355 Intercept
"Then there is no limit to his ability?" Chen Zifan asked hastily. After all, there are limits to the domains in his own world.

"Unfortunately, I don't have you at the moment." Ricardo said helplessly.

"Then you mean that when he touches the sea, the whole sea will listen to him?!" Chen Zifan was surprised.

"In a sense, yes."

"If you lose your mother, it will be troublesome. Hunters, singers, and melee again." Chen Zifan smiled wryly.

On the high-speed rail, people were all staring at these two level nine hunters in outlandish outfits.

The most important thing was that Du Yazhuo, a normally dressed woman, sat between the two of them.

It feels like it's either a bodyguard or a kidnapping.

"They're catching up." Lu Dingxiu, who was sitting by the window, said slowly.

"I've been exploring with spiritual power from the very beginning."

As a level nine hunter, Lu Dingxiu's own spiritual power was terribly high. As soon as he got on the train, he started the spiritual power detection, and obviously noticed the existence of spiritual pressure on the highway in the distance, which must be the soul destroyer group.

"Don't worry." Yunhe smiled with narrowed eyes, "Our speed is faster."

"My concern is meeting them before getting on the plane."

"It's over if you don't kill it." Yunhe chuckled.

"Heh, the tone is not small. Although you and I are both level nine, there are four captains, Chen Zifan's deputy captain, and a younger brother on the opposite side."

"If we really fight, I'm not afraid of a large crowd. Anyway, the prince has broken with the mainland, but we may not be their opponents." Lu Dingxiu has always been cautious.

"I said brother Ding Xiu, you are several places ahead of me in the rankings, I am not worried, what are you worried about?"

Lu Dingxiu didn't reply, but just quietly looked out of the car window.

He always had a bad feeling.

"By the way, if you swear allegiance to His Majesty, how will your brother and your brother explain? I have always been very curious." Yunhe asked with a smile.

Lu Dingxiu's eldest brother, Lu Yunshan, is a ruthless man who is the director of the Imperial Security Bureau and one of the three generals.

His sixth brother, Lu Yuanyi, is now the vice-captain of the tenth team of the Central Bureau of Soul Slayer.

"What else? I am me, they are them." Lu Dingxiu said coldly.

Seeing Lu Dingxiu's indifferent attitude, Yunhe didn't ask any further questions.

On the commercial vehicle, Chen Zifan had already fully understood the purpose of Ricardo's establishment of the "Sword Bearer" organization. He yearned for a character like the logic in "Three-Body".

But even Ricardo didn't know the number and abilities of the "Singers Organization" currently entrenched in Japan.

Both sides had their own goals in this trip, and the Soul Extermination Bureau headed by Chen Zifan wanted to collect the two fragments.

Ricardo led all the sword bearers to mobilize to kill the traitor Xu Nian and completely destroy the singer organization.

In autumn and winter, there is a large-scale electricity consumption in the north. Today's BJ West Station unexpectedly experienced an unprecedented one-hour power outage.

The train has arrived.

Yunhe and Lu Dingxiu escorted Du Yazhuo out of the car.

The platform in the distance slowly emerged under the backup lights.

Except for the first time, there was no light.

The people who got off the bus were in a mess, and they all turned on the flashlight function of their mobile phones to find the stairs.

Lu Dingxiu held on to Du Yazhuo's arm tightly for fear that she would escape in the dark and the flow of people.

Now all the three of them had to do was rush to the airport.

However, none of the people driving the Buick Business had arrived at BJ yet. After calculating the time, it would take at least an hour.

Everyone was very worried.

The pitch-black platform, with no end in sight.

Not far away, a boy about 172 in height, wearing a black tunic hat and a black tunic suit, was holding a samurai sword in his hand.

He was staring at Yunhe and the others intently.

Lu Dingxiu pulled Du Yazhuo, and the three of them decided to go down the stairs and walk out of the West Railway Station first, then take a taxi to the Capital International Airport.

It's been a smooth journey.

It takes about an hour from BJ West Station to Capital International Airport.

The vehicle started, and the taxi driver drove onto the West Third Ring Road.

The boy on the platform also disappeared.

This day is not a holiday, so there are very few vehicles on the highway.

The taxi driver looked in the rearview mirror.

"I said you two, are you Japanese?"

"Drive, don't talk nonsense." Yunhe said coldly.

After driving out of Beijing's Third Ring Road, in order to hurry up, the master took a shortcut, a remote road called Xitun Road. People who know this road are undoubtedly old drivers.

Because the road was built in the early years, it was supposed to lead directly from Xitun to the airport, but an ancient tomb was found in the middle, which was still from the Ming Dynasty, so the road was suspended halfway through the construction, and the road behind was all dirt roads.

Suddenly, from nowhere, there were two shurikens running straight towards the car window.

The driver slammed on the brakes, but the airbag saved his life.

Yunhe and Lu Dingxiu looked at each other and knew the enemy was coming.

"I'll give you three thousand, keep the car, and leave quickly." Lu Dingxiu said coldly.

He leaned on Du Yazhuo's right hand with handcuffs, and the other handcuffs leaned on the beam of the taxi.

Yunhe and Lu Dingxiu got out of the car.

The two took out their weapons from the trunk.

"Mo Shang Ren" and "Green Pill"

"Who is here?" Lu Dingxiu questioned.

Because he and Yunhe couldn't detect the opponent's position.

Even in the mode of spiritual power detection turned on, it can't be found.

Suddenly, a severe wind pressure slashed straight at the two of them from the top of a big tree in the distance.

Yunhe immediately drew his sword to block.

To his surprise, this slash was a pure wind pressure slash without any spiritual power.

"Old Lu, keep an eye on Du Yazhuo in the car, leave this person to me to deal with." Yunhe said.

"it is good."

I saw a young man jumping from a big tree in the distance.

It was the boy with a samurai sword in his hand and wearing a black tunic hat and a black tunic suit.

"Hello!" The young man greeted Yunhe with a smile.

"Looking at your attire, you should be Japanese, right? Coincidentally, I am too. My name is Crazy Eita." The boy introduced himself with a smile.

"Since you and I are both Japanese, why did you join the sword bearer?"

Yunhe was a little puzzled for a while, what Japanese, what sword bearer?

I am from the other world, isn't the young man in front of me a member of the Soul Extermination Bureau?

Yunhe held the green pill, but he didn't reply, saying that it's time to start a war.

Seeing this, Yingtai also pulled out the samurai sword in his hand, and threw the scabbard aside.

The next moment, Yunhe walked up to Yingtai in an instant.

He slashed down with a knife, but Yingtai reacted very quickly, he quickly blocked with the knife.

The two started a close-combat kendo competition.

During the battle, Yunhe discovered that this young man was not simple, he must have practiced kendo since childhood, and every move he made was extremely fierce and sophisticated.

"You are indeed a human being." Yunhe said indifferently during the confrontation.

"Aren't you human?" Yingtai asked with a smile.

Suddenly, Yingtai took the initiative to retreat and opened up the battle distance.

Then quickly waved the samurai sword in his hand.

In an instant, nearly a hundred winds directly attacked Yunhe.

Yunhe put the knife back into its sheath, "Yunhe flow. Profound meaning. Crane wings cut!"

In an instant, hundreds of spiritual pressure slashes went straight to Yingtai.

Yingtai's wind pressure slash and Yunhe's spiritual pressure slash collided in the air to produce violent fluctuations, and some slashes directly split the tree into two sections.

(End of this chapter)

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