Chapter 320 Huesta

"Yu is right. The appearance of Tianyin is not accidental." Chen Zifan analyzed.

"Brother, how did Baixiu find out about Tianyin's existence?"

"It was Hilet who personally arranged for a member of Tianyin to meet with all the members of Kirigakure, just before our operation."

"It seems that guy has made a plan a long time ago. On the surface, Kleiman and the military came over, and secretly sent Wuyin and Tianyin to help them in secret." Li Jinsheng hated Adolf extremely.

"But isn't the current situation still in our favour? After all, Adolf doesn't know that Bai Xian and the others have joined us."

This night, everyone discussed various countermeasures for the various events that they were about to face.

First of all, Yun Yin, headed by Chu Lumang, lives in Hushan. They have already revealed their identities to Hu Xiao, and Hu Xiao immediately reported to the leader Nan Feng.

Nan Feng then allowed Chu Lumang's Yun Yin to stay on the mountain of Hu Xiao temporarily.

However, Chu Lumang and Baixiu exchanged letters in secret, and Wuyin's people were not in the surrounding mountains, but were stationed on the mountainside of Tibetan Sword Mountain.

As for where the mysterious Tian Yin is, Bai Ci doesn't know either.

This is also the farthest edge that the current route centered on Nantian Aolai and Chen Zifan can be untied.

This night, everyone didn't sleep much, and Tian Yin came suddenly. What's more frightening is that no one knows whether Jiang Lingyin's power will come or not?Will the people from Iron Siege come?

All this is still unknown.

In the blink of an eye, the next morning, everyone only slept for two or three hours.

Li Jinsheng woke up early as usual, he got up and patted everyone awake, and then everyone opened their sleepy eyes, looked at the window, the sun came in, and dust particles fluttered around.

A group of people put on their clothes and came outside the hall, but they didn't know that Kleiman and others had been waiting for a long time in the martial arts arena in the center of the Sword Emperor League.

"I woke up quite early, Chief Kleiman." Nan Tian Aolai stretched his waist and said with a smile.

"It's not that the lord wants his apprentices to have a trial, so I'm ready for it. We can't lose face to our government." Kleiman said righteously.

After all, there are only these people on the top of the mountain now. Except for the four elders and Zhuang Ziyan who met yesterday, I didn't see anyone else on this mountain at all.

Of course, it is impossible for Nanfeng to show up easily.

In the reception hall, the cloud and vine incense was still burning continuously, emitting green smoke repeatedly. Accompanied by this misty morning, the whole villa looked extremely mysterious, unpredictable and unknowable.

I saw the mountain gates in the distance slowly opening towards the sides, and the four elders, Feng, Yun, Dragon, and Tiger, walked towards Chen Zifan and the others slowly with a sense of immortality.

"You guys, just wait, the four of us got up and discussed it, let's make friends with martial arts today!" Feng Buyu laughed.

His voice was very hearty, and he led the other three elders to the four chief seats of the martial arts arena.

On both sides of the martial arts arena were people from the Miehun Bureau and the government.

In a cliff cave on the mountainside of Tibetan Sword Mountain, seven people dressed in white robes with stand-up collars, white suits and strange white steel masks are gathering together.

But just based on a general view of their appearance, one can tell that this is Kirigakure led by Baixiu. This white robe with a stand-up collar and white suit is the uniform uniform of the Kirigakure Rangers.

"Boss, you said what should we do if a fight really broke out in a while?" Zi looked at Bai Xian in front of the cave.

"Wait and see what happens, isn't there still the man sent by Tianyin?" Bai Xian said indifferently, "At that time, our position must be consistent with Xilaite."

"But that guy from Tianyin, where is he now?" Yinyue asked Baixiu.

Bai Xian touched the saber at his waist, "I don't know, but it must be on a certain side of the mountain."

"Does Hilet not trust us?" the young man named Nan asked.

"Not necessarily." Bai Xian frowned under the mask, "But Tianyin's incident is by no means accidental. If Xilaite doesn't trust us, there is no need to send us here."

"But that hometown is too funny!" Zhu seemed a little annoyed.

This reminded him of the scene that happened in Schillert's office that day.

The Kirigakure Six, headed by Shiroku, were standing there in uniform, and Hiret, who was sitting on an office chair, was waiting for someone.

Half an hour passed, and the door of Hilette's office was suddenly pushed open.

A boy with short light blond hair and a height of about 178 walked into the office in a white hooded robe with his hands in his pockets.

He wears a white hood to cover part of his cheeks, but it can be seen from the only exposed face that he is a very handsome boy.

"Oh! You're here." Hilet said with satisfaction looking at the young man in white robes with a hat in his pockets and hands in his pockets.

"I've told Bai Xi what I should tell him. I still have a meeting, so you can get to know me for a while." After speaking, Adolf Hilet slowly got up, walked up to the boy and Bai Xi, and took a picture. They clapped the arms of both sides and turned to leave.

The blond boy had a smiling expression from the beginning to the end, which always gave people a feeling of indifference or indifference.

"Are you the Tian Yin introduced by the Prime Minister? Are you the one who will assist us in this operation?" Bai Jiu was the first to ask.

The blond boy raised his lowered head suddenly, he looked at Bai Xian with a smile, and the boy stretched out his hand.

"Hello Captain Baixian, my name is Huesta, nice to meet you all."

Baixian shook hands with Huesta politely.

"But there is one thing you got wrong. This time, the six of you, Kirigakure, are responsible for assisting me alone, and I am not responsible for assisting you." Huesta said with a smile.

What he said instantly upset Kirigakure and the others including Bai Kui.

This guy has a casual attitude from the moment he walks in.

He even said that he wanted everyone to help him alone.

In any case, Kirigakure is also a veteran spy organization that has experienced countless intelligence wars under the leadership of Bai Xian.

A newly formed member of Tianyin uttered wild words here, which made people a little angry.

On the martial arts arena, it was already a quarter past seven in the morning.

Under Feng Buyu's arrangement, today there will be two disciples from the Sword Emperor League and two people from the Miehun Bureau performing martial arts.

Suddenly, 20 people came from the mountain gate in the distance.

These 20 people are all dressed in white Hanfu robes, with long black hair fluttering, silver hair crowns and silver hairpins on their heads.

These 20 people all wear the "White Emperor Sword" of the Sword Emperor League at their waists.

The 20 people walked slowly to the martial arts arena in a neat two-row formation.

A group of ten people stood behind Chen Zifan and the others, and a group of ten people stood behind the countermeasure Kleiman and the others.

"Haha, let me introduce to you, these 20 people are inner disciples of the leader of the Sword Emperor League. They are all geniuses who have graduated from our hands and entered Tibetan Sword to further practice under the guidance of the leader himself." Feng Buyu smiled and said to everyone commentary.

"Then I don't know who the noble sect sent to fight us today?" Nan Tian Aolai was a little curious. In fact, he wanted to learn about these guys who practiced spiritual power a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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