Sally pouted, probably because Mr. Ramsey was a little dizzy because he was worried about opening a new store recently.

Benjamin also felt a little dizzy. After a while, he said to Sally: "Sally, go and tidy up the reception room. There may be guests in a while. By the way, William, why didn't you see anyone else?"

"He came here in the morning and then went out. As for where he went, he didn't say, but I guess he probably went to the No. [-] store. You know, he always goes there."

Benjamin rolled his eyes, of course he knew why his younger brother liked to go to No. [-] store.Selena, the dean of the No. [-] store, and William are classmates, and William has been pursuing her.

Although William is a bit out of business, Benjamin also hopes that William can get married early. Selena is a very stable girl. If they get married, Selena can also help the family share the management pressure.

Two hours later, a well-dressed man of medium build walked into the pet shop.

With just one glance, Benjamin knew that the person in front of him was probably the one who had called before. After all, he didn't look like a patient bringing a pet to see a doctor.

"Is Mr. Ramsay there? I have an appointment with him," said the man.

Benjamin stood up with a smile, "Hi, are you the gentleman on the phone?"

Jimmy walked up to Benjamin with a smile, and handed him a photo, "Hi, Mr. Ramsey, I'm Jimmy James."

Benjamin took the black business card. There was nothing on it except Jimmy James' name and phone number. It didn't even have a pattern. This was the simplest business card Benjamin had ever seen.Such a business card also made the man in front of him a little more mysterious.

"Mr. James, hello, please come inside."

Jimmy nodded and followed Benjamin into the reception room.

Sally brought a cup of coffee, and Jimmy thanked him, and then straight to the point and said to Benjamin: "Mr. Ramsey, I am here this time to help you open a new store. Cat Sky has a very good reputation in the local area. , but if you want to open more stores, you can’t just rely on these reputations, and you need enough funds and a good management model. And we have both of these things.”

Benjamin held Jimmy's business card, "Mr. James, is it convenient for you to tell me, who are you?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "I don't know if you have heard of Deep Space Corporation?"

Benjamin nodded, "Of course, I also surf the Internet. My brother also has a star card. Isn't YU from the Deep Space Company? Oh, and George Martin too."

Jimmy nodded, "Well, they all are, and so am I."

He was a little surprised to hear that Jimmy was from the Deep Space Company. He didn't understand how the Deep Space Company could have anything to do with their pet clinic.

In Benjamin's impression, Deep Space Company is an Internet plus film and television company.

"Excuse me, what are you responsible for at Deep Space Corporation?"

"I'm mostly in charge of the investment side of things," Jimmy replied.

"It turns out that Deep Space also has an investment department."

Jimmy didn't say much about his identity, but continued to talk about the topic, "Our company has just established a new company called Cat Doctor, mainly to enter the pet market. We hope to cooperate with Mao Sky to build a national chain For the pet hospital brand, you provide the technology and brand, while we provide the capital and operating model.”

What Jimmy said was exactly what Benjamin wanted, but Benjamin had some doubts about Jimmy's sudden appearance, because he had never contacted an investment bank before, and he only wanted to get some money from the bank.

Jimmy could tell that Benjamin didn't understand these things, so he was not in a hurry, and said to Benjamin slowly, "Deep Space Company has had many successful investment cases, and we have actually taken a fancy to the potential of your store. Doing business is actually very easy." Simple, cooperation is very important, and the basis of cooperation is complementarity, you have what we want, we also have what you want, and only when we are together can we realize our greater potential."

"But I can also get a loan from the bank. I think the bank's interest is far from enough to pay what you want?"

Jimmy nodded: "That's for sure, but no amount of money from the bank can solve your problems. I'm sure, if you rely on yourself alone, you can't have more than ten pet hospitals, and every time you open one, your The profit will become less. At that time, you will earn less profit, but you have to pay the interest of the bank regularly, in other words, you are working for the bank.”

Benjamin's eyelids twitched, "How do I know that cooperating with you will not be reduced to working for you?"

"These are completely two concepts. Our company's capital contribution is completely different from borrowing. If the business is not doing well, you don't need to repay the loan, which means that we are helping you share the risk. Moreover, after we joined, the first goal is to open three If Shijiamao’s Sky is well managed, even if you only hold 20.00% of the shares, the income will be more than it is now, and the fixed assets will also be multiplied many times.”

Seeing that Benjamin was a little moved, Jimmy continued, "After the first goal is completed, our goal is to open one hundred pet hospitals. The name of Cat's Sky will also spread all over the world. And all you need to do is It is just to provide some training and technical services, which is simpler than what we are doing now. Of course, I know that you also know a lot of veterinarians. After our chain stores open, you can also recruit them, or we can simply Buy some veterinary hospitals that you think are good, and let them become members of Cat Sky."


After Jimmy left, Benjamin was still in a daze.

Having opened a pet hospital for so many years, although he has met some fund managers, he has never seen an investment bank as brilliant as Jimmy, and he has been completely convinced by Jimmy.

But for such a big matter, he can't make the decision by himself. He needs to discuss it with his father and younger brother.

While Benjamin was thinking about what Jimmy said, his younger brother William Ramsey came back from the outside.

William Ramsey was full of joy. Seeing Benjamin in a daze, he smiled and said, "What's the matter? Could it be that you are worried about the operation in the afternoon? No, it's just a birth control operation."

Benjamin looked up at his younger brother, "William, don't you pay attention to Deep Space Corporation?"

William didn't understand why Benjamin suddenly mentioned Deep Space Company, and said a little strangely, "Well, I am quite concerned about Deep Space Company, why do you ask this suddenly? Is there any new news about Deep Space Company? Don't make such a fuss, Deep Space Company Airline is always in the headlines, they're a star company."

Benjamin shook his head, "No, someone came over just now and said he wanted to invest in our pet hospital. He claimed to be the person in charge of investing in Deep Space Corporation. You pay more attention to Deep Space Corporation. Does this company have an investment department?"

William tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "I haven't heard of this, but their company has invested a lot. Didn't they just announce the acquisition of a company a few days ago? They also invested in Amazon and Flash Print. I have bought shares in Motorola and Apple. Some people say that these investments have something to do with YU, but I think that as a writer, YU should have no time to pay attention to investment matters, and these investments should be decided by James.”

Benjamin blinked, "James?"

"Well, Jimmy James, the boss of Deep Space Company, has been a very famous business tycoon in recent years. I heard that he was a third-rate screenwriter ten years ago, and he has already become worth billions of dollars in just a few years."

Benjamin swallowed, then took out the black business card from his pocket, "Is this Jimmy James you mean?"

"The spelling is the same... By the way, I have his photo, and I'll show it to you."

William Ramsey ran to his small office and pulled out an economics magazine with Jimmy on the cover.

Looking at Jimmy on the cover, Benjamin fell into shock. The person who just left their clinic was the person in the photo.

Seeing Benjamin's expression, William also looked in disbelief, "My God, don't tell me that he is the one who came to see you today."

Benjamin nodded numbly.

William hugged his head and shouted: "Jimmy James actually wants to invest in our pet store, my God, I'm not dreaming. That's Jimmy James, and the smallest project in his hand is tens of millions. He can actually Come see our veterinary clinic and come talk in person. Tell me, how are they going to work with us?"

Benjamin shook his head, "It's not that deep yet. I just told him that I need to think about it. But he said some ideas. Their first goal is to open [-] cats in the sky, and the second stage goal is [-] cats." Family."

After hearing that a hundred stores were to be opened, William calmed down, "Well, yes, we need to have a good talk, but it must be done quickly. There are so many pet hospitals. They have chosen us now, but they may choose us at any time. Others. Before we meet next time, we have to think about our advantages and figure out what James is looking for in us. Only by figuring this out can we cooperate with them better."

After listening to William's analysis, Benjamin couldn't help nodding. He always felt that his younger brother was more business-minded than him, but William hadn't been focused on business. good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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