Chapter 94 Wishing Stone

The interesting friends Su Tong mentioned were Ma Yuan, Yu Hua, and Shi Tiesheng. Oh, and one Mo Yan.

Among these people, the most famous now is of course Mo Yan.

In fact, 30 years later, Mo Yan will be the most popular.

Of course, during the past 30 years, there was a period of time when Yu Hua was actually the most popular.

In Yu Dong's impression, Yu Hua should have become popular in the late 90s. At that time, it seemed that the novel "To Live" had been dusty for a long time and suddenly became popular one day.

And once it became popular, it was out of control, and the sales were really higher than those popular novels that adapted to the market.Even many people who don't pay attention to traditional literature have impressions of "Alive".

But that's a story later. Mo Yan, the most popular among them now, became famous several years ago because of his novella "Transparent Carrot".

This novel published in "Chinese Writers" was also discussed in a seminar held by the editor-in-chief Feng Mu at the time, and received high praise.Although the seminar hosted by Feng Mu is suspected of "making a star", Mo Yan is indeed worthy of Feng Mu's "making a star".

Not long after this "star making", Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum" was published in "People's Literature", and the novel caused a sensation in the literary world at that time.

Later, "Red Sorghum" was adapted into a film by Zhang Yimou, which won the Golden Bear Award at the West Berlin International Film Festival in one fell swoop.For a time, Mo Yan became famous both in the literary circle and in the film circle.

Thinking of movies, Yu Dong thought of Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines in Groups", and suddenly patted his forehead and said, "By the way, is "The Red Lanterns High" released?"

Su Tong said with a smile, "It was released, and I watched it. It was well done, and it tasted very different from "The Wives and Concubines."

Listening to Su Tong's tone, although he said "the filming is very good", it seems that he has no special opinion on the movie, and he is not very satisfied or disappointed.

Yu Dong nodded, "I'll go take a look when I have time."

"Then you have to try your luck. Now the movie theater is closed. If you want to watch it, you have to go abroad to watch it or wait for it to be broadcast on TV." Having said that, the cigarette in Su Tong's hand has burned to the butt of the cigarette. After he put out the butt of the cigarette, he looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "I should congratulate you, I heard that your science fiction novel will be made into a movie by the Americans, which is more unusual than "The Red Lantern". Now that there are more and more exchanges at home and abroad, everyone wants to get in touch with foreign things, and naturally they also hope that foreign people can see good things in China, is the screenwriter yourself?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "The screenwriter is another person. I don't know English, nor the screenwriter, and if I really did it, I'm afraid other directors might not be able to shoot it."

Su Tong raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you say this?"

"If they want to shoot, considering the commercial nature, they will definitely make some changes, and even replace the background. In my novel, the environment where the story takes place is in a small town around Yanjing. They do not If you can shoot a story about a small town in China, you should put the background in the United States." Yu Dong said helplessly.

Although Yu Dong knew that this was unavoidable, he still felt a pity.

If you can really follow "One Day", put the background in China, and use Chinese actors, Yu Dong will definitely be happy.

But the box office is sure to be bad, so Harrods and Columbia probably won't be happy.

"Oh, that's a pity." Su Tong felt the same regret.

In fact, Su Tong doesn't know much about the commercial nature of movies. Nowadays, there is very little commerciality in domestic movies. People regard movies more as an art of pictures. Domestic movies are basically art films.

"It's okay, take your time, it will change one day." Yu Dong said something to cheer himself up.

Su Tong hummed, nodded and said, "Yes, this step is not easy to go out. And I believe that since one step has been taken, the rest of the road will be much easier to walk."

"Yeah." Yu Dong breathed out slowly, just as Su Tong said, Lu De walked step by step, and he was always in a hurry.


Yu Dong left from "Zhongshan", and when he returned to the school gate, he saw a lot of people surrounding the library gate from a distance.

He got out of the car and slowly approached the car with both hands, only to realize that everyone was surrounding the wishing stone at the entrance of the library.

Most of them had a reluctant expression, and they were still chanting words in their mouths.

"Stone, stone, I don't know where you will be in the future, but you will definitely stay in our hearts."

Listening to the students' self-talk, Yu Dong remembered that the school will build a new gate this year, which they have mentioned several times in their meetings.

And repairing the school gate is bound to rectify the school appearance near the school gate, and this wishing stone was affected.

The students got the news that the school was going to pull the stone away when repairing the school gate, so they came over to say goodbye to it.

In fact, the school has also considered moving the stone to other places in the school, but this stone really has no features except that it is very round, and it is not small in size, it seems that it will not be placed anywhere. nice.

If you spend money on polishing and carving, the school thinks it is too expensive and not worth it.

"Why don't we smash it, and then take a small piece and carry it with each other, so that everyone can have a memory." Someone in the crowd suddenly suggested.

This proposal was immediately refuted by others, "It's ridiculous, you keep saying that you love it, but now you want to smash him? You know, this is not just a stone, but also the history of our gold art students in all dynasties. Wishes and sustenance."

"But the school doesn't want it anymore, sooner or later it will be called..."

The voice of this man became smaller and smaller, and it was almost inaudible in the end, because he saw countless unpleasant eyes projecting towards him.

Yu Dongwu thought it was interesting, and while everyone's attention was on the stone, he got on the car and walked away quietly.

Some people may say that these students have problems with their brains and are serious about a stone.But Yu Dong doesn't think so. It's not impossible for young students to have their own sustenance.

Even if this stone does not have the function of "making a wish", it stands at the entrance of the library every day and every night, and it has to meet with students almost every day. Everyone is familiar with it.
In the future, when students leave the school and recall their alma mater, there will be a shadow of this stone to some extent.

And people put their love on things, it is a common thing throughout the ages.

Speaking of which, the moon in the sky is just a big stone, but since ancient times, countless scholars and writers have devoted their talents to chanting this stone.

ps: Thank you [Corners and Stars] for the 100 reward
Tomorrow's college entrance examination, I wish everyone can play, no surprises.

I don't wish everyone to pass the test, because everyone passes the test, it seems that it is useless...

 Thank you [Corners and Stars] for the 100 reward
  Tomorrow's college entrance examination, I wish everyone can play, no surprises.

  I don't wish everyone to pass the test, because everyone passes the test, it seems that it is useless...

(End of this chapter)

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