About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 303 Interrogation

Chapter 303 Interrogation
"Go on, otherwise, your family will not want to live." Chen Zifan said calmly, but his tone was full of killing intent.

"Seven Kingdoms means the seven overseas countries. You also know that the inner world is basically the sea, and the area of ​​the Nantian Empire only accounts for 15.00% of the inner world."

"And this largest continent is located in the northernmost part of the entire world, so imagine how many countries will exist in the remaining 70.00% of the southern sea?"

"During the millennium, seven major countries have awakened in the southern sea area. These seven countries have already internally formulated the South China Sea Seven-Nation Alliance and the Permanent Council of the South China Sea States."

"Furthermore, these seven countries are permanent members of the council. You have been active in the mainland for a long time, so naturally you rarely know anything about overseas affairs."

"If the combined power of these seven countries is now able to compete with the Nantian Empire!"

"Xileite holds the military power. If she Jiang Lingyin has collected the spirit veins but is unwilling to give them, think about it carefully, the countries in the South China Sea, the mainland of the Nantian Empire, and the whole world will not have a hiding place for people like Jiang Lingyin !"

"Understood, but I have a question. Where are those seven countries? We have been to Avalon once, and the Tailing pressure injection device equipped by the Imperial Science and Technology Development Bureau allowed us to cross the South China Sea in seven days." Chen Zifan couldn't help Looking at Marinussen with comprehension.

"Why didn't we see the Seven Kingdoms along the way?"

"That's because the ferry is taking the national road, which is a straight line. The sea line leading to Avalon is the sea line established by the ancestors, and it is a symbol of peace."

"How can ordinary people have the courage to go to the national line to make trouble?"

"So that's how it is. You really did all kinds of bad things." Chen Zifan laughed.


"Roger that!"

Cang Yue immediately used the Moon Flame to help Marinussen's child heal the broken limbs.

Marinussen watched all this in amazement.

"Are you from the Nangong family?!" Marinussen asked incredulously, "The Nangong family have been to Avalon, so I know who you are!"

"You are the new viscounts appointed by the empress, you belong to the tenth team of the Soul Slayer Bureau, right?!"

"Where have I offended you!" Malinussen asked.

"First of all, sir, it's like this. We had a discussion with the night organization a few days ago." Chen Zifan tugged at the tie with a dark red pattern.

"Our night organization is officially independent. It has nothing to do with the Hunter Association or the Soul Slayer Headquarters. It is completely a group of our folk individuals."

"Our service purpose is to get money to do things."

"What do you mean?! You mean someone hired you to kill me?!" Malinussen said angrily, "I'll give you double the amount he gave you! No! Four times!"

"Yu, give me the money." Chen Zifan looked at Yu and smiled.

Yu took out a Nantian gold coin from his pocket. This is a rare gold commemorative coin issued by Nantian National Bank. It has the function of circulation and collection. This kind of gold coin is called gallon by overseas people.

Yu easily threw the gold coin to Chen Zifan.

Chen Zifan caught it and held it in his hand, and he showed it to Marinussen.

"Look! The client is right behind you, and the price is one gallon." Chen Zifan said to Marinussen with a smile.

Marinussen turned his head suddenly, because he needed to use chains to control Marinussen, so Yu never closed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Eye.

His eyes have always maintained the appearance of hell.

Marinussen looked into those eyes he knew all too well.

Marinussen's body began to tremble, and his voice also struggled, "You, are you the remnant of the one who let go of all Tibet?!"

Marinussen's tone was trembling and full of fear.

"What? Your eyes seem to be full of fear?!" Yu asked indifferently, "When you killed my whole family back then, why did I see desire in your eyes when I was hiding under the eaves?"

"You have to kill me today, right, a member of the Indra family." Malinussen's expression gradually calmed down.

"Yeah." Yu replied.

"Then my wife and children?"

Chen Zifan said, "It depends on my employer, Yu? Give us two more gallons, and I'll help you kill two more."

"Unfortunately, I only have that one." Yu laughed.

"Oh, okay." Chen Zifan said helplessly.

"Marinussen, you have to bear the consequences for the crimes you committed. I won't kill you, because I know there is a place that can make your life worse than death." Yu said lightly.

"Oh? Send me to Hantian Prison with the power of your soul destroyer and the confession just now?" Malinussen sneered, he had completely given up resistance.

"Goodbye, Marinussen." Yu said coldly.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind behind Marinussen, and he looked back in fear. The huge gate of hell was opening its mouth and dragging him step by step into the bottomless abyss with the lock of cause and effect.

The gates of hell are gone.

"It's done!" Chen Zifan said briskly.
"Marinussen has corrupted a lot in the past few years, which is enough for you two to live on, but what happened today." Chen Zifan suddenly looked gloomy, "If you reveal half a word, you will all die."

Marinussen's wife hurriedly pinned her son's head and knelt on the ground to thank Chen Zifan and the others for not killing him.

Everyone prepares to evacuate from the balcony.

Feather at the end.

Suddenly Yu stopped, and he looked back at Marinussen's teenage son, "Your father slaughtered our entire family, if my younger brother or cousin's cousin survived, he should be as old as you. "

Yu finished speaking lightly, and then jumped off the window sill.

In this way, everyone got the information and took revenge. They drove away from the scene of the crime and rushed back to the headquarters at night.

The next morning, after everyone finished their meal, Chen Zifan called them into the office again.

"Why don't you go to the captain's meeting room? It's spacious." Li Jinsheng said with a wry smile. Every time the team has a meeting, they are crowded in this small room.

"The wall has ears, the area is small, and the heart is at ease." Chen Zifan laughed.

"Everyone, do you still remember what you said yesterday?" Chen Zifan began to ask everyone.

"What do you mean? The information that Marinussen said?" Yu asked.

"No, it's our night organization." Chen Zifan responded.

"Isn't that the joke you said on the spot yesterday?" Wu Xiaoyu asked with her head tilted.

"No, guys." Chen Zifan smiled all over his face.

"In my original world, there was such a saying." Chen Zifan began to tell everyone what he wanted to do next.

According to common sense, you are a little soul who was lucky enough to come to the other world with your memory and almost went to hell and was temporarily rescued by the director general.

After finally becoming a soul destroyer, he became the captain by accident and became a viscount.

If you were an ordinary person, you might enjoy the days to come.

After all, the Soul Slayer General Bureau is independent of any organization.

I am also the captain, and I receive the viscount's salary and the captain's salary every year, and my tenth team is a security team, unlike Li Yang or Tang Chen who need to go out all year round.

Just be a carefree person and enjoy yourself, right?Anyway, he became the captain and his lifespan has been extended, so what else is there to worry about?

Yes, as an ordinary person, this is already a blessing in misfortune, and it is a realm that can only be achieved by extremely lucky people.

But he, Chen Zifan, was not.

(End of this chapter)

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