Regarding the topic of "The Road to Literature", Yu Dong also talked about it several times. Although there are several versions, each version is not too different.

To be honest, of course he didn't lie, after all, he did start on the road of literature because he met Su Tong by the Qinhuai River.

What Yu Dong said was normal, after he finished speaking, it was Kenzaburo Oe's turn to speak.

Oe Kenzaburo’s literary path was more normal than what Yu Dong said. He first fell in love with reading, and thus became interested in literature. Later, he entered the liberal arts department of Tokyo University, and then began to study French literature, reading Camus, Sartre, etc. Man's French original.

That is, after reading those original French works with Kazuo Watanabe, he came up with the idea of ​​publishing his own works.

After briefly talking about how he fell in love with literature and how he started writing, Oe Kenzaburo talked about his writing attitude, or the theme of his works.

Kenzaburo Oe was born during the war. He was just ten years old when Nihong was defeated and surrendered. He had such a profound influence on him that his later published works were all anti-war themes.

Because of his anti-war, his reputation in China is still very good.

In addition to expressing his attitude in his works, he also has some practical actions.

A few years ago, Oe Kenzaburo won the Nobel Prize for Literature, but he rejected the Cultural Medal awarded by Emperor Neon himself, and he gave a speech at the Nobel Prize Ceremony, listing the Jinling Massacre as one of the three major human acts of humanity in the twentieth century. One of the catastrophes of communism, urging Neon to get rid of the ambiguous attitude and bravely admit the sins of history.

Kenzaburo Oe didn't even think about it, he just nodded and agreed, "Okay, thank you for your invitation, I will definitely go."

The most important thing is that this article is mysterious enough. Before that, only more than 100 people have read it, which means that if they are fast enough, they will be able to read this article faster than most people in the world. novel.

After taking the microphone, Oe Kenzaburo said very solemnly, "The book I am reading recently is "Curse" by YU."

In order to make sure that it was correct, the people from the operation department of the network platform also looked at the homepage of Tribal Pig, and confirmed that he was a physician, and also confirmed that the article was related to the news that Tully b banned people from flying kites.

"What text to match?" the staff asked.

Clezio and Joyce Oates are also more joking, especially Clezio, who has been in contact with Yu Hua and the others for a long time, and their styles have gradually become somewhat similar.

When Oe Kenzaburo finished talking about his literary career, it was Yu Hua's turn to make up things.

At this time, in the director's studio, the director looked at the audience's reaction, held his chin and pondered for a while, and then said to the staff next to him, "Quickly contact the network platform operation department and ask them to find the article that YU said , with text forwarding."

"And when I was wandering on the Deep Space Tribe, I found an article. This article was posted by an ordinary Horde user. The word count was not many, it was just a short story, and the reading volume was very low. I went to At that time, there were more than 100 readings, which means that before me, only more than 100 people read this article."

Because this topic was announced in advance, everyone was prepared.

This essay is very short, not like a novel, but more like a memory, but its content is very close to the content of the novel "The Kite Runner", just because the length is very short, the plot is quite different, combined with the tribal pig Personal information, Yu Dong can basically confirm that this person is the author of "The Kite Runner", and this essay is a condensed version of the novel "The Kite Runner".

In fact, it can’t be regarded as a compilation. Joyce Oates probably did meet a boy he fell in love with when he was young, and he probably got some literary inspiration from this love.

After agreeing, the staff may go to the network platform operation department.

After Oe Kenzaburo finished sharing his work, it was Yu Dong's turn to be the last one.

If it wasn't for the recording of the show, some viewers would have already run back to turn on the computer, log in to the Deep Space Tribe and search for "The Kite Runner".

Then why did what he wrote attract Yu Dong?
As a great writer, why is Yu Dong interested in a short article written by a physician?There must be something special about it.


But she made up a story on the spot, saying that the reason why she embarked on the path of literature was related to a boy she met in adolescence. The story was a little romantic and a little playful.

Not only does Deep Space have shares in EPSN, but it also has a very good relationship with ABC's owner, Walt Disney. Of course, ABC doesn't want to offend East.

"Let's keep it simple, just write - real-time battle report, YU said, this is the best novel he has read this year."

There is no certainty about how much reading is needed to become a writer, but what is certain is that only those who have maintained the desire to read for a period of time will have the desire to create.

Joyce Oates’ literary path is actually very simple. She grew up on her grandfather’s farm and later studied in a high school near Buffalo. Since then, she has read a large number of literary works, including The most common ones are Dostoevsky, Faulkner and Kafka.

When she was studying for a Ph.D. at Rice University, she accidentally discovered that one of her short stories had been selected into the "Best Collection of American Short Stories", so she decided to give up her studies and devote herself to writing.

"Of course, besides the fact that most people haven't read it, it must be a good story. The author of this story is not a professional writer. I turned over his personal homepage. This is even his first work. He himself A physician."

After confirming, they forwarded this tribe with their official account and accompanied it.

Yu Dong didn't tell everyone what the content of this short article was, nor did he tell them the reasons for his recommendation, but the one he recommended attracted the most attention because it was very special.

After entering university, she began to try writing and created a large number of short stories.

If a young writer said this, everyone might think too much, thinking that this person is flattering Yudong, but these words were said by Kenzaburo Oe, and the meaning is different. After all, Kenzaburo Oe doesn’t need it. Go kiss Yu Dong's ass.

"It's in line with my expectations, because I wanted to share a work that most people haven't seen."

"When I was young, in order to make people feel the cruelty of war, I would show children's war experience, which is derived from my personal experience. There are similar descriptions in "Curse", but the ink is not heavy, unconsciously It makes people feel the weight of the war..."

Talking about "The Curse", Oe Kenzaburo seemed to have a lot to say. He talked for about 10 minutes, talking about his own reading experience, and incidentally talked about the difference between the French version and the neon version.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to contact this tribal pig and signed a contract with him in advance, but he delayed it because he was busy recently. He just wanted to share a work he watched recently, so he brought up "The Kite Runner".

"This is not the first time I read the novel "Curse". At the beginning, because there was no neon version of "Curse", I could only read the French version of "Curse". Hong's bookstore saw the neon language version of "Curse", so I bought it back and read it again. I read it twice and was shocked twice. YU's works have a kind of shocking power. There is no envy of tragic and tragic scenes, but still It can make people feel the cruelty of war."

After finishing the first topic, the host initiated the second topic, asking them each to share a work they were reading with the audience.

"No, you didn't hear from YU just now, hasn't he read any novels this year?"

Moreover, Kenzaburo Oe has also been to China several times and has a very friendly attitude towards China.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Before noon yesterday, I was actually quite distressed, which work should I share with you. Recently, I read very little, and basically I was working, except for my own books, or some books. Working documents, I basically didn’t read anything else. For this reason, I took the time yesterday afternoon to browse the Deep Space Tribe, looking for any good works.”

Most of the people at the scene are literature lovers, and they have basically read the works recommended by them, so naturally they don't think there is anything new.

Hearing Kenzaburo Oe's words, everyone at the scene became interested, because he was the first to share the works of the guests on site today, and the works shared by others all have a characteristic, that is-the author has passed away.

After one round, Kenzaburo Oe and Alice Munro were more reliable, and everyone else basically made it up, including Clezio and Joyce Oates.

The works recommended by others are basically masterpieces handed down from generation to generation, and Oe Kenzaburo recommended Yu Dong's "Curse".

This time the order is reversed, Oe Kenzaburo and Yu Dong are the last two.

In fact, because Deep Space Tribe is now the largest social platform in the world, the business of this department is also concentrated on Deep Space Tribe.

Because of this, ABC will put Kenzaburo Oe on the guest list. If they invite someone who has a bad attitude towards China, they are also afraid that Yu Dong will be unhappy. After all, Yu Dong is not only a literati, but also one of the shareholders of Deep Space Corporation. one.

Or, on the other hand, only by reading for a long time can the creation be completed when the desire for creation arises.

After the network platform operation department confirmed the task, they searched for the words "kite runner" on the Deep Space Tribe, and then found the article Yu Dong mentioned.

Everyone has different reasons for embarking on the path of literature, but in the final analysis, they are all the same. The vast majority, at least among the writers Yu Dong has met, everyone, the reason why they become writers is derived from a large number of writers. read.

Reading in childhood and adolescence is crucial to becoming a writer later. No one reads because they are preparing to be a writer, but they eventually become a writer because of a lot of reading.

After searching the keywords, most of the news came out was that Tali b banned people from flying kites. However, among several news, Yu Dong found a short article that happened to be called "The Kite Runner".

After Oe Kenzaburo finished speaking, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Thank you for your praise. It is an honor for "Curse" and mine to be liked by Neon's best works. In addition, I am also an international representative of Jinling Art Academy Director of the Writing Center, I sincerely extend an invitation to Mr. Oe Kenzaburo, and hope that you can visit Jinling when you have time. Jinling is a city that carries history. The people there will never forget history, and people who also do not forget history are welcome to visit .”

More than a week ago, when he was hanging out on the Deep Space Tribe, he saw some netizens discussing the news that Tali b banned people from flying kites, and he thought of the famous novel "The Kite Runner", so he went to the Deep Space Tribe. I searched for the keyword kite on the empty tribe.


"Is it too exaggerated, will Yu be angry?"

But the "Kite Runner" recommended by Yu Dong is different. It turned out to be a tribal article that Yu Dong accidentally saw. The author is a physician and has never written anything before.

In fact, Yu Dong had read this novel more than a week ago, and he usually likes to search for some keywords on the Internet.

The Network Platform Operations Department is a new department that was officially established last year. This department is responsible for managing the accounts of major network platforms. The name of the department is very long, but everyone is used to calling them the Network Platform Operations Department.

When Yu Dong said this, the people at the scene were a little confused. They didn't know what he was going to say. Could it be that Yu Dong wanted to share an article about "Tribe" with them?
Although everyone was puzzled, Yu Dong was not in a hurry to reveal the answer, he continued to smile and said, "Some time ago, there was a report about Tali b banning citizens from flying kites, and the author's favorite activity when he was a child was kite flying , so he wrote this article on a whim. The title of the article is called "The Kite Runner". This article is not long, so I won't spoil it here. Tribes search 'kite runner' and you'll see this article."

"The best short story of the year, personally certified by YU."

Sometimes, when people pass on a message, there is a little difference, which is normal.

That is to say, the staff of the network platform operation department are not courageous enough, otherwise they might write the title as: The best novel of the year, YU pays homage to it!

ABC's Deep Space Tribe account has been established a long time ago, and it is the first batch of official accounts. In addition, their operation is not bad, and now they have more than 200 million fans, which is a big official.

And before the interview started today, their account had already posted the tribe, so many people are following their account today, waiting for any new news related to Yu Dong and the others.

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