Chapter 915 Andy Rubin
Yu Dong was going to talk to Jimmy, but Ken Williams stopped him on the way, "YU, who are you looking for?"

Ken Williams likes to talk around corners. Although he is asking who Yu Dong is looking for, what he really wants to say is do you have time to chat?
Yu Dong stopped in his tracks, Williams and his wife were there, and a young man stood beside him.

"I'm not looking for anyone, what are you talking about?" Yu Dong walked towards them, then looked at the young man and said, "Larry, do you feel comfortable coming to Jinling?"

The young man replied with a smile, "Everything is fine, if we can see the sun these two days, it will be even better."

"If you stay two more days, you will definitely be able to see the sun." Yu Dong laughed.

The young man shook his head helplessly, "The company still has things to deal with, and I'm going back tomorrow."

"Work matters."

Yu Dong nodded. The young man in front of him was the CEO of Google, Larry Page. Although he was under 30 years old, he was already worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

At this time the year before last, their company was still working in a cramped office that was only slightly better than a garage, and they could only sit on a ping-pong table during meetings.

By the middle of 1999, they had received a capital injection from Deep Space Corporation, and they grew rapidly. In the fall, Google stopped being a beta search engine and began processing about [-] million search results a day.

After more than a year of rapid development, Google has now become the world's largest Internet search engine, and even Yahoo has chosen Google as the default search result provider.

In the past year, this young man in his twenties has been on the headlines of major economic newspapers, and he has been in the limelight for a while.

At last year's annual meeting, Google was attended by Sergey Brin, but this year it was replaced by Larry Page.

Yu Dong looked at the Williams and his wife again, "Is Xueleshan going to cooperate with Google?"

Ken Williams laughed, "That's not true. We were just chatting. Mr. Page is very interested in our platform."

Larry Page nodded and said, "Well, I think space is a software with great potential, but it seems that it is not attractive enough. The two games "Plants vs. Zombies" and "Half-Life" make it It got more users, but people were just using it as a launch pad for Plants vs. Zombies or Half-Life."

Yu Dong smiled. What Larry Page said was true. Space just released a piece of data last week. This data shows that 80.00% of space users start the game "Plant" first after opening the software. Zombies or Half-Life.

Among the remaining 18.00% of the users, there are still close to 13.00% who do nothing after opening the software, and have not opened any game until the software is closed. After excluding these, only [-] users log in to space to play other games %, evenly distributed to each game is not much.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the launcher of "Plants vs. Zombies" and "Half-Life".

Users rarely open space to play other games. After all, games like "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole" do not need to log in to space if they want to play, because people can download them directly from the game mall website.

Space also has a points system, the longer the player plays the game, the more points they get, but because the points can't be exchanged for any good things, and space doesn't have social functions now, there is no way to pretend to be high points, So points are not very attractive to users.

But this problem will be better after the social function is opened in the space.

"Maybe you have any way to improve the problem?" Yu Dong asked.

Larry Page shook his head, "I don't have any good methods, but I think that space must first gain some advantages in the number of games. If they can get more exclusive games, even if users are unwilling, they must open this space. If there are three to five exclusive games on the space that users like, I don’t think they will find it troublesome to open the software.”

Ken Williams laughed: "This is exactly what we have been doing, and there will be more interesting exclusive games after "Plants vs. Zombies."

"Well, I'll keep an eye on you."

Larry Page took the initiative to find the Williams couple, because he was very interested in space, and even thought about acquiring this platform, but because of the existence of Deep Space Corporation, the possibility of Google wanting to acquire Sierra is very small.

Roberta Williams said with a smile: "Thank you very much for your support. I can invite you to go with Andy next time he goes to give a lecture in a certain school."

"Okay, I didn't make it this time. It's a pity that he is a very talented person. I have heard many stories about him." Larry Page said regretfully.

Yu Dong asked curiously, "Who is Andy?"

Roberta Williams laughed, "Andy Rubin, a friend of mine, is a very talented tech freak. He worked for Microsoft before, and after leaving Microsoft last year, he opened a company that seems to specialize in robotics. Well, he sometimes goes to some places to give lectures to software engineers. Just now Mr. Page said that he was going to take Andy's class, but he didn't make it because of something, which is very regrettable."

"You may have misremembered. His company does not specialize in robots. He has been researching robots before, but their company's equipment is a digital sponge, which is actually a scanning device. If it is successfully developed, It can scan objects, then upload pictures to the Internet, and find information about these objects on Internet platforms. Of course, this is only a theory, and it is very difficult to realize."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Doesn't this sound like the image search later?
It's just that later image search relied on smartphones, and now this guy named Andy Rubin wants to build a machine that can scan pictures.

It is indeed very difficult to realize and use this idea on the Internet, and it is basically impossible in a short time.

But Andy Rubin made Yu Dong interested, because his idea is very interesting. If they can research in this direction, they may develop some functions of smart phones.

"How is their product doing now, and how far can it be realized?"

Larry Page shook his head, "I don't know that, I actually don't pay much attention to their product."

"What's the name of his company?"

"Danger, a small company."

Danger, Yu Dong silently wrote down the name of this company. He planned to ask Jimmy to contact this Andy Rubin when he was not so busy in the next year. It would be best to invite him to come over for a chat and see what he thinks. What is it, if his research can really promote the development of smart phones, such a talent cannot be missed.

Larry Page was quite surprised to see that Yu Dong was so interested in Andy Rubin. He had always heard that Yu Dong was very sensitive in the IT industry, but he did not expect to be so sensitive. They just mentioned a person casually. Yu Dong was so concerned.

Roberta Williams saw that Yudong was interested in Andy Rubin, so she smiled and said, "If you want to find him, I can help you. He also mentioned it when he called me before. space, and said that the software is doing very well. I think if you want to meet him, he must be very willing."

Yu Dong thought for a while, nodded and said, "If it's convenient, I certainly hope to meet such an outstanding talent, but I'm busy these two days, so let's talk about it after New Year's Eve."

"No problem, if you want to find him, tell me anytime."


With more and more people in the hall, it became more and more difficult for Yu Dong to find Jimmy, because every few steps, someone called him to stop him, and he had to stop to say hello to someone. If we talk about something, it will take some time.

It wasn't until the dinner party that Yu Dong finally met Jimmy.

As soon as he saw Yu Dong, Jimmy said with a smile, "I just chatted with Mr. Han for a while, and they intend to jointly invest with us in establishing a theater chain management company."

Hearing this news, Yu Dong was not surprised at all, because Han Shanping mentioned this matter when he said that he would reform theaters.

Now that the theater chain has been reformed, it is equivalent to changing the pot, and China Film still wants to get meat from this new pot.

If they want to eat meat, they have to follow the market rules, so they have to set up a theater management company to compete with other theaters.

Han Shanping also knew that it was unrealistic to rely on them to compete with those energetic theater companies. It would be better to rely on their own brand to cooperate with powerful entertainment and media companies to develop theaters together.

Deep Space is naturally their first choice for China Film. Deep Space has very strong film and television drama production capabilities, as well as strong publicity capabilities and film distribution capabilities.

In addition, Deep Space Corporation has a special relationship with IMAX Corporation. If their theater chain wants to build an IMAX theater, it will also have the advantage of being close to the water.

In fact, Yu Dong is not particularly interested in the development of theater chains, but being able to control a theater chain is always a good thing for Shenkong Company, and it is not difficult to make money by cooperating with China Film.

"Have the details been finalized?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, "How is that possible? I'll find time to talk in detail later, but I think Mr. Han is still in a hurry, and I think we'll have an in-depth talk in the next year."

"Han Shanping is in such a hurry, so I guess he has already contacted some movie theaters. It is impossible to go to movie theaters to discuss the signing of contracts after the cooperation is negotiated. It would be too much work." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy nodded, "That's right, he also mentioned just now that he had indeed contacted some movie theaters and asked them about their wishes, and the result can be imagined. , Not many movie theaters can refuse. I have a little bit of Boss Han's bottom line, and his expectation is that within five years we can sign contracts with 1000 movie theaters, and the number of screens can exceed [-] yuan."

Yu Dong frowned and calculated, "This goal is not too difficult."

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's really not difficult. If you don't choose to sign a contract casually, it won't take five years at all. This amount can be achieved in one year. But when we sign a movie theater, we must also consider the quality of the movie theater, as well as our Management problems, each additional cinema in the theater chain will make management a little more difficult. It is not easy to manage [-] cinemas. If it is signed for a short period of time, it may cause confusion in management, which is of no benefit to us. .”

"Then Mr. Han, what does this new company mean by investing in theaters?"

Jimmy shook his head, "I don't have such a plan for the time being. He wants to grasp the theater management system first, and then consider investing in theaters after the theater chain is stable. After all, investing in theaters is too expensive compared to theater management." incredible."

"This way of thinking is correct. If you want to develop a theater chain, you must first operate the theater chain safely, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Haha, let's not talk much now, I have already asked him to chat with him tomorrow afternoon."

Yu Dong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, "I have an appointment with Tom Hanks to talk about the new movie tomorrow, and I will talk to you about the theater in the afternoon. You don't give me any time."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said, "Fortunately, I made an appointment with Mr. Han in the afternoon, otherwise I would crash the car. I didn't even know you had a morning appointment with Tom Hanks."

"I just made an appointment, and I'm going to tell you about this."

"That's fine, tomorrow..."

Just as Jimmy was about to say something, a staff member came over and whispered, "Mr. Ji, Mr. Yu, we are about to take our seats."

Hearing that they were going to sit down, the two nodded, and then went down to their table under the guidance of the staff.


Yu Dong stayed at the scene until nine o'clock and left. He neither saw off the guests who were in a hurry, nor stayed to take care of other guests, because there were too many people at the scene, and it was impossible for him to take care of them.

However, Deep Space Company has a strict responsibility system, and at least one staff member is responsible for each table of guests.

He went home with Yu Hua and the others. These guys were drunk and wanted to go to Luoyuan to play cards. Yu Dong had no choice but to ask the driver to drag them all to the paradise.

Went to Yu Dong, and brought back a total of ten people. If you beat the eggs, you can make more than two tables. If there are two more people in the garden, you can make three tables.

Arranged for them to play cards in the tea room, Yu Dong and his wife returned to their own small building.

Cheng Yanqiu listened attentively, and said with a smile, "It's not noisy when they play cards, you can't hear any noise."

"It's not a war, you can still hear the sound from this far away." Yu Dong took off his coat, and asked, "Is Yu Yi asleep?"

"Well, I went to bed very early today. I went to bed after eight o'clock, in her grandparents' room."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I performed so well today, I went to bed after eight o'clock."

"It was said that they were tired from running during the day, and Feng Changdi and his children are here today, leading her crazy and having fun all day."

"Children just like to play with children, but not with adults."

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes and said, "If you don't play with her more, she won't like to play with you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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