Our family fell into the world

Chapter 3 Out of the Black Forest

Chapter 3 Out of the Black Forest

"Ah! Why is my hand broken?" Lin Yu himself was also surprised.

Lao Lin put the lamp on his son's hand, the back of his hand dripping with blood was drawn with a big hole, "You don't know when you were injured?"

Lin Yu shook his head, "I don't know, I don't feel it at all!"

"An An, take out the medicine box."

"Oh, okay." The stunned Lin An hurriedly went to look through Lin Yu's backpack.

Mother Lin, who helped him wrap the bandage, wondered, "Doesn't it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, I don't feel it at all, it's amazing!"

"Silly boy, do you think this is a good thing?" Mother Lin wanted to punch this silly son, she really didn't want to admit that she gave birth to it.

"Mom, look at it!"

Lin An, who was standing quietly on the side, suddenly shouted, and following the light of her mobile phone, a few drops of blood that fell on the black leaves on the ground were seeping in little by little. In just a few seconds, the blood dripping on it could no longer be seen. trace.

This is blood sucking! ?
Seeing this, the four people surrounding them turned pale in shock. If even the fallen leaves suck blood, you can imagine what kind of place this is. This is not a forest at all, but a blood-sucking devil's cave!

"Let's go, hurry up!!" After wrapping the bandage, Mother Lin hurriedly dragged her son and daughter in the direction of coming and going, but the woods that were loose when they came just now became crowded. .

"Do you think the trees are getting denser?"

Lao Lin, who was walking at the front with the lights on, glanced around, and now even he realized something was wrong.

"Son, look at your phone, are we going in the wrong direction?"

The four people who were still walking forward, like a group of tourists holding candles in the dark night, looked around in panic.

Lin Yu turned on the phone, and the dial on the phone was pointing in the right direction, "Yes, this is the road."

But the more they walked, the denser the trees were. The three mother Lin, who was holding a pair of children, even had to walk on their sides. This was obviously not the road they had just walked.

"The trees weren't so dense when we came just now, brother, is your phone broken? Let's go in the wrong direction."

"Probably not." Lin Yu looked down at the phone, and as he swayed left and right, the dial turned left and right, "Could it be that these trees are moving?"

"How is that possible!" Lin An immediately retorted, how could the tree move, this is common sense that three-year-old children know.


With a sudden and strange sound, the three of Lin's mother fell into darkness in an instant - Lao Lin, who was walking in front just now, was gone!

Lao Lin, who was squeezed between the two trees, immediately turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that the tree behind him was completely closed into a tree wall.

"Can you hear me, Lao Lin!"


The voices of three people came from behind the tree wall, "Are you all right!" Lao Lin threw down the tree wall and slapped the dark trunk hard.

On Mother Lin's side, both Lin Yu and Lin An turned on the flashlights of their mobile phones, but the light was very weak. It seemed that the forest not only sucked blood, but also sucked light.

"These trees can really move, Mom, what should I do?" Lin Yu slashed the tree trunk with a machete and pulled it out angrily.

"Lao Lin, these trees can move, we have to find a way to get out."

In the process of talking, Lin Yu slashed twice, but it didn't cause much damage to it, leaving only a few not deep marks on the dark tree trunk.

Soon there was the sound of cutting a tree from the opposite side, "This tree is really hard." Before he could cut a few knives, Lao Lin found that the kitchen knife in his hand was curled.

Lin Yu slashed wildly for a long time, panting and leaning in to take a look, then he chopped off his thumb, "That won't work, the tree won't break, the knife will break first."

Lin An held up the phone and looked at the dark wall of trees in front of him, "Brother, why don't you try it with fire."

"Yes, yes, burn this bastard to death! Dad, the lighter is with you!"

"Wait, if this really burns, we'll be burnt too." Mother Lin quickly stopped her.

Lao Lin took out a lighter from his bag, and upon hearing this, he picked up a black leaf on the ground and lit it.

Shila, being ignited by the fire, the black leaves were swirling, quickly twisted into strips and ignited, and a strange smell of black smoke came out.

"The leaves are very flammable, this thing should be afraid of fire!"

Lao Lin pointed the lighter at one of the trees, and the black smoke with a fishy smell quickly rose and filled the air. After less than half a minute of burning, there was another rattling sound. The burned tree seemed to be finally unable to bear it. Move aside!
Seeing the light coming through from the opposite side, Mother Lin shouted happily, "That's great, Lao Lin, are you alright!"

Through the gap in the tree, Lao Lin's face was covered in sweat, "It's okay, wait a minute, I'll burn a few more trees."

After a few minutes, the row of tree walls finally revealed a gap that was one person wide. The three people who were isolated on the other side quickly ran over, and the four people who were reunited couldn't hide their excitement.

"We have to be a torch. With fire, we won't be afraid of these trees." Lao Lin held up the lamp and looked at the dense forest ahead.

Having said that, it is not easy to make a torch, because apart from the scattered leaves on the ground, there are no flammable objects such as branches at all, and the branches that grow on the trees are at least five meters above the ground, and cannot be reached at all.

But this is not a big problem for Mother Lin, "An'an takes out the absorbent towel, Lin Yu, give me the alcohol in the medicine cabinet, and the nylon rope."

The four people in a circle watched as Mother Lin tied the towel to the machete with nylon rope, and then poured medical alcohol on the towel, and soon a short and simple torch was ready.

Lao Lin handed the lamp to Lin Yu, took the machete from Mother Lin's hand, lit the fire, and the orange flame danced, lining the dark forest with ghostly shadows.

When the torches are ready, the family will not delay any longer. Lao Lin holds the torches and still walks ahead to clear the way. Lin Yu lights him up, Lin Mu holds Lin Yu's mobile phone, and Lin An follows behind him and watches around vigilantly.

As soon as he encountered a compact tree, Lao Lin held a torch and burned it, so strange noises could be heard from time to time in the woods. Thinking about the strange noises they heard before, it was not a bird at all, it should be these trees that are doing ghosts. .

Fortunately, the four of them didn't go very far. With the help of torches, they came out a lot faster. When they saw the sunlight in the distance, the whole family felt the joy of escaping.

"Damn it! It's finally out—"

Standing on the barren wasteland again, Lin Yu raised his hands high and shouted happily, regardless of whether he was beaten by the old mother.

Mother Lin was not in the mood to pay attention to him at this time, she sat on the ground and let out a long sigh. Although she escaped, the stone in her heart was still heavy.

Even the trees are so weird and dangerous in this place, where did they get to! ?
After resting for a quarter of an hour, on the way home, the family discussed the black monster forest they encountered just now.

"That forest feels like a trap, first tempting the prey to go in, and then shutting it up to suck blood, it's like becoming a fine, it's really scary." Lao Lin patted his chest, shook his head and sighed.

"That's right, and the people who were sucked blood didn't feel it, and they didn't even know how they died in the end." Lin Yu looked at his bandaged right hand, and when the sun shone, he began to feel a tingling sensation.

Hearing this, Mother Lin slapped him hard on the back of the head, causing Lin Yu to scream in pain, "How dare you say it, don't rush so fast, like a runaway wild horse. Hold on, let's teach you a lesson now."

"Yes, brother, we have to be more cautious in the future. After all, this place is different from what we were before."

Along the way, everyone talked a lot. When the familiar door appeared in front of him, Lin An realized what it means to return to the heart like an arrow. Looking at the closed door with clear eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's thrilling trip made her clearly aware that the safe and familiar world was leaving her, and the strange and strange new world made her uneasy.

The four people sitting on the sofa were all a little confused. I don't know if it was because they were frightened by the strange wood, Lin mother felt a little confused.

"Lin An, go to the room to sleep."

Lin Yu, who was nibbling on the bun, pushed Lin An who was leaning on him, but he didn't push. He turned his head to look and found that Lin An had fallen on top of him along his arm.

Lin Yu pushed two more hands, but still no movement, "Wake up, go to sleep in the room by yourself!"

"Hey, Lin An, Lin An—" Lin Yu patted her face, my god, it's so hot!Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Yu immediately called Mother Lin, "Mom! Lin An has a fever!"

Lin An was the first to faint, then Lao Lin, Lin Mu, Lin Yu, who was overwhelmed by this sudden change, put a few people on the bed one after another, and before they could give them the antipyretic, he stretched his legs. Soft, fell down in the living room.

Lin An was also the first to wake up. Lin An, who did not know that he was unconscious, walked out of the room with Hache, and saw the people lying on their backs in the living room, and the whole person was stunned.

She didn't recognize Lin Yu, because he was surrounded by a layer of black mist, and the black mist relaxed with his breathing, as if wrapped in a breathable membrane.

After recognizing Lin Yu, Lin An was so frightened that she hurriedly yelled at her parents, but after calling for a long time, no one responded.

When the panicked Lin An pushed open the door of his parents' bedroom and saw the same two black mists on the bed, his fingertips trembled and he looked at them at a loss.

what happened?How did they become like this?

Lin An, who had been uneasy ever since he came here inexplicably, could no longer help but cry bitterly. He knelt in front of the bed and did not dare to touch them, so he could only cry out in a low voice.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin An was sitting at the door holding his knees, his eyes were swollen like walnuts, and his voice was hoarse. After venting, the whole person gradually calmed down.

She looked at the layer of mist that was wrapped, getting smaller and smaller. It used to be like a cocoon, but now it covers them like a light veil.

Lin An had a hunch that after these black mists completely disappeared, they would be able to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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