Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 921 You can consider the overseas version

Chapter 921 You can consider the overseas version
Rongcheng, Erdaoxiangzi Science Fiction Bookstore.

After nearly ten years of development, Erdaoxiangzi Science Fiction Bookstore has developed from a small bookstore to a well-known large bookstore nearby.

The shortcomings of single-product bookstores like Erdaoxiangzi are obvious. Except for fantasy and science fiction, they don’t sell other books here, and they don’t sell very profitable types such as stationery and teaching aids.

But compared to other bookstores, he also has an advantage in that it is less competitive.

Even in Chengdu, where sci-fi is very popular, there is only one sci-fi-themed bookstore like this.There are also some bookstores that claim to be science fiction-themed bookstores, but they are all a bit of a trick, selling other books and stationery.

Therefore, if sci-fi fans in Rongcheng want to buy sci-fi works, the Erdaoxiangzi Science Fiction Bookstore is the first thing they think of, because it has a large storefront and a full range of books.

Qin Fen, the owner of the bookstore, is a crazy fan of science fiction. In the eyes of regular customers, Erdao Alley is not so much a bookstore as a collection of books. Here, as long as you can think of science fiction books, there are basically If you can find it, most of them are sold outside, and some are collected by the boss himself.

Moreover, Qin Fen is also the president of the Rongcheng Branch of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, so Erdaoxiangzi Bookstore often holds some science fiction-themed activities.

There is also a relatively small event today, an exchange meeting about the movie "The Martian".

In fact, there have been many "The Martian" film exchanges. Since the film was released, Qin Fen will hold one every once in a while.

In fact, there are no other activities, but there are no activities and it is not lively, so this kind of film exchange meeting is held, and anyone who has never been here before can come to participate.

Because it was the middle of the week, not many people came today, including Qin Fen, there were only eight people, and two of them had come to participate before.

"I think that although the film has made some adaptations that do not conform to science fiction, it does not affect the excitement of the film. We can see the intentions of the producers. In fact, I have also been to the Mars base in Mangya, where I It was amazing to see all the props they made for this movie..."

A member was talking about his feelings about the movie, and Qin Fen leaned against the door frame and listened carefully. Although this kind of exchange meeting had been held many times, he would participate and listen carefully every time, because he could listen to it every time. to some very interesting discussions.

Many people say that he has paid a lot for science fiction, but he himself does not feel this way.

In the beginning, he really lost money by opening this bookstore, purely for his own interest.

But as domestic science fiction became more and more popular, his bookstore was also developing better and better. Even if he didn't think about making money, there would always be income.

Of course, compared to his investment, this part of the income does not seem to be very impressive. In the eyes of many people, it is better to have this money to invest in other things than to open this bookstore, but he does not think so. The money he earned is completely enough for him to continue his hobbies.

He first pays part of the money he makes every month to his wife, and then spends the rest of the money on buying various science fiction books. Over the past ten years, his bookstore seems to be full of stuff.

In fact, if he is willing, he can make a lot of money by selling those rare books in his hand. For example, he not only has the full set of signed books of Yu Dongchu, which was hot on the Internet, but also has two and a half sets.

Qin Fen, a well-known science fiction writer in China, has their autographed books here, not just photos, but a wall on the second floor is covered with photos of him taking photos with some kind of boss.

While Qin Fen was listening intently to the members' discussion, someone downstairs shouted, "Boss, pay the bill."

"Okay, here we come."

Qin Fen responded, and then walked downstairs with a rattling sound. That's why he leaned against the door frame and didn't sit down. Sometimes someone wanted to pay, so it was convenient for him to go down.

After he helped the customers settle the bill, a few more students came in, who seemed to be in junior high school. As soon as these students came in, they asked if there was any "The Martian" novel for sale.

"It's the very famous movie recently. I heard that there is an original book." One of the students worried that Qin Fen didn't know which book it was, so he explained.

Qin Fen smiled. Although Yu Dong's reputation in the country was already very high, he still often saw this kind of "new readers" who came to find the original book after watching the movie.

Of course, he would not waste this good opportunity to promote Yu Dong and science fiction, and said with a smile, "Of course, this novel has sold tens of millions of copies all over the world, and the author Yu Dong is the most famous in the world." Writers... what grade are you in?"

"Second year of junior high school."

"Oh, then you probably haven't learned his articles. I heard that in the third grade of junior high school, some of his articles appeared in some test papers."

One student scratched his head, "Yu Dong, we've heard of it before, is it the one who wrote "Essays on the Cucumber Garden"?"

"Isn't that who wrote "Essays in the Cucumber Garden"?"

"What is "Essays in the Cucumber Garden"? Why can't I remember it?"

"There was an excerpt in the last monthly exam."

"Is it?"

Qin Fen raised his eyebrows. Listening to the conversations of these students, he knew who was a top student and who was a scumbag.

But in retrospect, when he was in junior high school, he didn't seem to pay attention to the author of the articles that appeared in the exam papers.

"Well, this is Yu Dong. He has many types of works. Although he is very young, he is also a popular candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature."

Of course, Yu Dong cannot be regarded as a popular candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, but Qin Fen wanted to give Yu Dong a big boost. For those who don't care much about literature, telling them the Nobel Prize for Literature is the most direct and effective.

Before the students could speak, Qin Fen pursued the victory, "In addition to "The Martian", he also has "Second World", "Wall-E" can buy one of these books and read them in rotation, or not. You can also buy it, there is a trial version in the store, you are welcome to read it anytime.”

Qin Fen was naturally kind. He also came from his student days. Even though he was from a better family, when he was with his classmates when he was a child, several people would buy a copy or take it apart to read.

But what he didn't expect was that the student who took the lead waved his hand and said, "Boss, don't bother, just give me a copy of "The Martian", "Wall-E" and "Second World". I have also seen the movie "The World", but I didn't expect there to be novels."

Several other students also said, "Well, we also want these three books."

Qin Fen was stunned. Are all the kids these days so rich?The sum of these three books is not cheap. If one person buys three books, the sum of these children will cost 200 yuan.

"Why don't you buy a copy first?" Qin Fen suggested.

"It's better to buy three copies, one is not enough to read."

Seeing that the students insisted, Qin Fen could only pay them the bill.

After paying the bill, a few students left with the books in their hands, while Qin Fen put the money he had just received into a drawer alone. He was worried that some parents would come to him to return the books later.

After putting away the money, he didn't go upstairs in a hurry, but sat in front of the computer, wanting to see if anyone was looking for him on the Internet.

As soon as he sat down, he saw several dongdong groups flickering.

Most of the groups that Qin Fen joined were related to science fiction. Some were more lively and some were more deserted. It was rare for so many groups to flicker together like today. He knew that something must have happened.

He quickly clicked on one of the most frequented groups, and only looked through a few messages to see what happened.

The official tribal news release of "Science Fiction World" will start serializing Yu Dong's new novel "Gravity" in the next issue of "Science Fiction World".

Seeing this news, Qin Fen had some doubts in his heart. Isn't Yu Dong's new science fiction novel "The Ninth District"? Yu Dong also mentioned this matter at their deep space annual meeting.

Why is there a "Gravity" before "District [-]" comes out?
Is this fake news?Or did "District [-]" change its name to "Gravity"?
Several other groups were also discussing this matter. Qin Fen looked around and opened the Deep Space Tribe, and found the official account of "Science Fiction World".

Sure enough, the official account of "Science Fiction World" released a new post 10 minutes ago. The content is the same as what was said in the group. From the next issue, "Science Fiction World" will be serialized in Yu Dong's new novel "Gravity" .

This dynamic is very simple, only the name of the novel, and others, such as the theme of the novel, the number of words, and how many issues are serialized, are not disclosed.

But since it is said to be a serial, it is at least a novella. Qin Fen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Anyway, he has read a new book.

The post on "Science Fiction World" was very popular, and within half an hour, there were almost a thousand comments below.Looking at several well-known sci-fi writers, they basically reposted this tribe.

Not to be outdone, Qin Fen quickly forwarded this post.

He used the screen name Princess Yueshi on the Chinese website before, but when he came to the Deep Space Tribe, he called himself "Qin Fen who is not diligent". This account also has more than 3 fans, which is considered a small celebrity, and The official also authenticated two pieces of personal information for him, one is "the owner of the sci-fi themed bookstore in Erdao Alley" and the other is "the president of the Rongcheng Branch of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association". It is precisely because of these two titles that he can obtain More than 3 followers.

After forwarding the post, Qin Fen didn't continue browsing the website, but got up and ran upstairs.

Upstairs, he smiled and said, "Let's not talk about "The Martian" today."

The members all looked at Qin Fen with doubts on their faces.

"What are you talking about?"

Qin Fen walked to the small blackboard and wrote the four words "gravity" on it with chalk.

Several members looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what Qin Fen was doing.

"President, why are you talking about this?"

Qin Fen said with a smile, "Because this is the title of Yu Dong's next book."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"President, you are not mistaken, isn't Yu Dong's next book "The Ninth District"? Has the name been changed?"

"Haha, I don't know if the name was changed, but just 10 minutes ago, the official tribe of "Science Fiction World" posted a news, starting from the next issue, the magazine will start serializing Yu Dong's new novel "Gravity" "."

"Really? I didn't hear any news years ago. Is it in stock?"

"Is it a long story?"

"It's been a long time since Yu Dong published a novel in "Science Fiction World"."

"Gravity, the name should be a space travel novel."

"I think it has something to do with the ground."

"Then "District [-]" is still out?"

Everyone kept talking and asked a lot of questions. Qin Fen pressed his hands and said, "The dynamics of "Science Fiction World" are very simple. Apart from the title, there is basically no other information. I don't know what will happen later. There will be no new developments."

"Where's the official Deep Space Corporation account?"

"I also went to see it. They just forwarded the news of "Science Fiction World", and there is no other news."

One of the members asked, "Since it is serialized on "Science Fiction World", does that mean that there is only a Chinese version for the time being, and readers from other countries and regions will not be able to see this book for a while?"

Qin Fen nodded, "It should be like this."

"Haha, then I'm going to the international version of the Deep Space Tribes to show off and show off, and those foreigners are anxious to death."

This statement made everyone present laugh.

"Haha, let me kill you, tell me, if "Science Fiction World" takes this opportunity to enter the overseas market, is it a good opportunity?"

"The overseas version is not that simple. It is equivalent to reorganizing a team, and the channels have to be re-deployed...but you can think about it."

"Actually, it's not difficult to create an overseas edition of the magazine, as long as you have a small team, and the overseas edition of "Science Fiction World" is mainly for translation work, nothing else."

"Haha, it's useless for us to worry so much here. It's still up to President Yang and the others."

"That's right, that's right, let's talk about gravity."


Ever since the post on the official account of "Science Fiction World" was released, discussions about "Gravity" on the Deep Space Tribe have been very hot. Everyone is curious about the relationship between this novel and "District [-]". How, what is the theme.

Three days later, the official tribe of Deep Space Company came forward to explain that this novel is a novella and has no direct relationship with "District [-]", and the serialization of "Gravity" will not affect the subsequent "District [-]". " on sale.

In addition, some people are concerned about whether the novel is only available in Chinese, and Deep Space Company has also given an affirmative answer. This novel will not be released in other languages ​​​​after the serialization of "Science Fiction World" is completed.As for the booklet, because the number of words in the novel is too small, there is no consideration in this regard for the time being. There is a high probability that the booklet will not be published until there are short and medium stories later.

(End of this chapter)

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