Chapter 351 Assault
She walks in the fog.

According to the text message, on the top floor of the first building.

But there are only concrete steps, thirty floors!
Then climb up, climb up and climb up.

The top of the [-]th floor of the first building of Nanshan Manor.

Four men were waiting for him.

There is a sofa deep there, and a Chinese is sitting there.

Albert was watching all of Du Yazhuo's actions through his notebook.

There was also a man with a tall and mighty figure, who looked 1.8 meters [-] tall. He only wore a black vest in the cold autumn, and his terrible muscles stretched the vest.

Another man is leaning on a stone pillar. He also looks Asian. He is about 175cm tall and has a delicate Western sword pinned to his waist. It is the kind of sword used by nobles. The head of the sword is made of sterling silver. Also carved this beautiful pattern.

Half an hour passed, and Du Yazhuo finally climbed up to the [-]th floor.

But what was waiting for her was not her lover Chu Lumang but these four men.

"Who are you? Where is Chu Lumang?" Du Yazhuo was a little scared.

On the top floor of this unfinished building in the suburbs, I met four strange men.

She couldn't help feeling a little scared and trembling.

"Hand it over." The man on the sofa said coldly.

"Hand over what? Didn't Chu Lumang ask me to come here?"

"Your Chu Lumang died a long time ago. That text message was obtained and sent by my subordinates through hacking."

Hearing this, Du Yazhuo's heart was frozen and shattered.

She asked lightly: "Then what do you guys want? Stealing wealth and sex? Kidnapping and murdering?"

She doesn't seem so scared anymore, not sure why.

"What are you pretending to be stupid? We are serious people!" The man on the sofa scolded.

"A decent person? A decent person tricks people into the suburbs?"

"We just want one thing from you, you know, hand it over, and let you go!"

Du Yazhuo was stunned, "What are you talking about? What? I don't have anything valuable on my body."

Albert suddenly said, "In her bag."

The man on the sofa said, "Zhang Meng!"

Immediately after making a gesture, the big man in a black vest named Zhang Meng walked in the direction of Du Yazhuo.

He approached step by step, and Du Yazhuo retreated step by step.

She has no idea what these people want to do!
Zhang Meng walked up to Du Yazhuo, and he was about to snatch Du Yazhuo's handbag.

Suddenly, a fierce sword energy struck Zhang Meng by surprise.

Take a closer look, it's Yunhe!

Both sides were stunned.

Another man in black appeared, presumably Lu Yuanyi's second brother Lu Dingxiu.

Lu Dingxiu hugged Du Yazhuo and jumped down from the [-]-story building.

Leave Yunhe behind.

Seeing the prey being snatched away, the man on the sofa couldn't sit still.

Get up instantly.

He looked at Yunhe, who was dressed funny.

"Japanese dress, you are from the singer's side!" He suppressed his anger and said coldly.

"Singer? I came to take the fragments on behalf of my king." Yunhe said quietly.

At this point, neither side knows the other's position.

But now the three of them have surrounded Yunhe.

"Jiatu, do you want to do it?" Zhang Meng asked.

"Nonsense, singers, kill one when you see one." Ricardo's words were full of anger.

"Louis, he is a knife player, you go and meet him first!" Ricardo ordered.


I saw Louis pull out the exquisite Western saber from his waist.

He chopped it up without hesitation.

Yunhe pulled out the green pill and was about to block it, but unexpectedly, the western sword pierced through his green pill and slashed directly at Yunhe's body.

Yunhe, a level nine hunter, was injured!

Yunhe looked at Louis with some surprise.

He was thinking, thinking about the blow just now, what happened?

The other party is undoubtedly a human being, how could he have the ability in a similar field? !
Before he finished thinking, Zhang Meng's fists and arms turned black with flame patterns.

He punched out violently, and the violent flames shot out instantly, Yunhe dodged in a hurry.

Fortunately, I am a person from the inner world, so I can master the Lingbu and Takong.

Otherwise, the blow just now might really injure himself.

Louis and Zhang Meng began to fight Yunhe continuously.

In the battle with two humans, Yunhe, a level [-] hunter, was actually at a disadvantage? !
Chen Zifan also encountered an accident.

When they were stuck in traffic due to a car accident, the Passat driven by Cai Sanjin and Zhao Xuhui had already caught up with them.

I saw the car of Chen Zifan and others diverted.

They naturally diverted to follow.

In the current situation, I can't keep up with the time to volunteer for the boss Ricardo.

Then stop Chen Zifan and his group of "singers".

On an unmanned section of the highway, the black Passat stopped the bread taxi.

Chen Zifan and the others naturally knew that the visitor was otherwise, they hurriedly paid the renter to leave in a hurry.

Chen Zifan and the others got out of the car.

On the opposite side are Zhao and Cai.

A man named Zhao Xuhui was dressed in a black Tang suit, with a string of wooden bracelets on his hands.

A man named Cai Sanjin was wearing an army green jacket, black trousers, and Martin velvet lace-up boots.

The two sides are on this road without people, cars, and surveillance.

Meet on a narrow road.

"Let me tell you, everyone, you are going too far. You have already got one of the fragments, so why do you still want to be greedy?" Zhao Xuhui asked Chen Zifan and the others with his hands crossed and squinting his eyes.

Chen Zifan and the others could feel that the two on the opposite side were human beings, but not ordinary human beings.

Chen Zifan instantly concluded that they should be affected by the disqualification effect in the world.

That is, those humans with superpowers that the Japanese branch and Galfa said.

"Hello, my name is Chen Zifan. We have no malicious intentions. We are indeed here to recover the fragments." Chen Zifan explained loudly.

"Hmph." Zhao Xuhui snorted coldly, "You said there was no malice? Didn't you just come here for the fragments?"

"Since you know the whereabouts of the fragments, can you leave them to us!" Chen Zifan said.

"Brother, you and I are about the same age, do you think I'm a fool? You keep saying that you don't have any malicious intentions, but you want us to take the initiative to hand over the fragments? Are you kidding me? Is it fun?"

"It seems that if you don't fight, you won't be able to convince the other party." Looking at Zhao Xuhui's appearance, Zhao Ritian knew that the other party knew nothing about Soul Slayer and the inner world.

Although Zhao Ritian is socially fearful, he is still very shrewd. The opponent is a human being, and he treats the divine vein as a treasure.

It is impossible to reach an agreement without a fight and without being convinced.

"Old Chen, back off and leave it to me!" Zhao Ritian said righteously.

He walked up to Chen Zifan.

"Next Zhao Ritian, report your name!"

Zhao Xuhui was taken aback. Is this a fucking name that carbon-based organisms can come up with?
He smiled: "My family name is Zhao, Zhao Xuhui."

Zhao Ritian didn't expect that the other party had the same surname as himself.

"Since they are all from the Zhao family, then I won't hold back!" Zhao Ritian's eyes were like swords.

(End of this chapter)

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