About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 342 Chapter Family and Friends

Chapter 342

Chu Lumang stared at the rain outside in a daze in the high-rise room.

The heavy rain poured down, and the entire Narumi City was shrouded in clouds and mist.

Yesterday's weather forecast said it was clear and clear, but after noon today, black clouds swept in from the south, and with the sound of thunder, raindrops slammed into the ground.

A question suddenly appeared in Chu Lumang's mind.

"You said that people hide from the rain all their lives, will the rain be sad?"

He smiled, picked up the car keys on the coffee table and prepared to go out.

A woman in her 40s who looked only in her twenties came out of the kitchen wearing a white apron, "Lumang, it's raining, where are you going?"

This is exactly Chu Lumang's mother, the famous host in Narumi City, Luyue.

"It's okay, Mom. I'm going out for a walk. After all, I haven't been back for a long time."

"Remember to bring an umbrella! Go home for dinner at night!" Lu Yue instructed her son.

This warm scene seemed warm but actually frightening. Why did Chu Lumang, who was supposed to die, appear in his home again? !
This has to start many years ago.

When Chu Lumang decided to commit suicide to find the murderer who killed his sister, he had already told his parents.

His father Chu Tiankuo slapped him on the spot, saying he was crazy.

But Chu Lumang didn't regret it, he resolutely chose death.

For a long time after Chen Zifan helped him regain his memory, he put on the "yike" and returned to the world.

When his father Chu Tiankuo saw his dead son standing in front of him again, he slapped himself.

Chu's father and Chu's mother didn't ask too much, they knew that their child had succeeded.

They haven't reproduced one for so many years.

So when Chu Lumang returned in human form, Chu Tiankuo was so happy that everyone in the company, including the cleaning chef, rewarded 1 yuan.

The mother even turned down many interviews to accompany the child who had been dead for a long time.

The parents didn't ask much, they were concerned about whether he was hungry and whether someone was bullying him.

In fact, Chu Lumang knew in his heart that his parents were still worried, they just didn't want to cause trouble for him.

In the underground garage, a dusty Porsche 911 is quietly waiting for its owner.

Chu Lumang stretched out his palm and used spiritual pressure to blow away the dust on the car.

The key is inserted, the car starts.

Chu Lumang drove the car all the way admiring the long-lost world.

In rainy weather, people are in a hurry, men and women, all kinds of people.

Chu Lumang drove all the way to Minghai City No. [-] Middle School, where he used to go to school.

He took out the expired student ID card that he had prepared earlier and handed it to the security guard.

The security guard took one look and let him in.

On the campus, everything is still the same, the grass on the football field is irrigated by the heavy rain, revealing the fragrance of green grass.

It's summer break and the kids are off campus.

Returning here has become my own world.

The former president of the student union is visiting the campus where he lived.

Although he was told repeatedly by the director general, after getting the memory, he will not be able to recognize anyone except his parents.

But right now the campus is empty, where are the students?

Class One, Grade Three.

Chu Lumang opened the door of the classroom, everything was still the same, he walked back to his seat, this feeling was so real and so familiar.

In the cloudless weather, it was dark outside, and he turned on the lights in the classroom.

No one knew what he was doing, and no one seemed to care what he wanted to do. After all, in the eyes of the world, he was already dead.

However, while Chu Lumang was sitting in his seat admiring the rain and the green lawn outside the window.

The door of this classroom, which should not have living people, was opened.

Chu Lumang turned his head when he heard the sound, he was immediately stunned.

The other party was also stunned.

"Chuchu." The girl was too scared to speak.

Chu Lumang was surprised at first, then calmly responded, "Hello."

He smiled and looked at the girl, "I am Lu Mang's cousin, my name is Chu Qiao, how about you?"

"Ya Yazhuo Du Yazhuo."

"Oh, it's so late, what are you doing in the classroom?"

"I should ask you this question! I am the teacher of this school."

Du Yazhuo and Chu Lumang are students in the same class.

It turned out that she was admitted to a normal university after graduation, and she chose to be a language teacher at Narumi No. [-] Middle School after returning from her studies.

"I miss my cousin, so I came to have a look." Chu Lumang said with a smile.

"I was scared to death, otherwise I really thought you were reincarnated! So you are Lu Mang's brother." Du Yazhuo let out a long sigh of relief.

What Chu Lumang didn't expect was that after so many years, Du Yazhuo was still so graceful.

Back then, she was the class flower of class one, the object pursued by countless boys.

And Du Yazhuo is as cold and paralyzed as Chu Lumang.

She hardly makes friends, and always studies alone and goes home silently.

day to day.

But Du Yazhuo knew very well in his heart that he had always loved Chu Lumang.

So she tried every means to get close to him, she joined the student union, she was unreasonable, just to do a good job at her job.

During those years, Chu Lumang was the only light in Du Yazhuo's heart.

However, the same grief as Chen Zifan's came from Chu Lumang's suicide.

Meet old friends in a foreign land.

Now, Chu Lumang himself doesn't know whether he is still a human being.

It would be a lie to say that Chu Lumang has no feelings for Du Yazhuo at all, but how could he, who is bent on revenge, delay other girls?
Chu Lumang is a man who knew his destiny from the very beginning.

He is doomed not to be with the person he loves.

Even the other party loves himself.

Youth is like this, one side is shouting, the other side pretends not to hear.

"Outside the window, it's beautiful, isn't it?" Chu Lumang asked, "It's raining on the campus."

"Yeah, a rainy campus has a chic smell."

Chu Lumang smiled and looked out the window: "Sure enough, some things will not change."

Both sides fell silent.
a long time.

"Well, I have to go. My parents are waiting for me at home." Chu Lumang broke the moment of peace.

"Okay." Du Yazhuo looked at Chu Lumang.

Chu Lumang felt a little embarrassed, so he left in a hurry.

Left Du Yazhuo's affectionate gaze in the corridor.

"Some things don't change."

A word suddenly sounded in Du Yazhuo's heart.

This sentence was said by Chu Lumang unintentionally when the two of them helped carry the student test papers in the teaching office.

In the soul-destroying bureau at night, someone knocked on the steel door of Hansen's laboratory.

"Come in, I know it's you." Hansen said to himself with a smile.

The man pushed open the door.

"You came to me, so you have decided?"

Hansen looked at the man, he always felt that he still had a little concern.

"If you haven't made a decision, it won't be too late to find me after you finish your work." Hansen said quietly.

"No, I've made up my mind, let's start now." The man's deep voice was like an ancient bell.

(End of this chapter)

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