About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 370 Japanese Gangster

Chapter 370 Japanese Gangster
"Nantian, what do you think?" Zhuge Xuan sat on the sofa and asked extremely relaxed.

"Let's see the trick and dismantle it." Nan Tian said.

"Don't you think it's strange? And you, Jingu Nagasaki." Zhuge Xuan suddenly started the topic.

"A criminal organization composed of people from the other world appeared in the world. As the director of the sub-bureau in this world, your father didn't report it?"

"He said just now that this organization has been established for almost 30 years, so why didn't he report it during the 30 years he has guarded the world? It seems that your own son only found out about the existence of an organization like Long's today." Zhuge Xuanmi He asked faintly, shaking his white feather fan with his eyes closed.

Jingomiya Narusaki was silent for a moment, "I really don't know, my father never told me, but I think he is trying to solve Long's by himself for the sake of face."

"Things are not that simple. The current sub-bureau is not weak. Although it is responsible for monitoring the blood race, an organization suddenly popped up under their feet in a short period of time. They should have killed it from the very beginning." Nan Tian analyzed.

Jingomiya Narusaki remained silent.

On the 30th floor of Jingu Toy Building, in a certain room, Wu Yue stood in front of the huge French windows and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

"You're here." Wuyue said lightly.

"Yes, I found out." The person who came was Bachi Longyuan.

"It's one of our traitors, formerly code-named 0018, domain vortex." Bachi Longyuan said.

"0018? Shibata?" Muzuki was a little surprised.

He knew and remembered the code names and names of the 1000 members of the sub-bureau.

"Yes, it's Shibata. He defected and joined the Long family last year, but what's interesting is that the person who killed him was also a member of the Long family."

"Oh? Internal conflict? Who killed him?"

"Based on skill, it should be at least a ghost and a woman." Longyuan handed Wuyue a cigarette.

The two lit cigarettes.

Jingu Muzuki had his left hand in his pocket, and his right hand held a cigarette.

"With Shibata's strength, he should be able to mix with ghosts there." Wu Yue said lightly.

"You mean? Ghost King?" Long Yuan asked calmly.

Both of them have a characteristic of facial paralysis.

Jingong Wuyue belongs to Chu Lumang's type of cold facial paralysis.

And Long Yuan is a kind of facial paralysis without desire, it seems that even if a bomb explodes in front of him, he still looks at it calmly.
"Old Chen, how do you think Soshiro will make a plan?" Lu Yuanyi asked on the sofa.

"I don't know, we haven't even seen the Long Group, nor the singer, so we can't make a conclusion yet."


. "His vice-captain Rose is now in Italy, which is equivalent to losing the combat power of a vice-captain." Li Jinsheng said

"It's okay, isn't there still four of our captains?" Chen Zifan smiled.

"By the way, the Jingu family is really mysterious. I have never heard any gossip about their family. When I saw Jingu Muzuki today, I thought he was Captain Narusaki's brother." Wu Xiaoyu recalled that this family has lived in this world for many years. .

"It's nothing strange, Captain Tang Chen is still one of the four nobles." Chen Zifan said with a smile.

"I don't know how many strong members of the main clan of the Jingu family are there now." Anna asked.

"Isn't it Soshiro, Mutsuki and Narusaki right now?" Lu Yuanyi said.

"It's impossible for such a big family to have only these three people showing their heads."

"Other people, even if they are members of the Jingu family, may not be able to do it. As you said, those who show their talents and can stand out are all capable people." Lu Yuan responded.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone, including the sword-bearer, gathered in the top-floor president's office of Jingu Toy Company.

Waiting for the commander-in-chief of this plan, Soshiro Jingu, to speak.

"Everyone, since everyone has arrived, as the commander-in-chief of the mission of recovering the divine veins, I will now assign tasks to you." Soshiro began to order.

"All listen to the order! Today we all attack the singer together!"

Everyone was shocked!
Everyone couldn't believe that this sentence was made by the old captain Jingu Zongshiro.

This is equivalent to saying nothing and saying everything.

"What are you wondering about?" Soshiro looked at everyone.

"No, Captain Zong Shilang, you just said yesterday that there is a Long family. Shouldn't we divide our troops into two groups?" Chen Zifan asked.

"Now is not the time. If we attack the singer, the Long Group will definitely rescue him. This is called leading a snake out of its hole." Zong Shilang said lightly.

"Then why don't you go directly to fight the Long family?" Li Jinsheng asked.

"The Long Group is an organization that claims to be a gangster. There are people from the other world and people from this world. They are all confused."

"Japanese gangsters have a long history," Soshiro said lightly.

Afterwards, Jingu Soshiro and Jingu Muzuki briefly introduced the current status of the Japanese gangsters to everyone present.

In Japan, the underworld organization is legal in the Japanese legal system, and Japan is also the only country in the world that allows the existence of gray societies such as the gangster.

For example, the largest extant gang organization in Japan, the "Triad Society", although they call themselves gangsters or gang associations, not all of what they do is the imaginary beating, smashing, looting and burning.

On the contrary, they are very active in Japanese civil society. They not only set up their own public welfare organizations, but also often help the poor. Moreover, Japan's geographical location is already in the earthquake-prone zone, so after each large-scale earthquake or tsunami, these Gangsters will not make money for the country as imagined, smashing, looting and burning.

On the contrary, they will actively help refugees and actively cooperate with the police to participate in earthquake relief activities.

It’s even funny that every time an earthquake occurs somewhere in Japan, it’s not the police or the doctors who go there to help the refugees the first time, but the local gangsters or the branches of the Tokyo head gang in remote areas.

Therefore, to this day, the Japanese gangsters are still legal.

"In other words, the Japanese people trust the gangsters even more than they trust the government?" Wu Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

Jingu Muzuki answered her question, "I can't say that completely. Although they are recognized by the government, the common people still have prejudices against the Japanese gangsters. It is precisely because in Japan, gangsters exist It has been around for a long time, even dating back to the 18th century. At that time, the Japanese laws were not perfect, the government was not strong enough, and the emperor had no real power. Therefore, the original intention of the underworld in these years was to smash, loot, and burn. Control of casinos, brothels, and even docks."

"At that time, the gangsters were notorious. They caused many tragedies and many ordinary people were persecuted by them."

"But everything has to be combined with the current situation at that time. We can't look at the past with modern eyes. Those practitioners in the gang industry would strictly abide by the rules of their own gangs, but at that time there were many gangs and various associations. If everyone Societies have their own so-called rules, so the operation of these gangster industries is bound to cause conflicts."

"However, if the government completely wiped out gangsters, many industries would be in chaos. Therefore, even in such a difficult time, the government still did not issue laws to punish gangsters, but only symbolically wrote a law specifically aimed at the management of gangsters. Therefore, Japan The underworld will survive to this day."

(End of this chapter)

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