Chapter 328 Ye Xingchen

However, all the bad news has just begun.

Ye Xingchen, who was a few months old, was diagnosed with extremely unstable spiritual power in his body. If he failed the mental test by the time he was one year old, he would be sent to Avalon by the empire.

Yeren ran around seeking medical treatment as if possessed by a demon, but ended in failure repeatedly.

Fortunately, the child was mentally normal, and Ye Xingchen successfully passed the mental test and obtained the permanent residence right enjoyed by the residents of the Nantian Empire.

In this way, Ye Ren took care of the young Ye Xingchen while hunting Soul Eater and criminals.

But there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and disasters and blessings for people.

Ye Xingchen quickly attracted the attention of some colleges and universities. After all, children who were born with spiritual power and destroyed the delivery room with spiritual pressure were too rare to be mentally stable.

Whether this kid joins the military, the police, or the Soul Extermination Bureau, he will have a bright future.

But sometimes a genius is a madman.

You and I are half a step away from a great man, and one step away from a madman.

One day when he was three years old, Ye Xingchen was flipping through his father's books, probably because his father Ye Ren was always equipped with an Imperial x-3 pistol besides a knife.

This is the third-generation spiritual pistol of the X series developed by Imperial Military Industry. Compared with the previous generation, it is more accurate, and the bullets formed by spiritual pressure have a longer range.

When Ye Xingchen was one year old, he accidentally touched the gun his father put on the coffee table. As a young boy, he instantly became interested in this hot weapon.

Like almost all boys, he was interested in guns.

The three-year-old Xingchen was flipping through this collection of thermal weapons and firearms developed by Imperial Heavy Industries that day.

He was deeply attracted by the guns in the book.

But at that time, he was only three years old.

On this day, Nightblade ended his hunting mission early. He bought his son's favorite cone and went home with baguette sticks.

He pushed open the door, and on the porch, three-year-old Ye Xingchen's right hand was shining with a blue light, dazzling.

And the blue light gradually took shape, and slowly turned into a spear.

Seeing this firearm, Yeblade, whose spiritual power leaked out into spiritual pressure, was startled!
This, this is, but the most lethal sniper rifle "TAC-18" developed by Imperial Heavy Industries and the Imperial Science and Technology Development Bureau so far is an anti-tank sniper rifle. The use of this gun requires the holder to inject a huge spiritual pressure to drive it. , its one shot can blow up a building.

Due to the excessive lethality, the production of this firearm stopped as early as last year, and there were only 10 of them in the whole continent.

This child, who is only three years old, has transformed into a spiritual pressure?
In horror, Ye Ren accidentally saw the book on the ground, the firearms book from Heavy Industry.

Suddenly it was turned to the last page, and the introduction on that last page was exactly TAC-18!

"Damn it, how did you do it?!" Ye Ren asked Ye Xingchen loudly.

However, Ye Xingchen was only three years old at this time, unable to manage his emotions and spirit at all, and his brain was not even fully developed.

The child just looked at his father very kindly.

On that day, an earth-shattering event happened in the eastern part of the entire imperial capital.

A villa opposite Link's townhouse was instantly blown into ruins, and a seventh-level hunter died on the spot.

And the culprit of all this turned out to be a three-year-old child, the biological son of the dead hunter.

This incident shocked the entire South Sky Continent, rumors flew up and blew into the streets and alleys of the Empire Continent like the wind.

No one believed that a three-year-old could unlock fields and cause such havoc.

Many people think that this is a premeditated and ordered murder!

After this incident, the young Ye Xingchen was sent to the imperial orphanage for special children.

Most of the children in this orphanage hovered between normal and abnormal, so they were not judged to be sent to Avalon.

Ye Xingchen's story began from then on. As soon as he entered the orphanage, Ye Xingchen was forcibly taught how to turn off the spiritual pressure in his body. For safety reasons, the hospital even imposed some kind of spell on Ye Xingchen's body to seal the leakage of spiritual power. .

Here, Ye Xingchen faced a child who was also abandoned or picked up, and what he waited for was not to cherish the same fate, but to ruthlessly abuse him.

Here, it is more like a microcosm of human society.

Because every child has been sealed with spiritual power, this place has naturally become a world of strong and strong people.

They can grab your buns and milk by force.

They can gang up on you and insult you.

They even beat you up as a boring pastime when they are bored.

Later, Ye Xingchen, who gradually grew up, also knew about his past. His mother died because of his spiritual power leakage, and his father died because he opened the domain.

All of this is self-inflicted.

It was I who killed my parents with my own hands, it was me who destroyed everything, I shouldn't have been born.

In this way, Ye Xingchen survived. All he wanted was to escape from the orphanage, return to his original home, and commit suicide.

It's that simple.

However, the day came that changed his fate.

One day when Ye Xingchen was seven years old, a white-robed man with a stalwart figure and long hair fluttering like a fairy in the sky came to the special orphanage for children where Ye Xingchen was.

It was Lord Shen, Shen Wuhuan. Ever since that inexplicable bombing happened, Shen Wuhuan began to pay attention to the only survivor of the explosion.

He has been staring at Ye Xingchen all these years.

Even what happened to him in the orphanage was well known to Shen Wuhuan.

One day when she was seven years old, Shen Wuhuan picked up Ye Xingchen and brought him to her mansion.

Ye Xingchen's fate also changed from this day on.

On the top of a certain mountain in the southeast of Middle Earth, the young man slowly put away the spiritual sniper rifle that his right hand had transformed into.

The appearance of this gun is exactly the same as the TAC-18 that was discontinued back then. The only difference is that the TAC-18 is a physical firearm, and the boy's right arm is transformed into a Reiatsu firearm formed after opening the domain.

"It's finally over. By the way, you clearly hit the target just now, why did you keep aiming with your telescope for so long?" Behind the boy, a big man with a double-edged ax resting on his shoulder asked.

The big man is tall and muscular. He wears blue suspender jeans and wears a white short-sleeved sleeve. The sleeves of the short-sleeve are stretched tight by his horrible muscles. mask.

This person is the eighth-level hunter known as the "Bloody Butcher"


There is a middle-aged man standing behind the boy on the right side. The man is strong and tall. He is wearing a black suit with a notched collar similar to the Miehun Bureau. What is striking is his curly hair, which seems to be natural curly hair They are all big rolls.

This person is also Michelangelo, one of the eighth-level hunters who defected to follow Shen Wuhuan, known as the "gentleman".

And the young man with the gun is Ye Xingchen who Shen Wuhuan has cultivated with care for many years.

"Let's retreat." Ye Xingchen said in a commanding tone.

The other two didn't say much after hearing that, and prepared to follow Ye Xingchen to evacuate from the mountaintop. After all, he had completed the task of sniping the fragment holder and letting his own people grab the fragment.

(End of this chapter)

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