Chapter 844

What Jimmy said was exactly what Yu Dong wanted. Even if there was no quarrel between Deep Space and Lenovo, Yu Dong and the others would join forces with Acer to suppress Lenovo.

Because in the domestic market, Acer is completely outmatched by Lenovo. To maintain the vitality of the PC market, what Deep Space needs to do is to unite with a relatively weaker party to put some pressure on a stronger party.

Some people may ask, the vitality of the Chinese PC market has something to do with your deep space, and the deep space company is not involved in hardware manufacturing.

But in fact, not to mention that Shenkong has acquired BenQ Dentsu and has a large number of PC OEM business in hand. Just talking about the development of other businesses of Shenkong Company also needs the domestic PC market to maintain vitality.

A well-developed Internet industry can promote the development of the PC market, but if the market is monopolized by a certain company, it will make the market lack of vitality. At that time, although Chinese people can keep up with the pace in software, they will lag behind in hardware. , In this way, it is very detrimental to the overall development of the Internet.

Moreover, Deep Space Corporation is still entering the game field, and the relationship between games and PCs is quite large.

Not to mention that there is still some conflict between Deep Space and Lenovo itself. It is impossible for Deep Space to allow Lenovo to become bigger and stronger. Acer is the best choice to help Deep Space suppress Lenovo.

Acer has this strength, but also has this ambition, so the two hit it off.

Yu Dong smiled and said to Jimmy, "It shouldn't be difficult to do this. In order to have more cooperation with us, Shi Zhengrong will agree. And this matter itself is very beneficial to them. Binding to the Deep Space Network will definitely Let them gain more advantages in the competition with Lenovo."

Jimmy laughed and said, "I will call Shi Zhengrong personally to discuss this matter with him later, and try to settle this matter as soon as possible. Before the computer is launched, I will use a wave of public opinion to disrupt Lenovo's position. Lenovo Recently, it seems that they have thought of entering the mobile phone field, and if the news that Acer computers are bound to the Deep Space Network comes out at this time, they may not have extra energy to focus on this matter.”

"I heard from Yu Liang that Yang Qing also contacted Qi Chenggong of Xohua Electronics, but because we were one step ahead, Yang Qing didn't get any useful information from Qi Chenggong. But Lenovo wants to get a mobile phone It shouldn't be too difficult to make a license plate, Liu Chuanzhi should have a way."

"No, Liu Chuanzhi does have a lot of contacts, but the mobile phone manufacturing license is a bit special, and it is difficult for them to get it. Why did Yang Qing go to Xohua Electronics? It must be because they have tried to apply for their own. Mobile phone manufacturing license, but the result is not good, so I can only find a way to borrow chickens to lay eggs, but the problem is that there are only a few chickens on the market, and very few are willing to lend them. I missed Xohua Electronics , They don’t have many chances. Therefore, we must win Xohua Electronics, even if we are not in a hurry to make mobile phones, we must disrupt Lenovo’s rhythm and make them in a dilemma.”

"Well, also, when I went to Shi Zhengrong's house as a guest, he mentioned the pets thing."

Jimmy smiled and said, "He's quite well informed, but even if he knows, it's nothing, and we didn't think about keeping it from anyone. There are only two ways for pets to go, one is to wait for bankruptcy and liquidation, The other is to let us take it over. There is no way anyone else will take it over except us. I think, in order to reduce losses, between these two options, they will definitely choose the latter. I have actually started contacting some pets As a distributor of supplies, after we take over the pets, we must enrich the products of the mall as soon as possible."

"What you're doing is too advanced." Yu Dong said.

"In fact, it is not advanced at all. After contacting some pet product distributors, I found one thing, that is, there are too few types of pet products in the market, there are only a few types in total, nothing new, and lack of attraction to customers I am going to set up a special team to investigate and study the needs of pet owners, to see if I can research some novel things that can attract those pet owners. It will definitely take a lot of time to do these things, I hope It can be done before the pets, if you don't do it now, it will be too late."

Yu Dong couldn't help nodding: "From what you said, it's really not too advanced."


At the beginning of July, Jinyi had been on vacation, but the school was still very lively, because Jinling this summer was quite special.

First of all, we will talk about the Galaxy Awards.

This year's Galaxy Awards are different from previous years. It is not entirely organized by "Science Fiction World", but jointly organized by "Science Fiction World", "Science Fiction King" and Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Among them, "Science Fiction Association" as dominant.

In previous years, the Galaxy Awards ceremony was basically held in July, but this year, in order to match the activity schedule of the Deep Space Park, the Galaxy Awards ceremony was postponed to August [-]th.

At that time, the awards ceremony will still be held in Chengdu, and after that, a week-long sci-fi themed event will be held.

Since July [-]th, the activities in the Deep Space Park have not stopped. Almost every day, well-known authors hold autograph sessions, and there will be some singer autograph sessions interspersed in between.

This is a daytime event, and at night, there are often stars performing in deep space.

Among them is Sun Yanzi, who has just released a new album. Because Yu Dong and his wife suddenly appeared at Sun Yanzi's signing, she has been very popular during this period. The most intuitive data reflects her record sales.

For two consecutive weeks, the weekly sales volume of "Sun Yanzi" was the second largest in Taiwan, second only to the company's Mayday new album "Long Live Love". Especially in the second month, the sales volume of the two albums was not much different. The sales volume of "Sun Yanzi" seems likely to surpass that of "Long Live Love" at any moment.

Of course, no matter whose record takes the first place, the biggest winner is Deep Space Music, because in this kind of chart, several of the top ten albums are from their company.

But the most powerful is Jay Chou, who is on the list almost every week.

Although the last album was released last year, it is still often able to break into the top five, including his first album, which has been released for almost two years, but sometimes the basis of the weekly list can be seen The figure of "Jay Chou".

Many Jinyi students did not leave school, some were going to work in the Deep Space Park, and some simply wanted to join in the fun or feel the atmosphere.

After all, Jinyi is an art school. In summer, many singers, actors, directors, and screenwriters will come to the Deep Space Park and stay in Jinling. Students also have many opportunities to meet these people.

Downstairs in the teaching and staff apartment, Yu Hua took a cattail fan and sighed, "I feel like there is no holiday this summer. There are people coming and going, and it is more lively than during the usual class. During the usual class, the students They are all inside the classroom, but now the students are outside. In such a hot day, this young man is still running around, and he is really resistant to the sun."

Bi Feiyu smoked a cigarette and said with a smile, "No, I went to the vegetable garden this morning to look, and the cucumbers in the garden were all wilted."

Wang Xiaobo, who was originally bowing his head in meditation, turned his head and said curiously, "There are still cucumbers in the garden? I went there around noon, not to mention cucumbers, not even the grandson of cucumbers, I'm still wondering if it's because the weather is too hot this summer, so the cucumbers don't grow in the sun."

Bi Feiyu chuckled, "I was afraid that the cucumbers would be spoiled in the sun in the vegetable garden for too long, so I picked them and ate them."

Yu Hua rolled her eyes, "So it was stolen by you."

Bi Feiyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't say stealing is so ugly."

"Yes, it's theft. Should we go to the Luoyuan Garden when we have time? There should be a lot of cucumbers in the garden over there. There are more melon seedlings there than the school's." Yu Hua said with a curled lip.

"Okay, let's go there sometime later and search for Luoyuan's cucumbers... and clean them up. There are only a few people in Luoyuan, and they won't be able to finish eating so many melons."

Wang Xiaobo nodded, "If that's the case, then we've done a good thing?"

"Of course, Yuanwai usually treats us well, and it's only natural for us to help him do what we can."

Yu Hua shook her fan, "Exactly."

Several people were chatting, and Yu Dong came back from the outside, holding a bag in his hand, and it looked like a big watermelon inside.

Seeing them enjoying the shade under the tree, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Oh, these great writers are wasting their time under this tree again."

This sentence is naturally a mockery, ridiculing that these writers do not engage in creation every day, either playing cards and drinking together, or lying dead in boredom.

But now they are all dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water, especially Yu Hua, when he heard Yu Dong mocking them, he laughed, "If time is not wasted, it will be meaningless."

Yu Dong had gotten used to Yu Hua's nonsense, he shook his head and prepared to go upstairs.

However, before he stepped onto the steps, he heard Bi Feiyu yelling from behind, "Wainers, please stay!"

Yu Dong turned his head to look at Bi Feiyu, with a puzzled expression on his face, "What's wrong?"

Sitting on the chair, Bi Feiyu looked at the bag in Yu Dong's hand, "If I'm not mistaken, this bag must contain Qingmen Green Jade House."

Before Yu Dong could answer, Yu Hua next to him opened his mouth and said, "Huh?"

Wang Xiaobo explained, "It's watermelon."

Yu Hua nodded, "Oh."

Yu Dong picked up the bag, "It's a watermelon. It was given to me by Old Wu in the office just now."

Bi Feiyu asked strangely: "Hey, why did Principal Wu give you watermelon when he was fine?"

"He said he saw someone selling melons at the gate of the school. He saw that the melons looked good and the price was cheap, so he bought two. When he saw me in the office, he gave me one. I didn't want it, but he gave it to me. As soon as the melons were put in my office, they left," Yu Dong said.

Yu Hua rubbed her hands and said, "Hey, I only heard that the director gave gifts to the principal, but this is the first time I heard that the principal gave gifts to the director."

After speaking, Yu Hua got up and walked in front of Yu Dong, and took the melon in Yu Dong's hand, "Well, this melon looks really good. Our principal Wu not only has a good eye for people, but also has a good eye for picking melons." It’s not bad either. Of course, a good melon is a melon, so you have to cut it open and taste it before you can make a conclusion.”

"I'll get the knife." Bi Feiyu got up.

"I'll get the trash can." Wang Xiaobo also got up.

After a while, knives and trash cans arrived, Yu Hua pressed the watermelon on the stone table, white knives went in and red knives came out.

Three times, five times and two times, a whole watermelon was cut into pieces.

"Yeah, it's really sweet." While gnawing on the watermelon, Yu Hua kindly said to Dong, "Yuanwai, you can eat it too. You're welcome."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Can I eat watermelon without freezing it?"

Although he said so, Yu Dong took a watermelon and sat down on the bench under the shade of the tree.

After Yu Hua finished eating a bunch of watermelons, she turned her head and asked Yu Dong, "What have you been up to these two days? I didn't see anyone, so I thought you had gone to Luoyuan. When you didn't come, I told them, Let's go to Luoyuan together to help you clean up those cucumbers that you can't finish eating."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "If you guys put one-tenth, no, one percent of your cucumber-picking energy into literary creation, then Chinese novels can take a step up. I think , The stagnation of Chinese literature is absolutely due to the gift of cucumber."

Wang Xiaobo waved his hand, "That's not right. Chinese literature has a hardworking person like you, and it's impossible to stagnate. Do the math. If we add up the number of works and average the number of works, it must exceed the entire The average level of the world's writers."

Yu Dong teased, "The cucumbers you eat together far exceed the average level of everyone in the world."

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "That's not wrong."

Yu Hua's words didn't stop him from eating melons. After eating two watermelons in a row, he wiped his mouth and asked, "I heard that there is a TV interview for this trip to America?"

Yu Dong asked strangely, "Didn't Yu Yu give you all the content of the interview?"

"It was given to us, but we haven't looked at it carefully," Yu Hua said.

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth, "If you haven't watched it, don't watch it. It's useless to read it. It's just an interview arranged by abc. It's nothing special. I will ask you some questions, some of which are scheduled in advance, and some of which are temporary. Ask questions, there will be an interpreter at the scene, and you can just look at the answers yourself."

"Aren't you with us?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "Let's go, ABC is doing a literature project this time. Apart from us, there are other writers. There are about seven or eight writers in total. They are all old acquaintances. Clerzio and Monroe will be in attendance."

"With you here, we don't have to worry about it. You must be asking many questions."

(End of this chapter)

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