If giants in the copyright industry like Sony, Universal, and Warner can talk back and forth with Deep Space, then those copyright companies in China are simply begging BenQ to accept their music licenses. .

In the past few years, some Chinese singers headed by Jay Chou have gained a lot of response in Europe and the United States, but this does not mean that the Chinese music market is huge in the world. Most of the songs of Chinese singers have not penetrated into other markets.

In this case, the domestic music copyright companies don’t have to worry about the sales of their songs being affected by the BenQ store. They regard the BenQ store as a very good opportunity to enter the eyes of fans all over the world.

But what's interesting is that after the BenQ store went online, no one called Li Kunyao, the boss of BenQ Mobile, and the remaining calls were blown up by those music copyright companies.

After all, BenQ Dentsu is in business, and has relatively little contact with the entertainment industry. The people in charge of those music copyright companies have no communication with Li Kunyao, so they want to use the margin to build a bridge.

In the beginning, Yu Yu was quite enthusiastic, helping people to contact Li Kunyao every time, and even helping them to say good things.

But after a few times, the margin stopped, because more and more people called him for help, and once he got involved in these things, there would be many things coming to him later, so he simply refused , and it is the kind of direct rejection, without any detours.

In this way, the margin is much cleaner.

In mid-May, when I went to report to Yudong's office, I happened to meet Li Kunyao, so I smiled and said, "Mr. Li, I think you can come here to work, lest those who are looking for you have to look for me first." one trip."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "I have no objection. It depends on whether Mr. Yu can spare us a floor in the building. I think the 21st floor is good, and it is quite suitable for us."

Yu Yu waved his hand and said, "That's not acceptable. Your current office building has several floors, and you are only given one floor when you move here. It's completely wronged you. You should stay where you are now, as it is more spacious over there. "

"Our office space over there is pretty big, and the only downside is that the cafeteria is too poor."

Speaking of the cafeteria, Li Kunyao couldn't help but get a headache.

Because of the special relationship between BenQ Mobile and Deep Space Corporation, the Jinling government specially built a five-story building for their new high-tech entrepreneurial park in the new city next to the Deep Space Park.

For the current BenQ Mobile, this five-story building is fully enough for their office, and there will be no shortage of office space for a long time in the future. Now they have nearly three floors that are empty.

Moreover, they are the first batch of companies stationed in Xincheng High-Tech Pioneering Park, so the allocated small building is not only larger than other small buildings, but also has more complete supporting facilities including parking spaces.

But because this new city high-tech entrepreneurial park has just been built, there are still relatively few companies in it, so there are relatively few commercial facilities, and there is only one canteen run by the park management company in the entire park.

The food in this cafeteria is really mediocre, and the price is not advantageous. Li Kunyao has heard employees complain about the difficulty of eating in the park more than once.

Li Kunyao also doesn't like to eat in the cafeteria in their park. He always runs to the deep space park.

The canteen in Shenkong Park is cheap and delicious, which is recognized by all Jinling people. Anyway, Xincheng High-Tech Pioneering Park is next to Shenkong Park, and it takes only 2 minutes by car to get there. Li Kunyao also has a restaurant in Shenkong Park. With one card, you can enter and exit at any time, so it is not difficult for him to eat.

But for other employees of their company, it is not an easy task to come to Cengfan.

BenQ Mobile is the holding company of BenQ Dentsu, and BenQ Dentsu is a subsidiary of the Deep Space Group. In theory, BenQ Mobile is also a company under the Deep Space Corporation. BenQ Mobile employees are also working for the Deep Space Corporation. .

However, if employees of BenQ Mobile want to enter the Deep Space Park, they should use the Star Card or the Star Card, without any privileges.

Employees of other companies in the nearby parks, indeed, some people will go to the deep space park to grab a meal. Anyway, entering the deep space park to swipe the Star Card only costs [-] points a day. According to the current exchange ratio, [-] points are only more than two yuan. Money, if you eat two meals a day in the deep space park, it is equivalent to paying more than one yuan for each meal.

They all have an account in mind, even if it costs an extra dollar for a meal, it is still a good deal.

However, even if it is the Xincheng High-Tech Pioneering Park next door, unless it happens to be close to the Deep Space Park, it will take about ten minutes to walk to the Deep Space Company, and half an hour to go back and forth, unless they have other limbs besides legs. Transportation.

Many people have no means of transportation, so they can only give up. Usually, those who go to the deep space park for dinner will have a bicycle.

Regarding Li Kunyao's complaints, Yu Yue said with a smile, "The cafeteria in Xincheng is not bad. I heard that the cafeteria in Xiangfeng Pioneering Park costs ten yuan for a meal of meat and two vegetables."

Li Kunyao spread his hands, "So, many people quit after a few days of work in Xiangfeng Pioneering Park. Several of our company came from Xiangfeng Pioneering Park. The canteen is also an important reason for them to run away. I can say that the Xiangfeng Pioneering Park is definitely a small loss. I am now worried that if the business here in Xincheng is not doing well, it will also affect the enthusiasm of the employees."

"If you're really worried, you can set up a shop in the park and make it a restaurant."

Li Kunyao waved his hands again and again, "Then I won't do it. There are so few companies in the park now. If you set up a restaurant, you will lose money. The shops in the park are not cheap."

"You BenQ Mobile is developing so well now, why do you still care about the rent of hundreds of thousands a year?" Yu Yu joked.

Li Kunyao curled his lips, "If it costs hundreds of thousands a year, then I might as well buy a bus and take the employees to the cafeteria here every day at meal time. The gas cost of a few hundred yuan a month is enough. Is 2000 yuan a month enough for a driver? Let me be more generous, and I will also help pay for the points that employees use when entering the park. There are more than 200 people in our company, and each person has 600 points per day. All of them add up to 1 points per day Points, according to the current dialogue ratio of starry sky points, 15 points is about 20 yuan, [-] to [-] a month, [-] a year. All expenses added up, less than [-] a year."

Hearing Li Kunyao's calculations so fast, Yu Yue raised his eyebrows, "You don't really think about it, do you?"

Yu Dong, who had been buried in writing behind his desk, raised his head at this moment and said with a smile, "He really needs to spend money, he can find a restaurant nearby to deliver boxed lunches to them, the cost is much lower than this."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "Well, I have really thought about finding a restaurant to deliver boxed lunches, but it is still a bit troublesome to operate. You can't force employees to order boxed lunches every day. It would take too much time to make statistics every day."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "What's so difficult about it? I went to Jiang Jie to make a meal ordering software for you, which is specially for internal use in the company. Every morning before 09:30, employees who want to order boxed meals log in to the software Submit a meal order application. If possible, you can also create a menu on the software. Employees can directly order on it, and complete the payment after the order is successfully placed. Just as our payment software is coming out, we can connect the payment software to On your internal software, employees can directly use our payment software to pay money to the collection account."

Li Kunyao was taken aback when he heard that, he had never thought about this before, and he needed a special meal ordering software just for eating.

But it's good to hear what Yu Dong said.

"Is this software difficult to get?"

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "It's not difficult at all, but it's better for the restaurant owner to use software. Otherwise, after the company collects the employee menu, they can only call the boss to report it or print it out and send it to the restaurant."

"It's easy to print it out and send it to the restaurant."

Li Kunyao was really moved. At this time, he was not all about solving the problem of employees eating. He became interested in this software, because this software can really solve many problems.

It's not just a matter of dining, if their company needs to collect the opinions of employees, can they also get it through this software?Initiate a poll where employees can express their opinion directly through the software?
Or, if the company has any documents that need to go through the process, can it be passed through the software?

Thinking of this, Li Kunyao asked a few more words, "Mr. Yu, if you add file management and file sending and receiving functions to this software, will there be any difficulties?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Adding file management and file sending and receiving functions will increase the difficulty not at 01:30. Among other things, the painstaking effort required for daily maintenance will be doubled. In addition, file management There are also different levels of file sending and receiving, the file management and sending and receiving of one gigabyte is completely different from the file management and sending and receiving of 1 gigabytes.”

Hearing the difficulty, Li Kunyao scratched his head, "I just think that some of the company's processes can be completed through software."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I know what you think. In fact, in the past few years, no matter at home or abroad, there are people who are researching on automated office and paperless office. The so-called automated office refers to the integration of computers, communications Wait for modern technology to be applied to the transmission office. For example, the file sending and receiving function you mentioned, if the subordinate employees want to pass an approval, when there is no automated office, they must print out the approval document and then submit it to the superior. Then wait for the approval of the leader, and sometimes more than one leader's approval is needed. The most important thing is that there is no record of this kind of approval, and there are no rules to follow, which is prone to wrangling. If an office software , allowing the sending, receiving and approval of documents between all levels, which will greatly increase the efficiency. When an employee initiates a document that needs to be approved by three leaders, after the approval of leader A, it can be automatically transferred to leader B for approval. After finishing, it will be transferred to leader C automatically. During this process, when the leader saw the document, when did he approve the document, and how much time was spent in the middle, there will be records, and there will be no arguing later. .”

Li Kunyao listened fascinated. Although Yu Dong said that there are people at home and abroad who have been studying this in the past few years, he has never heard of this thing before.

Sure enough, chatting with the boss more can gain insight.

As a business manager, Li Kunyao can immediately understand the advantages of this automated office.

Save paper and reduce office costs.

Information sharing is faster and easier to retrieve.

It can enhance the monitoring ability and improve the management level. Everyone's office traces can be seen on the software, reducing the occurrence of kicking the ball.

Li Kunyao licked his lips, "Boss, can Mr. Jiang and the others make out the automated office software you mentioned?"

"It's more difficult. Some things are not enough just to have ideas, but also need technical support. Our company has never done software in this area before, and it lacks technology in this area."

"It doesn't matter if you lack technology, as long as you have ideas. I'm afraid that you don't have ideas. If you don't have ideas, you don't know which direction to go. I believe that Mr. Jiang and his technical reserves can completely overcome technical difficulties. I will go to Jiang Take a look over there and talk to him about it."

Yu Dong asked strangely, "Why are you so concerned about this matter, because Mingji wants to use it?"

Li Kunyao smiled, and said coyly, "Actually, it's not just that I want to use this software in the company, I also have another idea, but I don't know if it's feasible or not."

Seeing Li Kunyao's shy look, Yu Dong sneered, "You can just say what is feasible or not."

Then Li Kunyao said, "I want to ask, if Mr. Jiang and the others really want to make this automated office software, is there a possibility... I mean a possibility, that BenQ mobile phones can also be connected to this Some mobile phones can send and receive emails, since they can send and receive emails, can they also send and receive files in automated office software? Or simply download an office software?”

Yu Dong said with certainty, "Of course there is no problem, it's just a matter of time."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "I hope that when mobile phones can download automated office software one day, our BenQ Mobile will be the first."

Yu Dong nodded, this is why Li Kunyao is so concerned about automated office software.

However, compared to installing automated office software, Yu Dong believes that installing Mobile Dongdong is more reliable.

Jiang Jie and the others have been developing the mobile version of Dongdong for a long time, and it is estimated that the mobile version of Dongdong will be launched in this year or two.In fact, they have completed the online experiment on some models, but the app is not stable enough, and most models cannot support it.

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