Our family fell into the world

Chapter 35 Seed Mother

Chapter 35 Seed Mother
Looking at the idiot son who was holding his hand and rubbing against his face, Mother Lin was so tired that her forehead twitched, she pinched his face with her backhand and twisted it 360 degrees.

The face that was about to separate from the plasmocarp disappeared instantly, and he groaned in pain.

Sure enough, happiness can make people addicted, and pain can make people sober!
Lin Yu, who opened his eyes tremblingly, saw the person in front of him clearly, raised his thick eyebrows, "Mom——??"

Seeing the disbelief on his face and the reluctance to accept the reality in front of him, Mother Lin became even more forceful.

how!This is because she came early and disturbed his sweet dream! ?
"Yoyo, Mom, it hurts--!" Lin Yu covered his face and cried out to rescue his handsome face.

Lin Yu gasped and rubbed his face, feeling that half of his face was swollen, it was trying to pinch his face into 36 folds like a bun!

"Mom, why are you here?"

"I'm not here, where should I be?" Mother Lin slapped him on the shoulder angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, get up quickly!"

Lin Yu, who was holding the wedding of the century with "Sister Fairy" a second ago, was a little stunned. When he saw the bloody fight in front of him, his reason instantly returned to the cage. What the hell, he just fell into a hallucination! ?

Although he felt a sigh of embarrassment in his heart, there was no time for him to recall the happiness and sweetness of his dreams again. The monster that was about to slam on his face forced him to enter a state of battle and opened the rainbow!

On the other side, Feng Lin hugged Zheng Zhi and called for a long time, but she couldn't wake him up. The person in her arms had sunken cheeks, her eyes kept rolling under her eyelids, and her mouth kept babbling.

Unlike Feng Lin's gentleness and carelessness, Qi Ran, who was lying next to Lin Yu, was woken up by Mother Lin's two slaps and fans, ignoring his innocent little eyes full of question marks. Seeing that he was awake, Mother Lin was in full swing, decisive and straightforward. to see the situation of the other people.

When she turned over a young man in a hoodie lying on the ground, even though she had seen many monsters, when Mother Lin took off the hat to see the face, she still screamed in a low voice.

The skeleton-like skinny face was only covered with a thin layer of flesh skin, and it was so thin that it was impossible to see its original appearance at all, like a jerky human flesh that had been sucked up by a goblin!
The most terrifying thing is that even if he is in this withered state, this person still has a trace of breath, indulging in his dreams and struggling constantly.

Not only is this one in such a tragic state, but almost all of the remaining ones look like they were hollowed out. What's going on?

Li Liya had already dealt with all the fleas, the Mori Senqing ghost whistled above her head, and the woman with the black knife came over half-blooded.

"How is it, are you all right?"

She looked at the man on the ground who was no different from the skeleton frame, and was also surprised. Mother Lin shook her head, "There is still a breath, but the body is completely empty, I am afraid it is"

She tried to give him a yellow talisman just now, and it felt like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no improvement, just like a dying person whose life is about to be exhausted.

"Team Li, come here."

Hearing Cai Lan's voice, Li Liya, who frowned and pondered, got up and walked towards his location. He was standing at the door of an arched hole, looking up at the wall in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Yu was fine, Old Lin pointed at the two figures who were still chasing after you in the field with some concern.

"That alien species is a bit difficult to deal with. Zou Yuxin may not last long. We have to find a way quickly."

Lin Yu also saw the situation where there was no advance or retreat, frowned and nodded and said, "I'll help him!" Then he jumped up and flew over.

Because of Lin Yu's active provocation, the persistent alien finally gave up the frantic pursuit of Zou Yuxin, and instead attacked Lin Yulai, the shasha black shadow kept brushing his black armor, making a sharp ding sound.

Li Liya, who looked up at the wall, swept the flashlight across the black pattern like an ivy, and the black earthworms were generally retreating inward.

"These seem to be alive."

Saying that, she used a black knife to slash a shrunk black line, and the thick red liquid flowed down from the break, and the dense black lines disappeared faster.

Thinking of the people who were sucked out outside, she guessed that it must have something to do with these things!

"Follow these black threads and look inside—"

Hearing that they were going inside, Lao Lin offered to stay. After all, these comatose people on the ground still had a breath, so it was impossible to just leave it alone, and Lin Yu was not at ease.

Feng Lin took off her clothes and put it over the boy, looked at him worriedly, and expressed that she also wanted to stay and help take care of the unconscious person.

Thinking that she is now exhausted, it is more appropriate to stay here, so, in the end, only Li Liya, Cai Lan, Qi Ran, and Yu Lizhen decided to follow.

Mother Lin didn't intend to go, but looking at these few people, they were crippled, stupid, and Qi Ran with two bright red slap prints on their faces. What a dream.

"I'll go with you." Yu Lizhen felt that she had enough rainbows, so she offered to go with her.

When Lao Lin saw that she was going with her, he couldn't say anything to stop him, so he had to repeatedly ask her to be careful, and mustn't show her power.

The black silk on the wall retreated very quickly, and when Li Liya and the others chased all the way to a room with water seepage, they saw the black silk hanging all over the wall again.

The strands were entwined, hung down, and rolled into a heavy curtain, resembling a black mourning hall.

Several people stepped on the sewage overflowing their ankles, the rainbows were all turned on, the flashlight swept the black silk that was shrunk slightly, and stepped forward slowly with the sound of rushing water.

These black threads seemed to be quite afraid of Li Liya's rainbow. As soon as the erratic green ghost approached, the entangled black threads quickly peeled apart, opening a passage for them.

When the four of them passed through the heavy black silk and reached the edge of the black pool, they saw a tingling scene.

In the dark black water, there was a sea cucumber-like creature lying halfway, with a soft body, half submerged in the water, and half leaning on the collapsed boulder statue.

On the translucent black body, countless hair-like black threads stretched out from the bottom of the pool in all directions, and the room they chased was just one of them.

Beside it, there were several wrapped balls hanging from the black silk, and there was an intermittent muffled sound inside.

After the strange sound ended, the black silk slowly pulled away and opened, revealing the objects wrapped inside.

The man who was naked/naked in a coma, scrawny and not human-like, was thrown aside like a used toy, shivering and swinging.

And those black silks dripping with unknown mucus were recovered by the sea cucumber back into its body, making a sticky squirming sound in the translucent body.

At this time, the water waves under my feet suddenly rippled, and something was about to emerge from below!
Several people hurriedly put the light in their hands on the dark bottom of the water, and this time they finally saw clearly that an oval bulb was slowly surfacing.

A mass of fuzzy red flesh was wrapped in it, and the bulb stretched out its snail-like tentacles and entangled the unconscious man on the shore.

A slender mouth part drilled out from the end of the tentacles, and with a puff, it pierced through his soft abdominal cavity. After a short exclamation of pain, the man was completely silent.

Backflowing down the mouthparts, the fresh flesh and blood poured into the bulb was smashed into a sticky paste that gradually filled the entire bulb.

Just when I thought it would burst, it actually made a throbbing heartbeat like a fetus!

Looking at the strange scene in front of him, Qi Ran swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and took a step backwards, what kind of devil's cave is this!

God of Two-dimensional, I don't want to save the world anymore, I want to go home - immediately, immediately! !

(End of this chapter)

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