Assassin He Chunxia

Chapter 110 The Star Chaser

Chapter 110 The Star Chaser
The sky-reaching water column raised from the Moon-Watching Pool is connected to the waters. The dragon climbs up the water column and goes straight up to the sky like a moon. In the dark waters, the pearls and jades embedded in the dome are infected by spiritual energy, emitting a bright and soft pearl light. Like stars, illuminating the entire imperial mausoleum.

Under this light, everyone was able to see clearly the leaf-shaped rootless water floating above their heads, like a barrier, a door, separating two similar Chaotian palaces.

Everything in the world, yin and yang twins?
Or, as a mortal, all that can be touched is just the world in the painting?
Qi Baiyu's words in the illusion unconsciously rose in everyone's hearts, this water area violated common sense, imagined, this is a wonder that only exists in myths, a creation of heaven.

The rootless water above the head made Ye Shu and the others connect their thoughts with the vastness that Wudang saw, that vast, empty, boring world, and the original appearance of the sky.

And everything here, the ebb and flow of the tide, are nothing but rivers and mountains drawn by the sky, cages made, and destiny written.

Everyone's life is destined to become a part of the sky from the moment of birth, so life, swordsmanship, faith... those great, fiery, blooming, and pride of being born as a human being are no longer meaningful and will no longer exist , after all, will only become a part of the sky.

Intense, indescribable sadness quickly surged into everyone's hearts, Gu Twelve Books grinned miserably, "I think that precious pill is the inner pill of Jiaolong."

Zhang Zhouzhou porridge and Ouyang Jing heard Kuanglansheng's soft pleading, and helped him up again when he was kneeling on the ground, and stood upright. He was under the pressure of a powerful demon force while he was seriously injured. At this moment, he Weak, he held his head up.

Half human, half demon, with five senses better than ordinary people, under the dim pearl light, only he could clearly see the four blurred figures crouching on Jiaolong's back, Qi Baiyu and his party, and Miss He, riding the dragon directly up the water and leaving the imperial mausoleum.

"Liu Lingguan Liu Lingguan."

Kuang Lansheng immediately thought of Liu Lingguan's treasure place on Zijin Mountain. Liu Lingguan once told him three medicinal herbs collected by the Liu family for generations, ice snow lotus, sea king ginseng, and cloud spirit wood.If you count these three treasures and the fox tail and dragon beard in Qi Baiyu's hands, only Tianxinhua and Youguijiao are left to collect all the seven herbs.

Qi Baiyu is going to plunder Liu Lingguan's treasure site, and then ride a dragon out to sea to find Tianxinhua.

Kuanglan lay in Zhang Zhouzhou's ear, softly whispered his guess, and then let him relay it to everyone.

"Oh, the birth of the dragon? This is no longer something we can control." The Ancient Twelve Books shook his head, "Liu Lingguan must have come with the Han family army, let's hurry up and leave this ghostly place, just in time to inform him. "

The people had already left, and there was no need to go to the Moon Pond to investigate. Ye Shu immediately raised the lamp, led the crowd back, and walked through the underwater corridor bridge through the Feixiaqun Pavilion.

In this soft light, everyone was able to see clearly the wooden corridor bridge that was suspended in the air and submerged in the water. The murals on the corridor wall that everyone thought before were actually hollowed out exquisite carvings, and there were many gaps on the corridor wall. , but not a drop of water seeped into the bridge.

Climbing up the steps, Zhang Zhouzhou couldn't hold back his curiosity, and wanted to poke his finger out from the gap in the wood carving to poke the rootless water. The spittle stars of the water immediately turned into ice chips and fell to the ground.Zhang Zhou porridge sighed silently in his heart, as if it had the same source as the extreme yin water that appeared in Wudang.

When crossing the water area, the water column connecting the two realms is slowly falling, and the soft light illuminating the water area is also gradually dimming. Presumably, the dragon has already risen into the clouds and disappeared.

At the end of the covered bridge, the entrance to the imperial mausoleum is no longer carved. It is tightly sealed and designed with an inverted arch. It walks forward to the ordinary waters. Everyone has to swim a short distance to float up to the well. Ouyang Jing goes up first. Explore the road ahead and confirm that the Chaotian Palace is indeed full of soldiers from the Han family army, and then return to lead everyone out of the water.

"This imperial mausoleum and the entrance are top secret, and we have a unified story. We hid in the water at the bottom of the well and took turns to breathe, so the Shijiajun didn't find out." Ouyang Jing confessed when he came out of the well.

"Qi Baiyu, and Chunxia, ​​this dragon is so powerful that we can't hide what happened in the imperial tomb." Mo Qingshan said with a cold face.

"Let's put it this way to the outside world first. You can't publicly publicize that Third Young Master Qi is a lunatic who wants to destroy the world in the Han family army. We can talk privately after we see First Young Master Qi and Second Young Master Qi."

Behind Ye Shu's hall, he climbed up the rope with Kuanglansheng on his back, and Kuanglansheng murmured in his ear.

Out of the well, the moon rises, under the bright full moon, the Chaotian Palace is very lively, with voices everywhere. Obviously, the scene of the dragon soaring into the sky was glimpsed by the soldiers in the Chaotian Palace just now, and there is a lot of discussion. Even at this moment, in the mountains and fields, there is still From time to time, the sound of dragons rang out, awakening the creatures in Zijin Mountain.

A military doctor came to treat the wounded, and Ye Shu stopped at the mouth of the well for a while, and was invited by the sergeants into a small unremarkable courtyard on the side where the Taoist boy lived.

When he entered, he saw only three people, the brothers of the Qi family and Ouyang Jing were talking.

"Shi Zhichuan slipped away by a small path. We only have the Shi family brothers in our hands. As the hostage, we don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Qi Baiyu sighed, and bowed to Ye Shu with Qi Baiyu, "Mr. I've heard about it, and I don't know who the third child is now."

Qi Baiyu looked lingering in fear, and swallowed several saliva before speaking, "Brother, you were in the house just now, and you didn't see the dragon under the moon, it was very frightening, since the youngest insisted on letting us come to Nanjing, it was as if we were in the cloth. A big situation, he seems to have calculated everything. The king of Zhenxi sent troops to Nanjing. My Qi family was at the end of its rope. Now I hold the brothers of the Shi family as hostages, and I have no way to make a living. The situation is unpredictable. There are many changes in just one day. I'm really stupid, and it's hard to guess what he's thinking for a while."

"What bastard Qi Sanshao can think of is nothing more than death, death, everyone hurry up to die, the more people die, the happier he is. But in my opinion, this world is so big, Qi Even if the third young master's plot succeeds, it will take hundreds of years to go there and kill the world. Our top priority now is how to rescue my senior sister from that beast."

After Zhang Zhouzhou changed into wet clothes, he brought some food with Liu Lingguan, just in time to pick up the conversation.The girls were drenched all over, and Chaotian Palace was full of male sergeants, so they were arranged to wash dust and change clothes in another humble courtyard.

"In the face of natural disasters, it takes only a blink of an eye to destroy a place. I have also seen that dragon. The power of the legendary dragon can make clouds and rain, and control fire and thunder." Liu Lingguan sighed, "I have never seen a child from a rich family. Natural anger, this is a catastrophe. Come to think of it, Qi Baiyu will go to sea with the treasures that my Liu family has saved for generations. Aren't the dragons on the sea like gods, how can they fight against it?"

The brothers of the Qi family, Zhang Zhouyu, are from the capital, and their family is either rich or noble. Although they grew up in the flames of war, they have never seen a terrible natural disaster. Some disagree.

"In this case, at this moment, Qi Baiyu and his party should still be on Zijin Mountain. Second Young Master Qi, you have to send troops to search for it without delay." Ye Shu took some food, swallowed it with water, and asked Liu Lingguan as soon as he finished speaking. lead him out.

Qi Baiyu looked distressed, "The soldiers are rushing to fight hard today, and now they are going to reorganize the army and run around Zijin Mountain to kill my brother? Besides, King Zhenxi will come to the city the day after tomorrow at the latest. Jiaolong, how to prepare, how many troops to send, all need to be considered in scheduling."

Liu Lingguan followed suit and shook his head, "Although what brother Zhang said is superficially unreasonable, but after careful consideration, one person's strength is limited after all, and the act of destroying the world cannot be achieved overnight, otherwise Qi Sanshao would not have worked hard to refine the immortality pill for himself Take it. From this point of view, by the time Qi Sanshao's killing game takes shape, we have already become a handful of loess. Since Qi Sanshao has become the incarnation of heaven, and the destiny is hard to break, I think it is better to follow the trend and we can still grow Live for a long time."

He rolled his eyes, "There is no rush to save Miss He, Miss He has been manipulated by Qi Sanshao, there is no solution, so what if she is rescued?"

"Liu Lingguan! What kind of shit are you putting on!" Zhang Zhoucong glared angrily, "My senior sister's heart was damaged, and she was tricked by that beast for a while. After a while, when my senior sister recovers her soul, she will definitely wake up! We have to go get her back now!"

Ye Shu could only turn his head to look at Qi Baiyu, hoping that he could mobilize troops to help.

"After all, he is my third brother, and I don't have much time to live." Qi Baiyu grinned wryly, "I was even thinking that maybe he would think of brotherhood. I don't seek longevity, I, I I just want to live longer"

"Eldest Young Master Qi! You..." Seeing his bitter face, Zhang Zhouzhou couldn't say much, so he turned his head and scolded Qi Baiyu, "Second Young Master Qi, this is your Qi family's business! You have to take care of your bastard brother!"

Noisy, admonishment, everyone is arguing endlessly here.

Ouyang Jing watched Ye Shu's figure stepping out, disappearing into the moonlight little by little, he just sighed, leaning on his spear silently, and closed his eyes.

Ye Shu wore the Suxue sword on his waist, and water droplets slipped from the corners of his hair and clothes.In front of him is the trail going down the mountain, and behind him is the Chaotian Palace under the bright moon.

Too many things happened today, he is very tired.

Chivalry, swordsmanship, good and evil, and dreams, which support human life and existence, seem so small and vulnerable in front of the great word sky. What else can support people to move forward?

On this path to death, Ye Shu never looked back, only he was alone, holding on to the hilt of Suxue's sword, and took a step forward.

One person, one sword, a lonely and brave star chaser.

Maybe it's because of the word "lose" in his name. Ye Shu didn't win many in his life. He lost to Li Qinglan, He Haitang, and even Fang Shu, whose martial arts were far inferior to his own.

He has been chasing the dazzling morning star, those amazing and unprecedented geniuses, but he has never followed their footsteps.

He just always has the courage to draw his sword.

The courage to yearn for freedom.

Never give up the courage.

The courage to go against the sky!
He didn't keep up with those geniuses, he just kept chasing and never stopped.

Ye Shu learned swordsmanship at the age of four, and is 41 years old this year. For 37 years, he has been practicing swordsmanship every day, and he has never slacked off.When he took over Suxue's sword master position at the age of 17, he was already a first-class master in the Jianghu, he is a genius with a clear sword heart.

"In your whole life, you are not worthy to realize this ray of sword light."

This is what Li Qinglan said to Ye Shu. Ye Shu is a genius, but Li Qinglan's swordsmanship is unprecedented, and there will be no one since. Under the sun, no matter how shining the light will be covered by him.

"In the world today, how many people are there who can take my sword?"

This was also Li Qinglan's sigh, but now, Ye Shu also has the qualifications to say this sentence.

Yes, with Ye Shu's talent, he couldn't comprehend that ray of seven-star sword light in his whole life, but he embarked on his own path, step by step, step by step.
A genius who has walked for 37 years, step by step, down to earth. In 37 years, in exchange for breaking through the situation with one step at this moment, it will be a matter of course, and the supreme sword heart will be achieved.

Kendo reaches the peak!

Ye Shu's sword.

A sword is a sword.

It doesn't have the sharpness of the Seven Star Sword Light, it doesn't have the fierceness of one stab and kill, and it doesn't have the weirdness and changeability of the Youyue Wushan Sword Art.

A sword is a sword and nothing else.

He didn't realize any special skills and secrets, he was just strong, he just had a supreme sword heart.

The dragon chant sounded again. It seemed that the flood dragon had just recovered and needed blood to nourish it. It was hunting wildly in the mountains. Ye Shu followed the sound and walked forward again.

The bright moon was in the sky, and his drenched clothes were blown dry by the wind while running. He walked forward step by step, and finally caught up with Long Yin.

This is really a very stupid method. If you find Jiaolong, you can find Qi Baiyu, and if you find Qi Baiyu, you can find He Chunxia.

Ye Shu smelled a strong stench of blood. He had already seen the long body of the dragon hanging in the air. It was wider than an ordinary carriage just because of the thickness of its waist. The closer he walked, the more oppressive the dragon was like a hill. .

Li Qinglan once beheaded a dragon. According to the description of the person who saw the corpse, the dragon was twelve feet long and its waist was as thick as a buffalo. The one in front of Ye Shu couldn't see the head and tail, as if it could cover the sky and the sun. The body of the ten-foot dragon is probably several times larger than the one that died under Li Qinglan's sword.

Ye Shu didn't see Qi Baiyu and the others, but he knew that the flood dragon he was following didn't stop for a long time, devouring creatures.It floats in the air and moves forward slowly, like a king patrolling his territory, gradually, it will return to the familiar smell.

Ye Shu drew his sword, and Suxue sword flew to his left and right as he advanced step by step. On the way he walked, all the trees were cut off by the long sword and fell to the ground, the cross section was as smooth as a mirror.Everything has a texture, he uses the most suitable strength, the most suitable speed, cuts at the most suitable angle, and passes through the texture.

Birds fly, monkeys sing, and the creatures that dwell in the trees make sounds.

Ye Shu was trying out his sword, and he was also attracting the attention of the dragon.

The dragon wags its tail.

There was a smell of meat in Jiaolong's nostrils, and there were strange noises in his ears, and he finally noticed something strange.

Jiaolong turned his head and turned around, looked at the little creature in front of him with contempt, opened his mouth slightly, revealing two rows of bloody dragon teeth, Ye Shu, but only as tall as the one horn on its head.

Ye Shu shook out a long rope, flung out a section, and wrapped it around the one-horn. The other end of the long rope was already tightly tied around his waist.

A length of well rope, a plain snow handle, and a supreme sword heart.

Today I slay a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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