About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 363 Life is precious

Chapter 363 Life is precious

Life is precious.

But where is the value of life?In the continuation of the race?In the continuation of the spirit?
The reason why a creature is called a creature is because it has vitality, he, she, it is alive and breathing.

Because you can't live without breathing.

Because if you don't eat, you will starve to death.

Because if you don't drink water, you will die of thirst.

Because if you don't sleep, you will die of exhaustion.

Because if you don't excrete, you will suffocate.

Human beings will never be able to escape this catastrophe of the species, no matter their life is necessary.

Are there any human beings in this world who can't breathe?
I think should not be.

Every life group has its own material energy.

Even if there are silicon-based organisms, it is because of the element "silicon".

Humans are nothing more than carbon-based organisms.

No one knows whether there are other life forms in the vast universe.

Finally, it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

People gather.

This time everyone brought their weapons. In order to deal with BJ's security check, they specially asked Captain Jingu to launch their own cover-ups.

Just like that, Chen Zifan and his team walked into the subway station without hesitation and stepped on the subway.

A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and dripping blood!

On the subway, a group of people were extremely silent.

But suddenly, a woman's voice came.

"Chen Zifan?!"

Everyone was shocked, fearing that it was some kind of enemy again, so they followed the business.

Everyone didn't know this woman, but Chen Zifan was very familiar with Xiao Yanran.

He smiled wryly, and still met his old classmates on the subway.

Xiao Yanran walked over and saw Chen Zifan and his party all dressed in black and black windbreaker.

"Are you guys doing company team building?" Xiao Yanran asked.

"Uh, long time no see, I guess." Chen Zifan smiled awkwardly.

Chen Zifan didn't like this woman who used to make fun of him from time to time.

Xiao Yanran suddenly noticed Chu Lumang and the blond-haired Nan Tian Aolai.

She looked at Chu Lumang in shock.

Chen Zifan noticed it in time.

"It's very similar to Chairman Chu. I was also shocked when I first joined the company!"

"Yeah, it's really too similar."

Chen Zifan breathed a sigh of relief, this test has passed at least.

"Hey, Chen Zifan." Xiao Yanran suddenly put her mouth next to Chen Zifan's ear.

"Which country is that handsome blond guy from? Can you introduce me to him?"

Chen Zifan scolded his mother in his heart, damn it, even if that handsome blond fell in love with you, you would have to die to see him in his country
Chen Zifan pushed Xiao Yanran away.

"Stop making trouble for no reason, let's get down to business!" Chen Zifan said coldly.

The guy in front of him who had allowed himself to be ridiculed in the past turned hard.

Xiao Yanran became angry instantly.

But the next moment she gave up.

Anna grabbed Xiao Yanran's neck fiercely.

"Our boss said don't make trouble for no reason. If you say one more word, I will break your arm." Anna's tone was full of killing intent.

Xiao Yanran's legs were weak, and after scolding a lunatic, she hurried to other carriages.

The end of the unfinished tunnel on the West Fifth Ring subway line.

Black Flame came out of nowhere, Xihai Chuihong and Gilgamesh were here quietly waiting for Chen Zifan's appearance.

Suddenly, a girl in a black Lolita skirt appeared in front of them.

A head of long black hair was tied into two braids, hanging happily on his shoulders. His slender limbs seemed to be broken with a little force. The waterfall-like bangs covered the left half of his amazingly beautiful face. On one side, there was a wine-red right eye and lips as delicate as cherry blossom petals, full of devil-like charm that could capture a man with just one interlacing of eyes.Skin is as white and smooth as pearls.

This person was exactly Tokisaki from that day.

Xihai Chuihong smiled and said, "Who are you?"

"I won't introduce myself, I'm here to see if you are qualified enough." Tokisaki said with a smile.

"Oh? Interesting." Chuihong laughed.

Tokisaki took out a sunset-style classical revolver from his pocket.

She pointed the gun at Chuihong.

With a bang, she pulled the trigger.

Chuihong watched the flying bullets and did not intend to dodge, but created a Lingbi.

Suddenly, Chui Hong's pupils dilated instantly, and his face was extremely embarrassed now.

"You" Chuihong wanted to say something.

"I have no malice, and I know that I am not a match for the two of you, and my boss didn't ask me to come to meet you, but I am very curious about you, Xihai Chuihong." Tokisaki said with a smile.

"Then, goodbye!"

Tokisaki pointed the gun at his temple and fired a shot.

In an instant, Tokisaki disappeared into the dark tunnel.

Emperor Huntian looked suspiciously at Chuihong in the West Sea.

"My lord? What ability does that woman have?" He asked suspiciously.

"It seems that there are more and more interesting things in this world." Chuihong said with a smile to himself.

The train stopped at the last stop on the West Fifth Ring Road.

Everyone got out of the car ready to go.

Those passengers gradually left.

At this time, there were only a dozen people in the empty platform.

However, these dozen or so people included many forces.

"Chen Zifan, just go forward, if something unexpected happens, spread your spiritual pressure immediately, and we will rush over!" Nan Tian Aolai said while touching Chen Zifan's shoulder.

"That's right! I'm also the leader of the Blood Cloud Sect after all! I don't believe that we can't beat those two together!" Zhao Ritian said righteously.

Chen Zifan didn't say much, he pulled out the soul-killing knife on his waist, jumped off the track, and walked straight to the end of the tunnel.

"Long time no see, mixed-race boy." At the end of the tunnel, Chuihong looked at the boy holding a steel knife.

"A rainbow hangs from the West Sea." The young man said coldly.

Chuihong looked at Chen Zifan with a smile, "Originally, I had no intention of meddling in the problems of this world."

"But that day you showed your new side on the top of Hidden Sword Mountain, the side that belongs to Soul Devourer. This made my Soul Emperor very interested, so he wanted to fight with you."

"Oh? Is the purpose that simple?" Chen Zifan asked back.

"Otherwise?" Chui Hong said with a smile.

Chen Zifan didn't talk nonsense. In an instant, his yellow skin turned pale as paint, and his eyes changed from dark red to dark purple.

Even the hair turned white.

"Is this your new state?" Soul Emperor Gilgamesh looked at the boy who had turned white all over and asked.

Xihai Chuihong backed away with a smile, saying that he would not interfere in the battle between the two.

"Exactly!" Chen Zifan said firmly.

Gilgamesh stood up slowly, and the evil thoughts in the world were continuously sent into his body with purple soul pressure.

The next moment, Emperor Huntian had already appeared in front of Chen Zifan, and punched him fiercely.

Chen Zifan was caught off guard and was sent flying a hundred meters away, even knocking the ground out of a hole.

"Fortunately, the power of Soul Eater was used, otherwise the punch just now would have died in the form of a human skeleton." Chen Zifan marveled at Gilgamesh's power in his heart.

The other party, after all, is the king.

But I am not a coward!
(End of this chapter)

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