About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 348 The coward meets cotton

Chapter 348 The coward meets cotton

After a day of patrolling, everyone returned to Chu Lumang's home.

Chu Lumang's mother made a table full of hot food and waited for everyone.

During the meal, Chu's father and Chu's mother looked at Chu Lumang kindly.

They knew that their son and themselves were no longer from the same world.

But love doesn't go away.

At this time, a girl in a suspender nightgown came out of the door.

It was Xiao Jiu, she slept for a whole day.

"Ah! This girl is so handsome!" Chu Ma happily touched Xiao Jiu's face.

Xiao Jiu Shun's eyes are sleepy.

"Hurry up, girl, come and eat, you haven't eaten all day, you must be starving." Chu Ma warmly entertained Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu was startled reflexively.

She hastily bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bother you." Xiao Jiu said anxiously.

Chu Ma was surprised when she saw this.

But during the day, Chen Zifan had already told Chu's mother and Chu's father what happened to Xiao Jiu.

So they naturally have countermeasures.

Mother Chu looked at the poor child and held back her tears.

She quickly helped Xiao Jiu up and led her to the dining table.

Xiao Jiu was still a little scared.

She looked at the crowd timidly, this is the leader of a table
Chu's mother was sitting beside Xiao Jiu, and she gently stroked Xiao Jiu's hair.

"Hey baby, let's eat something."

Xiao Jiu was stunned for a moment, she looked at Chu Ma's kind face and then at her master Chen Zifan.

"Xiao Jiu, this is like my own home." Chen Zifan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Chu Ma said hastily.

At this time, Father Chu suddenly said something that shocked everyone, "Miss Xiaojiu, do you want to be a daughter for our family?"

Father Chu looked at Xiao Jiu kindly.

Xiao Jiu was terrified.

"Master, don't you want me?" Xiao Jiu asked hastily.

Chen Zifan was also taken aback, and he hurriedly said: "Xiao Jiu, no, absolutely not, Chu's father and Chu's mother like you, so they want to recognize you as a daughter. They are all very, very good people!"

Xiao Jiu's face was full of worry.

Chu Ma hugged Xiao Jiu, "Good boy, this will be your home from now on."

Chu Ma's body temperature warmed Xiao Jiu, and involuntarily, a line of tears ran down Xiao Jiu's cheeks uncontrollably.

This sudden warmth caught Xiao Jiu off guard.

Even a coward will be hurt when he touches cotton.

"Lu Mang! Hurry up and recognize Xiao Jiu!" Chu Ma hurriedly said.

Although Chu Lumang, who was not good at words, agreed in his heart, but it was difficult for him to express it in person.

Chu Lumang squeezed out a forced smile: "Sister."

At night, everyone gathered in Chu Lumang's master bedroom.

"Old Chen, is there any vision today?" Nan Tian asked.

"No, but I also received a text message, I believe it will be soon." Chen Zifan said.

"What does this mean?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Oh!" Lu Yuanyi and Anna said in unison, they seemed to understand what Chen Zifan meant.

Chen Zifan asked Xiao Jiu to sit on the bed.

Xiao Jiu looked at everyone timidly.

The captain, the vicious cult leader, the prince of an overseas dynasty
"Xiao Jiu doesn't know why, her body can be connected with the Shenmai, last time in..."

Chen Zifan explained to everyone that they discovered the divine pulse last time with the help of Xiaojiu in the city of the sky.

"I see." Zhuge Xuan rubbed his chin, "That's the main reason why you brought her here."

Chen Zifan grinned and said, "Well, I trust our Xiaojiu more than Hansen's machine."

Everyone discussed, and tomorrow all will be dispatched, and Chen Zifan will take Xiao Jiu to the street to feel the pulse.

It's just that everyone still doesn't know the relationship between Xiaojiu and Shenmai and how many meters between Xiaojiu and Shenmai can form a connection.

In the early morning of the next day, the troops were divided into two groups, Chu Lumang, Zhuge Xuan, Jingong, Li Jinsheng, and Anna were looking for visions in the DC area.

Chen Zifan, Xiao Jiu, Wu Xiaoyu, Lu Yuanyi, Zhao Ritian, and Yun Wuyou are in charge of the western district.

"Baiyun Wuyou, you said that a prince like you doesn't want to enjoy yourself, why run around with us." Chen Zifan jokingly said on the way.

"Don't, don't tell me, you should call me Yun Wuyou, I have longed for freedom since I was a child."

"Besides, isn't your boss, Nan Tian, ​​the crown prince and soul destroyer?"

Chen Zifan was speechless, what the hell, are all princes virtuous?
After lunch, the sun shines high, even in autumn, the sun is so dazzling.

In the SKP building in the CBD of the XC district, everyone didn't have a good time shopping yesterday, and today they just took Xiao Jiu to have a good time shopping.

They walked through the door of the skp building.

A person on the sixth floor slowly explained the movement of several people.

"Zifan, the things here are so expensive, they all start at tens of thousands." Wu Xiaoyu murmured.

Chen Zifan smiled wryly, skp is considered the most luxurious place in China, and the items sold are of course expensive, a Czech leopard watch costs several million.

There are four people in the security room of the skp building, and two people in security uniforms seem to be fainted by drugs.

The other two were wearing black clothes, black masks and black hats, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

But from the back view, one figure is about 180, and the other is about 175.

They are sitting on chairs, with a 50-inch high-definition screen in front of them and on the left and right sides. These three screens are linked together to instantly display a nearly 180-degree viewing angle.

The two men in black watched every move of Chen Zifan and the others through the screen.

"Old Zhao, are you sure they are from the 'Singer' side?" asked the tall man.

"Does it need to be said? The traitor's organization is the only one with that kind of power besides us!" During the words, the man called Lao Zhao showed hatred.

"Then what do we do?"

"It depends on what they want to do, but in any case, if they fail, we will strike."

"what do you mean?"

"Nonsense, is it really a big fight in the mall? The boss told us not to let ordinary people see our abilities!" Old Zhao blamed the man.

"But look at their numbers, and then look at us, there are only two of us." The man retorted.

"Soldiers are not more but fine, generals are not braver!"


"Master, there seems to be no movement of the fragments of the divine veins here." Xiao Jiu said cautiously.

"Haha, this is a building, of course not." Chen Zifan said as he led Xiao Jiu to the door of a store.

"Hello, the wide version of the Cartier love series is suitable for this girl's left ring finger." Chen Zifan said politely.

The teller liked Xiao Jiu so delicate, and immediately went to find a suitable number.

"Hello guest, the size of this ring should be suitable for your girlfriend." The teller lady said with a warm smile.

girlfriend? !
Xiao Jiu was frightened, she blushed instantly and explained: "No, no, no, I."

Chen Zifan grabbed Xiao Jiu who wanted to express, "Well, yes, swipe the card."

With a beep, fourteen thousand is gone.

Chen Zifan took off the tag and put it on for Xiao Jiu himself.

"Master?" Xiao Jiu looked at Chen Zifan suspiciously.

"Oh, there is no way. The funds are limited, only 10 yuan. You must bring some gifts when you come to the world." Chen Zifan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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