About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 337 3 Million Bounty

Chapter 337 Three Billion Bounties

When Chen Zifan led a group of ten teams to the mountain in the northeast, Yu was already seriously injured and fell in a pool of blood.

Everyone hurriedly put their feathers on their backs and ran towards Huxiao's villa, which was the closest and undestroyed villa.

In the past few days, the disciples of the Sword Emperor League are busy rebuilding the Hidden Sword Villa, while Chen Zifan's team from the Miehun Bureau and Yun Yin headed by Chu Lumang have been stationed at Huxiao's Hushan Villa.

Yu's injuries were so serious that he had been in a coma for three days and three nights.

Anna, Wu Xiaoyu, and Lu Yuan took turns to take care of Yu.

Hu Xiao also ordered his disciples to rush to the mountain to collect medicinal materials.

Yu was not only injured on the skin, but his internal organs and blood vessels were seriously damaged.

Chen Zifan gritted his teeth in hatred, but he really couldn't understand, who was Yu facing?
It stands to reason that the strength of Yu who regained his eyes may even be stronger than his own, and with the domain of Indra's Dharma Body, it is impossible for him to be injured like this.

Chen Zifan couldn't imagine who the opponent was.

On this day, the middle-earth mountains began the continuous rainy season.

Chen Zifan stood in the courtyard, watching the rain drop by drop.

To his surprise, Zhao Ritian in the East Wing did not leave these days. It stands to reason that he had recovered a long time ago, but he never left.

Seeing that Zhao Ritian didn't have any malicious intentions and that Huesta had risked his life to protect everyone when he attacked the mountains.

Hu Xiao then allowed him to stay in the villa for a short rest.

"Brother Ritian, why don't you leave?" Chen Zifan looked at Zhao Ritian who was also watching the rain sitting on the steps.

Zhao Ritian looked at Chen Zifan, "You are the little ghost who merged with Soul Eater."

"That's right, it's me." Chen Zifan smiled.

"Chen Zifan, my Blood Cloud Cult is stationed near Nantian Capital as a branch of the Blood Demon Cult. I know what kind of night organization your tenth team executives have set up. A good and evil organization, right." Zhao Ritian said slowly.

"Oh, you know this too, exactly, what advice do you have?" Chen Zifan looked at Zhao Ritian with a smile.

He still feels good about Zhao Ritian, at least he looks very simple and honest, not like the kind of devil who would sacrifice a living person to a pool of blood.

"Sigh." Zhao Ritian sighed, "Didn't your organization accept jobs if you have money?"

Chen Zifan was taken aback, "Yes."

"Then if I pay you a huge sum of money, would you do me a favor?"

"Huge sum?" Chen Zifan smiled, "How much?"

"Three billion!" Zhao Ritian said seriously.

"You, Brother Ritian, this is a big joke. Even if you let me take Xilette's head, it's not worth the price."

"That day at the villa, I saw your power after completely devouring souls. I am in urgent need of powerful people to help. Everyone in your team is a master at the captain level, and there is also the girl who can use the flame of the moon." Zhao Ritian Come slowly.

"Our old man, 500 years ago, had a battle with Sword Emperor Nanfeng, and the world rumored that our old man was defeated, but it was not true. That war would only happen on June or April, and he, Sword Emperor Nanfeng, didn't get any benefit. "

Chen Zifan looked at Zhao Ritian suspiciously, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Could it be that you want revenge?!"

"No! Since you can say the words of revenge, it proves that the wind has told you the whereabouts of the south wind that day, right."

Chen Zifan looked at Zhao Ritian in surprise, "Yes, I won't hide it, you seem to know it too."

"My old man, since that battle, his brain was injured by the south wind, and he has become crazy since then, and he doesn't care about the affairs of the church. He smashes and smashes in the church every day. Everything is taken care of by his son Jiang Xueyu."

"Our leader, outsiders call him 'the ancestor of the blood demon', his real name is Jiang Chenyu, he is a top master in the same era as Sword Emperor Nanfeng and Lawrence Herbert."

"Wait! What did you just say? Lawrence? The dean of the Central School of Spiritual Art?!" Chen Zifan's pupils dilated instantly.

"You're too young, of course you don't know. Lawrence was also a strong side back then. It's because of the three of them in mainland China that they joined the Soul Extermination Bureau, so overseas princes didn't dare to mess around."

"So the government has always turned a blind eye to the murder of the Blood Demon Sect, but now the old man is out of his mind. The young leader is not a cheap lamp. He didn't inherit the old man's skills at all, but he wanted to dominate the mainland."

"Nowadays, the Blood Demon Sect is in chaos, and only my branch is still a quiet place."

Chen Zifan frowned, "Then, what do you want me to do for you? You must know that I am a soul destroyer, and I have my own job."

"I'll just open the skylight and tell the truth, I'll pay, and I want you to go to hell with me."

After saying that, Chen Zifan broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hell! Are you crazy? That place never returns!"

"Isn't that old fellow Nanfeng hiding in hell?" Zhao Ritian retorted.

"Then how do you know that Nanfeng is willing to stay inside and not come out? What if he can't come out at all?!" Chen Zifan also retorted.

"Just say whether you want to do it or not!" Chao Ritian was straightforward.

"What is your purpose in going to hell?"

"Presumably you don't know the structure of hell, but I know that although it is only a part, the so-called hell is not imprisoned in evil spirits, but all superhuman existences."

"Once those things appear in the world, the entire earth will be destroyed, so the gods created a prison to hold them, which is the current hell."

"I only know that there is a kind of bird in hell, called Phoenix, or Phoenix, which is not a product of the earth. Phoenix is ​​imprisoned in hell, and its eggs can heal my old man's head. "

"I see, so you want us to accompany you to hell to get the phoenix egg."

"Exactly." Zhao Ritian took a sip of the hot tea in the bamboo tube in his hand.

"Impossible. I can't take such a big risk with my team. I won't accept your business." Chen Zifan immediately refused.

Back in the day, I was the one who almost went to hell, but now someone is going to go to hell, what kind of international joke are you making? !

It's absurd to go to hell without even fully understanding the internal and external world!

But these words were just Chen Zifan cursing in his heart, he didn't speak out, but turned and left.

In the courtyard, Zhao Ritian sat on the steps watching the raindrops fall, his figure was a little lonely.

"It's already the fourth day, and Yu hasn't woken up yet!" Cang Yue said worriedly, "I used the Moon Flame to heal his whole body, but his soul was severely injured, and the wound of the soul cannot be healed by the Moon Flame. healing!"

Chen Zifan's face was gloomy, he hurried to find Endo, Nan Tian Aolai was standing in front of Endo's bed, and Endo hadn't woken up yet.

Nan Tian Aolai and Chen Zifan had the same question, who exactly did they meet that day?

How could it hurt so badly!
(End of this chapter)

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