Regardless of Yu Dong's high reputation in the country, there are quite a few people trolling him on the Internet, and the trolls have very high demands on him.

Other writers write a novel in one or two years and no one says it. Yu Dong has been called out for his novels for more than half a year. In the past two years, he has basically written popular novels, and the trolls say he is bad. It is impossible to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in my life.

That is, some time ago, after Yu Dong successfully bid for China on behalf of China, the trolls on the Internet stopped for a few days, but they stopped for a few days, and a few days later, they appeared again.

In the fm365 forum founded by Lenovo, Hei Yudong has the most trolls, and these trolls have no bottom line, and their methods are getting worse and worse.

On the website of the deep space department, there are also netizens of Hei Yudong, but the general criticisms are ignored by the deep space company. Radishes and vegetables have their own preferences. Some people like Yu Dong's works, and naturally some people don't like them. Deep space department The website is still willing to accept different voices, as long as you express your feelings, there is no problem with reason and evidence.

It's not even a rational comment, but some emotional and violent remarks, such as some people say that Yu Dong is ugly, too thin, and will fall down when the wind blows, and some people say that Yu Dong is too fair and has no masculinity... Even if Even these attacks on appearance will not be noticed by Deep Space Corporation.

But no matter what the trolls say, they can't spread rumors, as long as they spread rumors, they will be blocked by the website.

It's not just rumors that can't be made in the East, no matter who the rumors are, as long as they are confirmed, they will basically be blocked.

In the past, there were often rumors on the Deep Space Tribe, and the netizens were irresponsible at all. After that, the Deep Space Company invested a lot of manpower and financial resources, and after blocking a large number of rumor-mongering accounts, the network environment of the Deep Space Department website was much better. .

Although there are still cases of spreading rumors now, they are not as blatant as before.

But it's different in the fm365 forum, there are rumors flying around, all kinds of bottomless remarks, no one cares at all.The occurrence of this situation is naturally related to the Lenovo Group behind fm365.

There are a lot of rumors in the FM365 forum, and the official doesn’t care about it. After all, dealing with rumors is a thankless task. The fm365 forum is already in a state of loss. If you spend a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with rumors, then the website There will be more losses.

Furthermore, dealing with rumors itself is also an act of pushing users out.

In the online world, everyone loves to join in the fun. Without rumors, there will be less excitement and less passion, and those individuals and organizations that make a living by spreading rumors will lose their vitality.

The navy companies that are emerging now, their development on the deep space website is very limited, but they are like ducks in water on fm365.

Because of this, FM365 also took the opportunity to collect a wave of traffic after the deep space system website was cleaned up.

In the FM365 forum, there are not only rumors related to deep space, but also all kinds of rumors, but the rumors related to deep space company are the most. The news of FM365 has attracted more attention, and on the other hand, Lenovo Group behind FM[-] is behind him to fuel the flames.

Since the launch of BenQ Mobile's first mobile phone, the BenQ S1, Deep Space and Lenovo Group have basically been fighting each other.

Deep Space Corporation entered the mobile communication industry. After Lenovo learned about it, they wanted to step in and snatch PrimoChina, but in the end they failed to do so. BenQ Dentsu and PrimoChina cooperated to establish BenQ Mobile. This also made Lenovo miss the opportunity to enter the mobile communication industry for the first time.

Lenovo didn't get Xoceco, so it wanted to go to Kejian, but Shenkong wanted to snatch Xoceco before it retaliated against China Unicom, so it came forward to mess up their acquisition of Kejian, and Lenovo lost the second time Opportunity to enter the mobile communication industry.

Since then, Lenovo has not given up and is still looking for opportunities, but every time Deep Space Company will come forward to obstruct it, Lenovo has not yet obtained a mobile phone manufacturing license, and cannot enter the mobile communication industry.

Just because of the mobile phone, the gap between the two sides has already been formed, and this gap is still very strong, basically it is difficult to resolve.

In addition to the matter of mobile communications, during the Olympic bid, Deep Space and Lenovo also had some small frictions, but that small friction was considered one-way.

Before Yanjing's Olympic bid began, Shenkong had already cooperated with Yanjing's Olympic bid committee, and had already privately agreed with Shenkong to be the biggest sponsor of Yanjing's Olympic bid.

Because before the Olympic bid started, the Yanjing Olympic Bid Committee took the initiative to find Shenkong Company. At that time, they approached Shenkong Company in the hope that Shenkong Company could help them make a promotional film for the Olympic bid and help them promote it. In addition, they also revealed that they hoped to invite Yu Dong served as the Olympic bid ambassador.

At that time, Deep Space Corporation and the Olympic Bidding Committee began to cooperate and negotiated the matter of Deep Space Corporation's sponsorship of Yanjing's Olympic bid.

This matter had not been announced to the public before Yanjing's official bid for the Olympic Games, so except for the main leaders of the Olympic Bid Committee and Yu Dong, no one else knew about it.

Lenovo didn't get any news either. They thought that the Yanjing Olympic bid had no sponsors yet, so they also went to the Olympic Bidding Committee to talk about cooperation.

The leaders of the Olympic Bidding Committee are of course very happy if a company wants to sponsor Yanjing’s Olympic bid, but if Lenovo wants to sponsor, it can only be an ordinary sponsor, because they have already agreed with Deep Space Corporation that Deep Space Corporation will be their sponsor The partner of this Olympic bid is exclusive, there can only be one, and if a company wants to sponsor, it can only be an ordinary sponsor.

The sponsorship plan of Yanjing Olympic bid divides sponsors into two levels, the first level is partners, and the second level is ordinary sponsors.

Partners can enjoy exclusive global marketing power, including authorizing the use of Olympic logos in products, while ordinary sponsors will get much less rights and interests, at most, the company name will appear in the promotional video.

The partner of Yanjing's bid for the Olympic Games was taken by Deep Space Company, and Lenovo naturally had no chance.

As for ordinary sponsors, they don’t want them anymore. On the one hand, they don’t like ordinary sponsors. On the other hand, because Deep Space Corporation is a partner of the Olympic bid, all the promotional videos for the Olympic bid are produced by Deep Space Corporation. This means that all Lenovo's subsequent publicity about the Olympic bid will depend on the face of Deep Space Company.

Let’s talk about the promotional film’s acknowledgment. Although Deep Space Corporation has no right not to release the name of an ordinary sponsor, they can put the name of an ordinary sponsor later, and they can do it with reason. After all, the ranking There's not only one way this thing works.

Deep Space can completely do this. If the initial letter can put Lenovo in the back, then arrange it according to the initial letter. If you can arrange it according to the strokes, then you can arrange it according to the strokes. Put Lenovo's name where people can't see it.

Seeing that Lenovo could not get a partner for the Olympic bid, nor did it want ordinary sponsors, it made the idea of ​​the Olympic Games itself, and proposed the idea of ​​becoming a partner of the Yanjing Olympic Games.

Deep Space Company did not seek a partner for the Olympic Games, but it has brought together Acer, and now Acer is discussing this matter with the Olympic Committee.What the Olympic Committee means is to let Lenovo and Acer compete fairly, and choose whoever has better conditions.

If it wasn't for Lenovo's efforts to snatch the meat from Acer's bowl, Acer should have reached an agreement with the Yanjing Olympic Committee by now.

However, according to the current situation, Acer still has a great chance of winning. After all, there is deep space in the middle, and the Olympic Committee still has to take care of the face of the deep space company, because in the process of the previous Olympic bid, the deep space company was really inferior. A lot of strength.

When I was in Moscow before, Acer had already sponsored a lot of computers overtly and covertly. The leaders of the IOC naturally saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts.

If Acer wins in the end, it will naturally offend Lenovo again. Of course, it is impossible for Lenovo to only blame Acer, and it will also hate Deep Space.

These two frictions, if the first deep space was unintentional, then the second time was intentional.

The reason why Deep Space helped Acer to win the Olympic Games is of course because they did not want Lenovo to get it. Even if Acer did not have the idea of ​​becoming a partner of the Yanjing Olympic Games, Deep Space will find a way to get this The partner got it. In the final analysis, as long as it is not Lenovo, it doesn't matter whether it is Acer or anyone else.

Before this incident, fm365 wanted Hei Yudong and artists from the deep space department to be secretive, but after this incident, they stopped pretending, as long as it was a post from Hei Yudong or other people from the deep space department, The popularity will be increased, and the fm365 forum will become a gathering place for deep space sunspots.

Before Yu Dong and the others came to the United States, a very outrageous post appeared on fm3645. In the post, it was rumored that the schools that Deep Space Corporation donated money to build each year actually paid very little by themselves. More than 90.00% of the money was paid by the government. The last name was taken by Deep Space Corporation.

It also said in the post that the scholarships set up by Deep Space Corporation are not in place at all, and the publicity is very good every time, but in fact, few people can get the scholarships at all, and many students' scholarships are delayed.

The post was edited to make a big deal, and it was said that it was all inside information, either from a friend or from a friend of a friend.

When Yu Dong and the others left, the group's public relations were dealing with this matter, and the legal affairs might also take action later.


After Philip Ross finished speaking, it was Yu Dong's turn according to the order. Yu Dong picked up the microphone next to the chair, smiled and said, "Mr. Ross has already explained the diversity of writing very clearly, then I will talk about it Let’s talk about common interests. In fact, by reading the works of famous writers from various countries, we can find that no matter which country the writer is from or what language they use to write, the writers basically focus on the same things. Every writer hopes to see through the surface of life , to discover the essence of life. Writers pay attention to the people and things around them, and want to find our real connection with the world from these people or things.”

Speaking of this, Yu Dong paused for a moment. He looked at a student holding the English version of "The Ninth District" in his hand, and said with a smile, "I noticed that some of you brought my new work "The Ninth District." ", students who have read this novel should know that this novel tries to discuss some attributes of human beings in social life and some of the attributes revealed after breaking away from social life through some false fantasy. I used the word attribute , because I think that some things in human nature are like the basic data in some kind of game, which are placed on our character panel, and such basic attributes cannot be erased by ourselves.”

Hearing Yu Dong's remarks, some students couldn't help but whispered.

However, because there was no question-and-answer session, everyone could only discuss in low voices and could not raise their hands to ask questions.

The reaction of the students was also expected by Dong. He smiled and continued, "Nowadays, the Internet is getting more and more developed, and the distance between people is getting closer and closer. planet, but people in two countries can still communicate at any time. The Internet has made information transmission faster, and it has also made writers around the world more and more unified in their concerns..."

Now writers are indeed focusing on more and more unified things, which should be a good thing, but in fact there are some disadvantages.

Because writers have a broader vision, the things they focus on tend to be unified. Through the Internet, the things that everyone pays attention to every day are more and more similar. come smaller.

However, Yu Dong did not reflect this in his speech, he still affirmed the promotion of the Internet to the development of literature.

Many people say that the Internet is destroying literature and making it gradually die, but Yu Dong does not think so. He feels that the development of literature is moving forward according to its own laws.

After all, those eliminated by the Internet are only some writers, and have nothing to do with literature itself.

Those who are now clamoring for the death of literature are either part of the old writers who are already old and whose works lack audiences. This is also human nature.

There are also some young writers who first entered the literary world and no one cares about their works, they shouted that literature is dying, and attributed the reason for their unloved works to the dying of literature, and no one paid attention to literature.According to their standards, only if everyone likes their works, then literature will not die and have hope.

None of the "vested interests" like Dong Dong think that literature will die.

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