Chapter 330
"Old Chen, let me meet him." Li Jinsheng looked at Master Xue and said to Chen Zifan.

"No, as long as that guy's blood-transforming palm touches the skin, the opponent will turn into flesh and blood. Your domain happens to be melee combat, so you can't fight the blood master head-on." Chen Zifan hurriedly stopped Li Jinsheng.

Right now, on the top of Hidden Sword Mountain and inside the Hidden Sword Villa, everyone is staring at Lord Xue covetously.

But no one dared to go forward, the blood demon Dafa was too fierce.

Xue Ye not only has body protection and blood energy, but also has that terrifying palm technique.

But Baiyun Wuyou didn't hesitate, he swung his sword and slashed at Master Xue again.

Unexpectedly, Lord Xue blocked Wuyou's sword with both arms.

"Hey, I'm old anyway, so I'm naturally proficient in physical skills." Master Xue laughed softly, his eyes full of mischief.

That's right, Master Xue used his arms to block Wuyou's slash.

Xue Ye tried to hit Yun Wuyou again with the blood-transforming palm, but the biggest characteristic of the holder of the elemental attribute field is that he can elementalize a certain part of the body in advance.

The parent, Yun Wuyou, had mastered the ability of listening to the truth, so he had already melted his abdomen into a cloud before the blood master hit the blood-dissolving palm, and the blood-dissolving palm of the blood master missed the air again.

Yun Wuyou hastily retreated, widening the distance from the battle.

"Why, you two great elders, three captains and deputy captains, you can't do anything to me alone?" Master Xue sneered, his tone still calm.

The original mountain top.

"When are you going to make a move?" Bai Xian stared coldly at the Hidden Sword Villa in front of him.

"No hurry, no hurry." Huesta said leisurely.

"There are still no guests!"

"What do you mean by that?!" Bai Kui was a little surprised.

Not to mention that Huesta chose a mountain range so far away from the main mountain as his base.

Who is the guest in his mouth?

"I said, brother Bai, don't always be so tense, just like me, relax and relax, that's great." Husta said with a contented face.

"With all due respect, what the hell is Tianyin? Who is your leader?" Bai Yu asked tentatively.

"Oh, you will know what you should know sooner or later, so don't trouble me, I am a person who hates trouble."

Seeing that Huesta refused to say anything, Bai Xi had no choice but to give up.

I just don't know what happened to Chu Lumang's Yunyin.

Now Tianyin, Yunyin, and Wuyin in Zangjian Mountain, the three major secret service agencies, the Hunter Association, the police, the military, and the soul-destroying bureau.

Almost all the forces that can be reached have arrived.

If once the war.

Then it must be a catastrophe.

On the side of Huxiao Villa, Chu Lumang, Andrich and others stood still, because until now, neither Hilet nor the military police knew that there was such an institution as Yunyin.

Now that Kleiman, Hilet's subordinate, is on the top of the mountain, even if he and Andrich want to help, they can't use the identity of Yunyin.

Long Yin was already covered in wounds, and they were all sword wounds. For some reason, his sword skills and moves on the opposite side were exactly the same as his own.

"Is your ability to copy?!" Long Yin questioned.

But the strange thing is that the opposite self also asked at the same time.

Long Yin was shocked. At this time, no matter attacking the opponent or whatever, it would cause him to be injured.

Suddenly, the person opposite said, "Stop, you are no longer my opponent."

"I just don't understand yours." Long Yin whispered.

Long Yin's current situation is too dangerous, he can't even use his famous swordsmanship, because if he attacks that self, then he will also be injured.

"I am Jing, the sixth ranked hunter of the ninth level. My code name and name are both Jing. Before I die, I will let you know who killed you." The other self said flatly.

Long Yin is currently analyzing Jing's ability. From the beginning to now, Jing seems to use some kind of mirror image principle to copy himself.

However, this self has exactly the same ability as Long Yin himself.

And if he hurts "self", then Longyin's body will also be hurt in the same way.

"I understand." Long Yin changed his distressed image.

Jing, who turned into Longyin's body, looked at Longyin indifferently.

The next moment, what happened was shocking.

Long Yin personally cut off his left arm with a sword.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a painful voice came from another self.

The mirrored Dragon Yin disappeared, and what was left was a boy with short red hair and a silver mask, about 177cm tall.

The boy was wearing a blue shirt and red trousers.

He clutched his broken left arm in pain.

"How did you find out?" Jing asked, clutching his left arm.

"You said that you are the mirror of the Hunter Association. The mirror reminds me of the mirror image. If your ability is to become an enemy."

"And the enemy's attack on the enemy will return to the enemy itself intact, so if I hurt myself, it is very likely to break your mirror image."

"I'm right, illusionist!"

"Yes, as you can see, my domain is the domain of the illusion department."

"But I have a question." Long Yin clutched his left arm and looked at the man who also lost his right arm.

Looking at the mirror on his left arm, he asked, "Why didn't the damage I caused to you hurt your body after you turned into me?"

"My domain is called Wuxiang. I use the domain to create opponents that don't exist. After I open the domain, an invisible mirror appears in front of me all the time. After copying your mirror image, I will disappear invisibly and hide in the After that mirror."

"So the damage you cut on the mirror image will be returned to you intact, and the rest of the damage will only appear on the mirror image itself, and the mirror image itself is not me."

"Unless you see through the mechanism of my domain and commit self-mutilation, you can break this mirror image."

"It's a terrifying field. I haven't fought against an illusionist since ancient times. I didn't expect that today's battle would finally make me realize the danger of the illusion." Long Yin said with a wry smile.

"No matter how scary it is, you will see through it, won't you?" Jing said coldly.

The dragon chant after breaking the illusion is no longer empty.

In an instant, a powerful spiritual pressure burst out from Long Xiao's body, and the spread of this spiritual pressure even made everyone in the martial arts field of the villa feel it.

Master Xue said lightly, "It seems that the domain of the mirror has been cracked."

Holding a three-foot long sword, Long Yin slammed towards the mirror, but to his surprise, the tip of the sword was blocked by some invisible thing a few centimeters away from the mirror.

Long Yin retreated hastily, fearing that Jing would make something wrong again.

"Have you forgotten? I said that after opening the field, an invisible mirror will appear in front of me. I call it the 'Mirror of No Phase'"

"This mirror can only be crushed by the captain-level spiritual flash." Jing said while using the healing spirit to stop the bleeding.

"So that's the case, then how do you know that I don't have the strength of the captain level?" Long Yin asked coldly holding a long sword.

"Canglong Thunder Sword Art!" Long Yin yelled loudly with one-handed seal.

(End of this chapter)

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