Chapter 98

The woman's name is Li Shilan. These three words were guessed by Yu Dong himself based on the local oral narrative. The local people did not know how to write the woman's name.

She should be from northern Jiangsu, why she should be, because some people say she is from northern Anhui, but northern Jiangsu accounts for the majority.

It is said that the family was too poor. When he was a teenager, he ran away from home and found a family on Zhou Island to marry.

Without her maiden family, she was easily bullied. She gave birth to three daughters in a row, and her status in her husband's family was even worse day by day.

Later stories, as Liu Changmin said, took poison, were drenched in feces, and became insane.

However, Yu Dong figured out two more things, one was where her three daughters were going, and the other was why she had to go back and forth between her home and the Drum Tower every day.

Two of her three daughters survived, one head and one tail. The second daughter fell into the river and drowned when she was three years old.

The eldest daughter is married far away, and she doesn't necessarily come back once a year.The third daughter had a better life, she was married to the city, and her husband worked in a certain institution.

The only one who can take care of Li Shilan is the third daughter, but the third daughter seldom comes back. She just sends some food to her mother every ten or twenty days.

When it comes to the third daughter, the opinions of the villagers are polarized. Some people think that the third daughter is a white-eyed wolf, and the old mother is crazy and doesn't know how to take care of her, so she knows that she is enjoying herself in the city.

There were also people who defended her, saying that it was not easy for her, she had a family, and she had to take care of the children.If she really took her mother over, she and her husband would not be able to get along sooner or later.

Since the latter had already defended the third daughter, he said a few more words.

It's not easy to say these three girls. The second baby died early but suffered less. Two girls, one head, one tail, two girls spread out in such a home. From childhood to adulthood, they lived a harder life than anyone else.

The father and grandmother didn't like them, and they didn't get enough food every day. The villagers sometimes couldn't bear to take them to their own homes for a meal, but at that time, it was difficult for everyone, and there was a limit to helping them.

When her grandmother and father passed away one after another, it became a problem for Li Shilan to take care of herself, let alone take care of them.

The eldest ran away when she was a teenager, and it took several years to come back. The first time she came back, she brought her son, and she will be alone when she comes back.

Lao San was introduced by people in the village and married into the city.But even though it was in the city, her husband was much older than her, and he was not good-looking, and he rarely came back.

About four or five years ago, Li Shilan fell and injured his leg. He was too old to withstand the fall, and died within a few days.

And the reason why she went to the Drum Tower every day was because someone taught her that she could go to the Drum Tower before she took the drug, so that her husband and mother-in-law would not beat her.

She ran to look for it several times at the time, but couldn't find anyone who could handle the matter, and was beaten by her husband because of this behavior.

Later, she had mental problems and forgot a lot of things, except for the petition.

Yu Dong guessed that the petition had probably become her obsession, and the reason why she went to Jinyi for a while was probably because she heard that Jinyi had a stone that could make a wish.

It is very likely that she has forgotten that her abusive husband and mother-in-law are dead, and she just wants to make a wish that she will not be bullied again.

When he came out of the village, Yu Dong's mood was still very heavy.No matter how many tragic stories he's heard, it's still sad every time he hears such things again.

Especially when things like this happen around me, really.

During the period, someone pointed to a place in the field and said to him: Li Shilan was buried there.

Yu Dong didn't go there, just glanced at it from a distance.

A small earthbag, half-hidden among the weeds, can imagine that when these drooping weeds fall and new grass grows again, this low tomb will be completely hidden among the wild mugwort, making it difficult to detect.

After returning, Yu Dong wrote the novel about Li Shilan in just over a week, and then showed it to Su Tong.The novel has a total of [-] words, and Yu Dong wrote nearly [-] words a day on average, plus the effort of transcribing.

Su Tong smoked a half-pack of cigarettes before reading the [-]-word manuscript. Then he looked at Yu Dong: "The story is..."

He originally wanted to ask if there was a prototype, but he stopped again, and instead said with a smile: "You didn't write this novel for "Zhongshan"."

The reason why Su Tong said this is because there is nothing new in Yu Dong's novel, it is a traditional realistic novel, which is indeed in line with the style of "Zhongshan".

But Su Tong is also joking, of course he doesn't think Yu Dong will create to suit the style of a certain magazine.

Yu Dong did not speak, and Su Tong continued, "This novel is very good, but I think there are still some things to dig out, such as the life of her two daughters and her petition, which can be extended. The novel probably has…”

"About seventy thousand words."

"[-] words." Su Tong nodded, "I think it's better to expand it to more than [-] words, do more excavation, and make the works richer and thicker. Realistic works, we must establish typical A typical image in the environment. You have done this very well, but you can do better and make the environment a little more typical. You need to think about a problem. We are standing in this era now, and there are many things that people of this era can use. But what about many years to come? For future generations, the typical environment depicted in your novel lacks some detail.”

Seeing that Yu Dong was thinking about his own words, Su Tong laughed again, "Of course, this is just my little suggestion, if you don't want to change it, I can tell you directly, this novel is over, the next issue will be I can get you there."

Yu Dong pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Listen to what you said, there is indeed room for improvement. I'll give it a try. If it really doesn't work, this is the only way to go."

"You can, I believe in you."

"Thank you, brother." Yu Dong said with sincerity.

Su Tong smiled and waved, "No thanks, it's your own strength that makes me believe in you."

"I'm not saying this, I'm saying thank you for the offer."

Su Tong laughed even harder, "I don't need to thank you, isn't this what we should do as editors? You don't think that our editors are just asking for drafts, reviewing drafts, and then correcting typos for you. ."

"I didn't say it." Yu Dong spread his hands.

"Okay, no kidding. You can change this novel, and bring it back when you're done. Also, have you considered what I told you last time, whether you want to come with me this time, not much left. It's day time."

Yu Dong nodded, "Go, it just so happens that I have something to do in Yanjing this time."



Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket
 Li Shilan's story is true. When I was still in elementary school, she would leave her house every morning and then go to our town. It took about half a day to go back and forth, rain or shine.

  Their village is less than one kilometer away from my house. It is a small peninsula surrounded by ponds. Two things happened there that impressed me. It was found inside, and there is no way to test whether it was a slip or fall or some other reason.

(End of this chapter)

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