Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 890 There is no new plot

The biggest "victim" of Deep Space's "dividing into parts" is Samsung Electronics, because they buy the most from advertisements in so many regions.

Now they want to enter the mobile phone into the Chinese market, so they must buy the advertisements in China, and the price is not low.

On the Korean side, although they have done a good job in the market and don’t need publicity urgently, they don’t want other brands to seize their domestic market in Korea through TV dramas in deep space. Not to mention foreign brands, there are also some in Korea. Manufacturers are eyeing, want to replace it.

The people from LG once approached Deep Space, hoping to buy the advertisement, but in the end, Samsung Electronics offered a higher price.

In fact, in order to get the advertising space in "Flowers and Grass Lovers", Samsung Electronics' biggest rival is not LG, but the industry giant Motorola.

Motorola and Samsung Electronics started advertising sponsorship negotiations with Deep Space at almost the same time. Both parties are very determined to get this advertising space. Apart from being optimistic about the ratings of this TV series in Asia, there are other reasons .

For Motorola, they have passed the initial honeymoon period with Deep Space, and now there are obviously some problems in the relationship between the two parties. Otherwise, Deep Space would not have not informed Motorola of their company's plan to make a TV series at the first time.

In the past, if Deep Space Company wanted to make a TV series or movie, it would definitely tell Motorola first, and if Motorola was interested, it would make a price.

If the price offered by Motorola is not bad, Deep Space will not even contact other companies, and will directly cooperate with Motorola.

The situation is completely different now, Cole even knew about the shooting plan of "Flower and Grass Lover" after Li Youchan.

Of course, Motorola is unwilling to lose a partner like Deep Space, so it is determined to use this advertising sponsorship to bring the relationship between the two parties back to the previous time.

As for Samsung, they really want to get the help of Deep Space Corporation, so they hope that Deep Space Corporation can see their sincerity.

In this way, the two sides launched several rounds of competition. In the end, Samsung Electronics offered an irresistible price, and Motorola lost directly.

But now it seems that Samsung is not at a loss. "Flower and Grass Lover" has gained a very high degree of attention when it first aired in Taiwan. If it is, the final average ratings will definitely exceed 4.1, and it is very likely to become the second TV series in Taiwan.

It is very difficult to get the number one, because the number one is "Love Through Time and Space", its data is difficult to break.

If there is such a high ratings in Baodao, it will definitely not be bad in Korea.

In the past, there were some restrictions on Chinese TV dramas in Korea, but now the attitude has gradually changed. In addition, the heroine in this TV drama is still played by Koreans, and the situation will be even better.

Samsung is willing to pay a high price for the advertisement of this TV series, and there is also a reason for the heroine. With a Korean heroine, it is easier to enter the Korean market.

Now under such circumstances, Samsung is also considering whether to discuss with Deep Space Company in advance and invite the heroine Qian Xiuyan to shoot an advertisement for their mobile phone.

After "Flower and Grass Lover" was broadcast in mainland China, it quickly topped the ratings list of all David TV.

And on the third day after the first broadcast, Yu Dong gave the first literary literacy class to the first-year acting freshmen this semester.

According to the usual practice, in the first lesson of the literary literacy class, Yu Dong asked a question that was asked every year.

"Everyone, do you know why you take the literature literacy class?"

Regarding this question, the students below were not surprised at all, as if they had guessed that Yu Dong would ask this question a long time ago.

A male student with a face full of acne raised his hand.

Yu Dong called by name and said, "Guo Jinfei, please answer."

Guo Jinfei stood up grinning, "Teacher Yu, I think the literary literacy class can improve our understanding of scripts and lines, and at the same time improve our personal cultivation and temperament. The so-called poetic and literary spirit is self-effacing, and some things can be performed by actors." Yes, but there are some things that actors can’t perform. In addition, I have a little bit of personal opinion. I think that after taking the literature literacy class, even if we don’t become actors in the future, we want to do something else, so we don’t know nothing. Nothing."

"That's a good answer." Yu Dong nodded.

Obviously, Guo Jinfei knew in advance that he would ask this question, so he organized the answer so quickly.This is not surprising, he has been asking this question all these years, and the students have been here for so long, so they have already heard of it.

However, Yu Dong didn't think about changing the question next year. He didn't ask the students questions, not to overwhelm the students, but to hope that they could really think about this question.

These students already knew that they were going to ask this question before taking this class, and they would think about how to answer this question in advance. Yu Dong believed that this kind of thinking would help their growth, and his purpose of asking the question was also reached.

After letting Guo Jinfei sit down, Yu Dong asked several students one after another, and everyone's answers were very good.

After asking around, Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "After asking the questions, let's start today's class. In this class, we will start with drama, so that everyone can understand the literariness contained in drama. We often hear people talking about literariness. This novel has higher literariness, and that novel has lower literariness. Everyone seems to have a vague idea of ​​what literariness is, but if you describe it carefully, you can say Can it come out?"

The students looked at me and you at the bottom, and finally shook their heads. No one could say what literariness is.

Yu Dong continued, "It is not easy to define literariness. In the past 100 years, some writers and scholars have tried to define literariness, but no definition has been recognized by everyone. Formalists believe that Vivid, vivid, and touching are literariness, innovation is literariness, on the contrary, plainness and conformity are the mortal enemies of literariness."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong noticed that there was a student in the audience who hesitated to speak, so he smiled and said to the student, "Song Cheng, do you have any questions?"

After being called by Yu Dong, everyone looked at Song Cheng.

Song Xi is a freshman in the acting class, and she is different from other freshmen in the same class.

A week ago, Song Xi was still a student majoring in pop singing in the Music Department. After staying in the Music Department for a month, she transferred to the Performance Department.

Since many years ago, Jinyi has such a policy. If students are not satisfied with the major after entering the school, they can change majors at any time. Those who wish to do so can apply.

After the students apply, they will take time to arrange a professional examination for the students, including written examination and interview. As long as the students can pass the written examination and interview, they can officially transfer to the major they want to go to.

The reason why such a policy was introduced back then was actually because I missed the college entrance examination when the Theater Creation Department was re-established, and it was deliberately implemented in order to have students in the Acting Department.And the first batch of students who entered the acting department that year basically greeted them in advance, asking them to apply for other majors first, and after they enrolled, they would arrange a unified professional examination for them.

That professional exam was just a formality, and everyone successfully changed their majors.

The policy has not been reversed since then.

While the policy has not been revoked, few will switch majors.

It is not easy to change majors in Jinyi. In order to balance the number of majors, the difficulty of changing majors is very high. That is to say, unless you are very talented in the major you want to go, you can hope to enter.

Usually, when students first enter the school, they have no idea of ​​changing majors, and they don't even know that there is a policy of changing majors.

By the time they know this policy and have the idea of ​​changing majors, it is already too late, because the higher the grade, the harder it is to take the exam for changing majors.

In addition, there is only one exam for changing majors, and if you fail the exam, you will have no chance in the future.

Like Song Xi, they changed their majors within a few days of coming to school, and very few of them successfully changed their majors. Their acting majors have never appeared until now, and only those who have successfully transferred out before.

But Song Xi was able to transfer in and everyone was not so surprised, because this girl's appearance is really good, and she can sing, dance and play the Liuqin. She has a very good foundation, and I heard that she performed very well in the interview.

Because she came by "airborne", Song Xi was relatively unfamiliar with her classmates, and everyone saw her expression more curiously.

After being named, Song Xi stood up and said, "Teacher Yu, I heard that formalism defines literariness. I think it's more like the definition of drama."

Yu Dong laughed, and pressed his hand to signal Song Chen to sit down, "That's right, student Song Chen, formalism's definition of literariness is actually dramatic, and this is also the questioning of their definition by other schools. If it is now In a literary theory class, I may share several other mainstream definitions with you, but today is just a literary literacy class. I don’t want to discuss with you what literariness is, nor do I want to Instilling some things in the history of literature into you, I just want to tell you that the so-called literariness does not have a unified definition, and you should not try to find a definition. You just need to remember that when you think a work has literary Then it exists. But you also have to remember that as you read more and more works and understand more and more, you may also deny your past self. Literariness is different for you at different stages. , is also a different thing.”

Guo Jinfei raised his hand again.

"Student Guo, please tell me."

"Teacher Yu, have you ever denied your past self?"

Yu Dong nodded, "In terms of literary taste, it has indeed been denied, and more than once. No one can recognize what is the best work from the beginning, and people's tastes change with time."

"Then Teacher Yu, can I think that you in the future may deny your literary taste today? Because people's tastes change with time." Guo Jinfei asked.

"Yes, there is such a possibility."

Guo Jinfei laughed, "Then if Teacher Yu's literary taste may be wrong today, does that mean we don't have to learn from you?"

After Guo Jinfei said this, the classroom was completely silent, and the students looked at Guo Jinfei with complicated expressions.

Although I have met Yu Dong many times, this is the first time I have attended Yu Dong's class. They have heard all the rumors about Yu Dong.

Yu Dong has a nickname called Smiling Face Shura, which actually means the same thing as Smiling Tiger, except that it sounds more vicious than Smiling Tiger.

The reason why he has such a title is because he usually looks like a spring breeze, but he trains people like Shura, which is simply unbearable for ordinary students.

Wang Lei, who usually gets along well with Guo Jinfei, moved to the side, for fear of being affected by Guo Jinfei.

Yu Dong didn't think it was embarrassing, and said with a smile, "Of course, as a college student, you absolutely have the autonomy to study. However, in order not to lose such an excellent student as you, I still have to fight for myself. Today’s literary aesthetics and literary theories may be opposed by me later, but you must at least have such a process in order to reach a possibly higher position.”

"Thank you Teacher Yu for your answer." Guo Jinfei thanked him very politely, and then sat down.

But Yu Dong suddenly said with a straight face, "Student Guo Jinfei, if you sit down without the teacher's permission, thirty points will be deducted from your usual points."

Guo Jinfei was so startled that he stood up quickly, and said falteringly, "I...I..."

Yu Dong pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Just kidding, in my class, the usual points are not deducted, so you can sit down."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Guo Jinfei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but just as he was about to sit down, Yu Dong suddenly said, "I usually wait until after class to deduct normal points, and I won't tell you directly."

As soon as these words came out, not only Guo Jinfei, but also the hearts of other students in the class tightened.

Seeing the appearance of the students, Yu Dong smiled and shook his head. He has taught for so many years, and he still has no problem handling these little kids.


After one and a half classes, Yu Dong finished his lecture, and after a brief homework assignment, he entered the communication session.

"If you have any questions you can discuss with each other, you can also raise your hands and ask me."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, he was about to pick up his teacup to take a sip of water when Song Yi suddenly raised his hand and said, "Mr. Yu, "Flower and Grass Lover" has been very popular with the audience these days, can you tell us why this TV series is so popular?" Is it so popular? The TV series made by Deep Space Company have relatively new plots, will this new plot become a new genre? Can you tell the students from a dramatic perspective?"

After Song Xi finished speaking, Yu Dong put down his teacup and said with a smile, "First of all, the TV series "Flower and Grass Lover" doesn't have any new plots."

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