About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 318 Demon Sword. Fishbone Sword

Chapter 318 Demon Sword. Fishbone Sword

After Feng Buyu finished speaking, he left through the door behind him, presumably to get the fragments of the divine veins as he said.

Feng left without saying a word, and the atmosphere in the hall became tense again.

Zhuge Xuan said: "Director Kleiman, why are you still here, is it?"

"Since I'm here, I decided to cooperate with your bureau to escort Shenmai Zhouquan. After all, criminal organizations in the empire are now rampant." Kleiman responded.

It seems that these guys are really stuck here, and they don't plan to leave without seeing the divine vein.

Nan Tian Aolai ignored Kleiman, he just sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The incense has not been burned yet.

Not long after, Feng Buyu returned to the hall where the guests were received.

I saw him with empty hands and a smile on his face.

"Everyone! I'm really sorry, the head of the sect has ordered you to stay on our mountain for two days."

"Oh?" Nan Tian Aolai looked at Feng Buyu with puzzled eyes, "What do you dare to ask?"

"One is that the headmaster sees that everyone is exhausted and mobilizes the crowd for a piece of useless debris, so the headmaster hopes that all the distinguished guests can take a rest at the alliance, and it will be enough for two days."

"Secondly, I just saw that there seems to be some conflicts between your bureau and your government. The head hopes that you can discuss it in the next two days, and it is best to be able to happily escort Shenmai back together."

"The third point is the sect master's own personal affair. You all know that the three thousand disciples of the Sword Emperor League all focus on sword qi, so it is rare that so many strong people come here. The sect master also hopes His disciples can have a discussion with you, of course, that's all."

Feng Buyu looked at the two forces on both sides with a smile.

Everyone was lost in thought.

The conditions proposed by Nanfeng do not seem to be excessive, and there is no reason to refuse them. Both sides now think so.

"Hahaha good! Since your sect wants us to stay for a few days, it's fine!" Nan Tian Aolai readily agreed.

"Then let's stay for a few more days." Kleiman on the side also echoed.

So everyone moved into their respective rooms under Feng Buyu Ling Zhuang Ziyan's arrangement.

"It's better to be in the mountains! My grandfather used to take me to the mountains every summer to escape the heat." Li Jinsheng opened his arms and sucked in the fresh air in the mountains.

Headed by Nan Tian Aolai, the group of Soul Slayers were arranged in the west wing of the villa.

Kleiman and his party headed by the government were arranged on the east side.

Dusk has come, unitary time.

The fog in the mountains gradually thickened.

A disciple was walking towards the Sword Emperor League on the top of the mountain with a bamboo cage on his back.

He was dressed in commoner clothes, and there were various freshly picked medicinal herbs in the bamboo basket behind his back.

"Who is it!" The disciple suddenly stopped in the bamboo forest on the mountain.

he yelled loudly.

The vague atmosphere made him feel bad, and an abnormal spiritual pressure was hiding around him.

This disciple put down the bamboo basket and tightly grasped the saber at his waist with his right hand, as if a fight would happen at any moment.

"Hi, disciple of the Sword Emperor League from years ago." A voice came from a giant tree in the distance.

The disciple looked intently, and saw a tall man in a black robe with a collar standing at the thick end on the left side of the tree.

It's just surprising that this person's appearance is very scary.

He has short, clean blue hair, and his skin is blue all over. The teeth in his mouth are also very human teeth, more like some kind of sharp teeth.

His eyes glared angrily at the disciples in front of him, and his golden pupils gave off a feeling of calmness and prestige.

"Did you go up the mountain without reporting?" the disciple asked the man.

"Hahaha, do you still need to report when you come to Sword Emperor Alliance? I don't know." The green-skinned man laughed loudly.

"I'm Li Tianran! Report your name!" During the words, the disciple named Li Tianran had already pulled out the saber from his waist.

It was a sharp long sword, the head of the sword was in the shape of a three-eared cloud head, the sword grid was widened to form a hand guard, the scabbard was intricately decorated, with segmented hoops, and ears on the sheath mouth hoop.

This kind of sword belongs to the mass-produced daily saber of the disciples of the Sword Emperor League.

It is used for training and performing martial arts.

Its name is "White Emperor Sword"

"My name is Ghost Lengche." The man jumped off the branch and walked straight towards Li Tianran.

His voice was rough and powerful.

"So you admit that you are a trespasser." Li Tianran clenched the White Emperor Sword in his hand and asked in a cold voice.

"Boy, I heard that there are four sects in your Sword Emperor League, and each sect practices different swordsmanship. I saw that you don't look like a disciple of Nanfeng's inner sect. Tell me, except him Nanfeng Outside the inner door, which hill are you from?" Ghost Lantern asked with a smile.

"Under the Fengzi sect, one learns from Feng Silently." Li Tianran said lightly.

"Okay, now that we know the identities of both sides, let's go to war." The fangs in Ghost Lamp's mouth gradually flashed with a smile.

Li Tianran couldn't understand at this time, but the guy in front of him was not a good stubble.

There are two roads in front of me, one is to flee to the top of the mountain to seek reinforcements, and the other is to fight this stranger here.

Obviously, as a member of the Sword Emperor Alliance, the largest force in Middle-earth, it would be shameful to run away at this time.

What surprised Li Tianran was the weapon on the back of the ghost lamp.

The appearance of this weapon is extremely weird. Judging from the appearance alone, the entire weapon should be more than two meters long and half a meter wide.

The whole weapon is in the shape of a sword, and according to its abnormal length and width, it can be called a giant sword.

However, what makes Li Tianran really feel cool is that this sword is not an ordinary giant sword.

This is the legendary "fish bone sword"!
The blade of the sword is made of fish spine, and the spurs are sharp.There is a silver skull on the top of the hilt, and the head of the sword is a whole skeleton of some kind of fish, like a shark or a killer whale.

Facing this sword, Li Tianran couldn't understand it more clearly, it was a demon sword.

"Who are you?! Why is there a fishbone sword?" Li Tianran asked in surprise.

Ghost Lantern raised the white fishbone in his hand and looked at it carefully, "This is my trophy."

"Did you snatch it from the people in the 'Demon Sword Society'?" Li Tianran didn't back down, on the contrary, he wanted to figure out the ins and outs.

The so-called Demon Sword Society is a folk organization, and most of the members' weapons are demon swords.

As the name suggests, "demon sword" is a weapon with misfortune. In every legendary demon sword weapon, there is an evil sword spirit living in it, which can corrode people's thoughts.Therefore, only those who are stronger than the sword spirit can control this sword, otherwise they will be swallowed and die unexpectedly.

But if the sword-wielder can suppress the demon sword with his own aura, then the sword-bearer can display the unexpected power brought to him by the demon sword!

Many famous demon knives are not recorded in the "Mainland Famous Weapons Book", because they are too dangerous and murderous, many people who love knives and swords will avoid the demon knives when they see them.

At this time, Feng Buyu's disciple Li Tianran faced the man who was holding the "Fish Bone Sword", one of the most famous thirteen demon swords.

Although Li Tianran knew the fish bone sword, he didn't know the characteristics of the fish bone sword, let alone what the purpose of the man in front of him was.

(End of this chapter)

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