Chapter 358 Silver

"Oh, I really didn't expect to meet Captain Zhuge here." Yin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Zhuge was shocked, "Are you the guy who fought with Buyi that day?"

"It's right here." Yin said with a smile.

"It seems that you have also dispatched Iron Siege City this time." Zhuge Xuan said calmly.

"Captain, I'll go meet him." Li Jinsheng immediately opened his mouth to decide the battle.

"No, you may not be his opponent. The short knife in his hand is the No. 3 "God Killer" in the mainland's famous weapon ranking. His blade can extend 1000 meters in a second. It quickly retracts to ten centimeters in one second."

"That knife alone is enough for you to drink a pot." Zhuge Xuan said lightly, and then the white feather fan in his hand instantly turned into a feather sword.

It seemed that Zhuge Xuan planned to fight Yin alone.

"Captain Zhuge, let me guess, whose domain you copied when you came to the world this time." Yin narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"At least there is the wind coming from Nantian."

Before Yin could finish speaking, Zhuge had already stepped in front of him in an instant, and the white feather sword instantly chopped off.

Yin exploded in an instant.

In an instant, the entire ground was blown out of a big hole, and Zhuge was also repelled.

"Silver! This is the human world! Don't forget!" Zhuge reminded coldly with a murderous tone.

"It's said that Captain Zhuge is a fortune teller, why didn't you notice your surroundings?" Yin asked back.

Yin's words awakened Zhuge Xuan, and he looked around instantly.

"Liufang Jingling, it seems that you have already prepared." Zhuge said coldly.

At this time, the park in the Bank Insurance Park has been shot down by the barrier, and the place is sparsely populated, this guy is well prepared!
What was unexpected was that Zhang Meng suddenly activated his telekinetic ability "Dark Flame Gauntlet."

He slammed a blast at Yin.

However, it was blocked by the silver knife Jinglingbi.

"Don't forget that I'm a mixed race. Unlike Chen Zifan, I'm both a Soul Slayer and a human being." Yin said with a smile.

"Zhang Meng retreat!" Zhuge Xuan shouted.

Zhang Meng was also clever, seeing that his attack was ineffective, he hurriedly backed away.

But after all, he doesn't know the physical skills such as walking, he can only turn around and run, but at this moment, the god kill strikes.

Fortunately, Zhuge Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he blocked the killing with his feather sword.

"Captain Zhuge, your sword is also a famous weapon." Yin smiled.

Zhuge Xuan ignored him.

Zhuge Xuan's Feather Sword is a famous ancestral weapon, and it is a weapon that no generation of Zhuge family heads deserves to have.

It can be turned into a sharp feather fan or feathers can be combined into a feather sword.

Chen Zifan was constantly sensing the surrounding directions on the subway.

Jingong, Lu Yuan and the others have been hovering around the Panjiayuan area.

The population here is dense.

"Wind Rolling Long Blade!"

In an instant, the strong wind pressure engulfed Zhuge's feather sword.

He swung his feathered sword and manipulated the wind whip to continuously attack Yin.

Yin can not only Lingbu but also return to the soul.

However, Huihun's foot is faster than Lingbu, so he can keep dodging under Zhuge's intensive attacks.

"Soul Shot!"

In an instant, a soul shot hit Zhuge Xuan.

"Purifying Lingbi!"

This soul shot was blocked by Zhuge Xuan with the Jingling Bi.

Suddenly Zhuge Xuan realized something, "Li Jinsheng, Zhang Meng! Go and contact Chen Zifan!"

Zhuge Quan shot a flash of spirit to one side and smashed a fragment of Liufang Jingling.

Although Li Jinsheng didn't know why, he hurriedly took Zhang Meng to look for Chen Zifan.

"Okay, now it's a battle between the two of us, half-breed." Zhuge Xuan said flatly.

"I don't think I can beat you easily, after all you are Zhuge." Yin narrowed his eyes and smiled softly.

"After all, I don't know if you copied that person's domain." Yin said lightly.

"I don't need you to worry about that." Zhuge Xuan held the feather sword in his hand, majestic and majestic, the chill was everywhere, and the murderous accident was exposed.

The opponent is not only a hybrid of Soul Eater and human beings, but also a subordinate of the criminal and traitor Xihai Chuihong.

Today, be sure to kill it.

"God kills. Stepping."

In an instant, the god killer in the silver hand stabbed at Zhuge Xuan fiercely.

Zhuge Xuan couldn't dodge the thrust that extended and retracted infinitely like falling rain.

Step down one set at a time.

Zhuge Xuan already had multiple stab wounds on his body.

Damn it, this is the power of his knife, and if he guessed correctly, he still has a soul seal of the Homosler level and a human domain.

"Oh, what a hassle." Zhuge Xuan narrowed his eyes and sighed with a smile.

His tone was calm and breezy.

It is said that squinting is a cruel person.

Now the two squinted eyes met.

It depends on who is strong and who is weak.

"The wind rises!" Zhuge Xuan shouted loudly.

In an instant, gusts of wind blew up in the back garden of the Bank Insurance.

Zhuge Xuan can use the strong wind in the air to stand in the sky, this is also a trick developed by Nan Tian Aolai.

This saves more spiritual power than stepping into the air.

"Fireworks. Hot blast!"

Zhugexuan's Yujian ignited raging flames, and the high-temperature flames rushed towards Yin in an instant. Yin used Jing Lingbi to block again, but unexpectedly, the real ability of this move was not a slash but an explosion.

The moment the slash touched the Jing Lingbi under the silver shot, the high-temperature flame instantly burst into flames.

Yin's Jing Lingbi was directly blown to pieces, and Yin himself was also affected, with burn marks on his right hand.

"Damn it, Tang Chen's Emperor Yan." Yin Xin scolded angrily.

"God Killer Stepping!"

Yin aimed the god killer at Zhuge Xuan in the air.

But this time, due to the ability of the wind, Zhuge Xuan kept letting the strong wind wrap him around him, coupled with his nimble physical skills, he kept dodging in the sword dance.

Even if a blade touches him, it will be bounced away by the gust of wind engulfing him.

This is the frightening thing about "God's Hand", which can copy and use five domains at the same time. Although the God's Hand itself has many limitations, these limitations have long been seen through and thoroughly studied by the shrewd Zhuge.

High above the sky, Zhuge Xuan looked down at Yin on the ground with the posture of a king.

"Use it." Zhuge Xuan said lightly.

"Heh" Yin chuckled, "What do you mean?"

"No matter what, soul seal or domain, you must have at least one of them." Zhuge Xuan said coldly.

"If you really want to defeat me with a knife in your hand, it would be a little too underestimating the enemy."

"Hahaha, that's how it is." Silver laughed.

"Indeed, as a half-blood, I have inherited two natural enemy-like abilities, so it's okay for you to see them, after all, I have already experienced the power of your god's hand today."

"Do you know why I have the famous sword of God Killing?" Yin asked Zhuge Xuan in the sky with a smile.

"Because the lord said that this knife is a perfect match for my domain."

"Field. Killing God. Open."

The moment the words fell, nine short knives made of spiritual power and shimmering with light blue light appeared behind Yin. Looking closely, these nine short knives were extremely similar to the god killer in Yin's hand!

"I won't keep it anymore, let me tell you, my domain is the domain of the super power system and the blade system, named Killing God."

(End of this chapter)

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