Assassin He Chunxia

Chapter 107 Spirit

Chapter 107 Spirit

Song before stepping on.

Dengyun footwork.

Youyue sword technique.

Draw rain and fog mountain tactics.

Jianxin is transparent.

The Sword of Eternal Sorrow in Mo Qingshan's hands became heavier and heavier, and her movements began to slow down unconsciously. The long-term fierce battle made her physically and mentally exhausted. She was tired, and she kept repeating the sword skills she had practiced in her mind A tactic, forcing himself to draw the sword.

And the Shijia army surrounding her and He Chunxia was still the same inexhaustible rattan shield battle formation, and it was still crowded and densely packed.

On this noisy battlefield, Mo Qingshan lowered his eyes, calmed down, and stared at the back of the person in front of him.

He Chunxia, ​​she was still desperately trying to find a way out and take herself away.

Both Mo Qingshan and He Chunxia killed people for the first time today, and there were too many people who died under their swords, too many to count.The blood on the Sword of Eternal Regret in Mo Qingshan's hand, on the lapel of his clothes, and on his face had just dried up on his skin, and was splashed with fresh blood, with a disgusting smell.

She had no time to care about the eyes of these people when they fell, she didn't care whether they had wives and children, and she was not moved by the screams and groans before they died.

These people wanted her, her life, and the dragon seed in her stomach.Thinking of this, she wanted to laugh out loud and announce to everyone that she had strangled the ugly real dragon in a dilapidated bathtub.

But she was too tired to speak, she just drew out the sword, out the sword.It seems that a sword can cut off the humiliation Yu Gufeng brought to her, cut off the expectations imposed on her by the world, and cut off the grievance that her grandfather refused to pass on the sword to her.

I would rather die in battle than bow my head!
With the support of will and emotion, she continued to draw the sword with difficulty and viciously.The blood stains splashed on the sword of Everlasting Sorrow melted into the sword body little by little, and the corpses that fell on the ground were faintly smoked and dispersed.

Suddenly there was a thunderous shout from the square of the main hall, and Jiang Zifu led the disciples of Chaotian Palace to fight out in formation.Shi Jiajun didn't intend to kill all the people in Chaotian Palace, they were surrounding the four of them to fight, and they were caught off guard because they were not prepared for the counterattack.

Jiang Zifu took the lead, and with a pair of iron fists, he blasted out the courage of ten thousand men. Wherever the iron fists went, the shield-wielding soldiers flew upside down, and were injured internally by the remaining power, vomiting blood.With such awesome power, Shi Jiajun had no time to change his formation to deal with it, and was killed by Jiang Zifu.

Shi Tingcheng reacted and beat the drum heavily to give the order. In the encirclement, the surrounding sergeants who surrounded the four people immediately withdrew and turned to help others.The four top fighters who were surrounded were able to breathe, slow down their attacking rhythm, conserve their energy, and wait for the opportunity to break through.

The disciples of Chaotian Palace usually deal with the daily affairs of the villagers on Zijin Mountain. They have never experienced any battles of killing demons and demons. Go forward bravely, risk your life!Under the leadership of Jiang Zifu, they were able to disrupt the battle formation of the Shijia army. Their morale soared for a while.

Shi Jiajun was able to face swords, guns, swords and halberds calmly, but he didn't know how to deal with such techniques as water, fire, fog and poison. The sergeants who stood in the front subconsciously retreated, while the sergeants who listened to the sound of drums and ordered support were moving forward.

The scene was chaotic for a while, Shi Tingcheng's drum was overwhelmed by shouts and explosions, some sergeants wandered around the field like headless chickens, some sergeants obeyed the orders, but fell into the fog, unable to distinguish their directions, and had to fight with the Taoists in front of them stand up.

Seeing that the sergeants on the field were all focused on Jiang Zifu and a group of disciples, the four people who were surrounded immediately seized the opportunity to make their own shots and attack back in the direction of the main hall.

The pear flower gun in Ouyang Jing's hand had already been unloaded from the long barrel, and he turned and leaned, the long spear stabbed flyingly, and shook the belt with the shaft, disengaged the sergeants on the left and right, and rushed straight to Mo Qingshan. He Chunxia wanted to meet the two of them. with.

The Twelve Ancient Books were feinting to attack and retreat, deliberately leading the soldiers to the wall beside the square, approaching the totem-carved dragon pillar and jumping up, using the protrusions, they ran up the eaves of the wall with their hands and feet, and tapped their toes lightly. Going in the direction of the main hall, while avoiding the flying arrows, he galloped at a high speed.On both sides of him, there is a sea of ​​high cliffs and forests, which is bottomless, and on the other side is a square screaming for killing.

Surrounding Mo Qingshan, He Chunxia and He Chunxia had the largest number of soldiers. To arrest Concubine Mo and return to the capital city, Shi Jiajun's trip was only for this matter.

Although Jiang Zifu was coming in menacingly, the Shijia army had a large number of people after all, relying on ten times the number of people to stop the disciples of Chaotian Palace from advancing, the two sides in the arena were at a stalemate.

If they were caught in a bitter battle, Shi Jiajun would react from the surprise attack and wipe out the disciples of Chaotian Palace.He Chunxia had no choice but to harden his heart, and with a thought, the eternal hatred in Mo Qingshan's hand trembled slightly.

Not long ago, Zhuang Zhou used the sound of the phoenix to frighten He Chunxia's soul, making her unable to hold the sword anymore. Just as this thought flashed in her mind, the side of her forehead immediately pricked like a needle. .

"Stand behind me and follow me."

".What?" Mo Qingshan was puzzled. She was too exhausted and stayed there for a while, guessing that He Chunxia must have found a way to break the situation before answering.

"En." Draw a semicircle with his feet and turn behind He Chunxia.

"let go."


In the next moment, a huge force came from the Sword of Eternal Sorrow held by Mo Qingshan's right hand, and it broke free from her hand and flew out, hanging on He Chunxia's left shoulder, stabbing alternately with her right sword.The sword of Everlasting Sorrow flying in the air came and went freely, its sharpness was extraordinary, and the vine shields were pierced one after another.

He Chunxia held a sword in his hand, held a sword in his heart, coordinated seamlessly, pierced the shield and pierced the armor, and was unstoppable. The soldiers in front of him fell one by one, and the two girls who had been trapped for a long time finally broke their blood.

The soldiers of the Shijiajun had seen such strange things there, thought they saw a demon, and their fear was contagious, so they avoided it and gave way to the two of them.Seeing this, Jiang Zifu's figure skyrocketed again, and countless heavy punches followed his footsteps, blasting away all the shield-bearing soldiers standing in front of him.

He didn't care about the blade cut on his body and the arrow stuck in his flesh, he just rushed forward.

Ouyang Jing, Jiang Zifu, and He Chunxia worked hard at the same time, and finally met in the crowded square with a tight army formation.

Jiang Zifu's thunderous voice sounded in everyone's ears, "Retreat to the hall!" Chaotian Palace disciples struggled to keep up with Guanzhu Jiang, covering Mo Qingshan's retreat with their flesh and blood.

He Chunxia silently handed the Sword of Eternal Regret and the Sword of Autumn Water to Mo Qingshan, feeling unable to hold on any longer, as if an iron awl smashed his brain, the pain was so painful that his seven orifices bled, and he passed out.

Ye Shu also came forward to help, carried He Chunxia on his back, and with several masters as spearpoints, the crowd returned to the hall again.

Jiang Zifu jumped into the gate first, saw a figure, smiled knowingly, nodded, and spoke, extremely sad.

"Disciples of Chaotian Palace under the age of 20 will leave with this person."

No one came out, Jiang Zifu turned around and led his disciples to seal the door of the main hall. They would delay Mo Qingshan's escape and fight to the end.

There was a person who hadn't shown up since Shi Jiajun went up the mountain. Now he appeared in the main hall and waited for a long time.

Crazy life.

There was an important matter entrusted to his shoulders, he took a map and ran around trying to find a path down the mountain.

He saw Shi Zhichuan take out the secret letter that had already been written and tie it on the gray pigeon's leg. He saw the yawning sergeants of the squad blocking every path. He saw many maps in Shi Jia's army that were exactly the same as in his hand. .

In fact, it is different, the map in Kuang Lansheng's hand has an extra road.

The road drawn by Jiang Zifu is only known to the temple masters of Chaotian Palace in the past.

Only this way?
Kuang Lansheng finished his exploration outside and hurried back to catch up with the crowd fighting fiercely in the square. The Twelve Ancient Books fled and rolled into the main hall. Zhang Zhouzhou and Li Siyi piled up small statues, tables and stools into a low wall for defense in the main hall. .

Kuang Lansheng saw the figure of Jiang Zifu bravely moving forward in the square. An hour ago, this old man was still weakly leaning on the grand master's chair, telling himself earnestly.

"You, Mr. Fourteen's disciple? That half-human, half-demon?" Jiang Zifu supported his weak body, trying to squeeze out a kind smile, "Before you came to Nanjing, I asked Zheng Xianyong to invite Mr. Fourteen to court. Tiangong Xiaoju, alas, I really didn't expect what happened later."

"Well, my mother and he are old friends." Kuang Lansheng sighed, "At that time, Zheng Xianyong secretly planned to get rid of Mr. Fourteen, so how could he speak for you?"

"The Shi family's army pressed on Chaotian Palace. I didn't expect it to be so fast. I think, today, Miss Mo and my Chaotian Palace, I am afraid that there will be more than good luck." Jiang Zifu stretched out his hand to call the Taoist boy on the side, "You are a different kind, but You have been personally guarding the Holy Majesty for nearly ten years, and you are a trustworthy person, so I entrust this thing to you."

The Taoist handed over a wooden box engraved with various mantras in his hand, bowed and retreated.

Kuang Lansheng glanced at the wooden box, his left eyelid twitched unconsciously, the box turned out to be made of Yunling wood.The cloud spirit wood is beneficial to the practice of the demon, and Liu Lingguan was able to buy Kuang Lansheng into the sea, that is, he made a vow to give Kuanglan Sheng a small piece of cloud spirit wood.But now, this box, and the contents of the box, have to be handed over to him?

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, Kuang Lansheng frowned and didn't answer.

"Sorry, after all, you are half-human, half-demon. If you are the master of Chaotian Palace, it will inevitably cause criticism. I hope you can wait for a suitable person, a suitable temple master of Chaotian Palace, to share the things with this secret. Together, and then hand it over to him." Seeing his serious expression, Jiang Zifu smiled again, and raised his hand to signal Kuang Lansheng to come closer, "Come here with your ears, and I will tell you the secret that only the past lords of the Chaotian Palace can know, the secret of the imperial mausoleum. True location."

"Is there no suitable person in Chaotian Palace today?" Kuang Lansheng shook his head, refusing to move.

"Once upon a time, I died in Yangjiacun." Jiang Zifu's brows flashed a trace of grief, "The situation after that will be turbulent and unclear. I don't know who the master of Chaotian Palace will be. The half-human, half-demon life span is very long. If If the successor is not qualified, then don’t give it to him and wait for the next one.”

"It's important, entrust it to me?"

"Mr. Fourteen's disciple, the boa-robed guard, based on your relationship with the Holy Majesty, I believe you, you will never hand over Miss Mo to the traitor." Jiang Zifu took the blood-stained blueprint from his arms, tremblingly forced Standing up, he stuffed the wooden box and blueprints into Kuang Lansheng's hands, "This map records all the trails on Zijin Mountain. You have good lightness skills and quick movements. First, go and check if there are any trails to go down the mountain." .”

Kuang Lansheng was embarrassed to push away this incomparably real old man, so he sighed and nodded to take over this thankless job, so Jiang Zifu leaned into his ear and told him the location of the imperial mausoleum.

"If there is no way out, take Mo Qingshan to the Emperor's Mausoleum. She is pregnant with a real dragon, and the ancestors of the Yu Dynasty will protect her."

This is the first time that Jiang Zifu talked to Kuang Lansheng. Jiang Zifu unreservedly trusted this alien he saw for the first time, and entrusted him with the treasures and secrets of Chaotian Palace.

The second time they met, Jiang Zifu entrusted Mo Qingshan to him.

Kuanglansheng caressed the Yunling wooden box in his arms, and led Mo Qingshan and his party to turn around and leave. There was only one last way left for them.

Emperor Mausoleum.

In front of the main hall, drums were beating loudly, and Shi Tingcheng ordered the Shijia army to attack desperately. The battle was fierce, but was repelled time and time again by the disciples of Chaotian Palace.

Every time there was an attack, the corpses left behind included those from the Shijia army and the disciples of Chaotian Palace. Gradually, only one old man covered in blood was left standing in the Taoist robes of Chaotian Palace.

Finally, the old man lowered his fists, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and knelt down on the ground, his long hair fluttering in the wind. Jiang Zifu's high head finally lowered, and the look in his eyes faded away.

He was thinking about the villagers of the Yang family, Mo Qingshan, Dayu Dynasty, and the Chaotian Palace disciples who died innocently.


He heaved a long sigh, his last.

Shi Jiajun rushed open the gate of the main hall and searched for Mo Qingshan in the entire Chaotian Palace, but found nothing.

Shi Tingcheng and Shi Tinghan were helpless, so they had to ask their father for help again.

A moment later, what was waiting was not his father's gray carrier pigeon, but the Han family's army who were also marching up the steps.

Qi Baiyu took the lead, took off the white jade bow from his waist, shot an arrow, and the red smoke exploded in the air.


Qi Baiyu closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were stained with deep black. A boy about thirteen or fourteen years old and a middle-aged man were waiting on his left and right sides. It is not so much three living people as three A walking dead with a deadpan face.

He walked to the edge of the cliff, looked down, and quietly watched the looming black lake water in the thick fog.

Take a leap.

His body was smashed into the icy cold stagnant water, the water was extremely clear, but light couldn't penetrate it, and even tenacious little life like shrimps, crabs and aquatic plants couldn't survive in the water.

Qi Baiyu opened his eyes, his eyes blended with the water.

The three bodies fell little by little in the endless darkness until they stepped on the solid bluestone steps.

In the darkness, two clusters of fireflies jumped out from Qi Baiyu's eyes, becoming brighter and brighter, where the glinting light went, the stagnant water was pushed away and retreated quickly to the edge of the light.

Going down the steps, there are dead trees, archways, and three-character strong grass.

The emperor's tomb of the ancestors of the Yu Dynasty, the real Chaotian Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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