Chapter 512 Luke Borgia
"Hell!" Lu Ke said here with a trace of excitement on his face, "Hell! It has been feared by people for thousands of years. And hell people tend to turn pale when talking about it."

"Isn't this also the reason why your Indra family was destroyed? Zhao'an is just an excuse. Even if Nero Indra, the patriarch of your Indra family, accepted Zhao'an and became the fifth largest noble in the empire, the government would It is constantly disintegrating your family in the dark."

"All of this because, hell!"

"But hell is real! Aren't you curious? God created the world, and God is omnipotent, so why did he create hell? What is in hell? What is hidden there? Why do people in the inner world So afraid of hell?!" The more Lu Ke said, the more excited he became.

"There is a possibility that in hell, there are existences that can threaten the gods."

"The Nantian Empire has 24 prefectures and 72 cities besides the capital city, while the Holy Church monopolizes one state, and Wandi Fanzhou does not even have a municipal city. Same Restricted Section."

"In that area, only the Pope and the Vice Pope are eligible to enter."

"I was born in Wanti Fanzhou, and my parents are devout believers. Naturally, I became a believer when I grew up, but I have always had a rebellious thought."

"You may not know that Wandi Fanzhou is in a sense the same as your Extinguisher General Bureau. It has a high degree of autonomy. In other words, the Pope can dominate everything there, including the power of life and death."

"When I was young, I once loved a girl very much, but in the strictly hierarchical Wandi Fanzhou, under the Pope's rule, people's hierarchy is very strict, from the bottom to the last, Rododo, Senmo, Shengya and the highest. Born Solomon."

"My beloved was born in Shengya, her background dooms us to be impossible, her family has already arranged a marriage, and the other party is also of the Shengya class."

"But on the night of the wedding, she chose to run away and came to me, looking for me, this Rododo. Shengya is second only to the Pope's rank, so this matter made Pope St. Peter very angry, and no one could resist In the class he created, escaping marriage means resistance, and Wandi Fanzhou will never allow resistance."

"The old guy ordered someone to capture her alive, but she didn't say my name even under torture. In the end, as you can guess, she was nailed to a cross and stabbed to death with a spear in full view."

Speaking of this, Lu Ke's face turned livid, "From that moment on, I swore to take revenge on the Pope, the church, the empire that shelters the Vatican, and the god who created this empire!"

Luke's tone was full of desolation and hatred.

"Pull off my clothes, cut my chest with a dagger, look, look, the fire of revenge is burning!"

"In this way, I stayed dormant for many years and tried every means to join their group first. I first served as the bishop of a branch, then I was promoted to the archbishop of the Holy Church, and finally I joined the cardinal. Everyone in the cardinal He is a candidate for the next pope, and I still remember that there was a person who was ahead of me, he was also very young, and he was also very talented, but there was one thing he was different from me, he was very pious."

"So, I killed him, silently."

"In this way, after a few years, I successfully became the vice pope. What's ridiculous is that Nan Tianling, the emperor of your Nantian Empire, came to crown me in person. At that time, the two enemies, Pope St. Peter and Empress Nan Tianling in front of me, and there's nothing I can do!"

Lu Ke roared: "Do you know the feeling of being powerless in front of the enemy you have hated for many years!?"

Luke seems to be hysterical, "I really wanted to become the Pope to change this damn hierarchy at first, but I found that, gradually, it is meaningless to do so, as long as the Holy Church still exists, the Empire still exists, these dog legs that believe in gods If it still exists, then nothing will change!"

"As long as God exists! Nothing will change! So I found hell! No! Hell found me!"

"You ignorant people, you cowardly slaves at the feet of God, how could you know my psychology?!"

Luke grabbed his hair and screamed, "God must die!"

"As Vice Pope I have the qualifications to enter the Restricted Section, where there is a dusty book in the corner of the third row of the Restricted Section in the sacred church headquarters."

"Its name is 'Infernal Affairs', and it is this book that records the content of hell. When I read this book for the first time, I immediately discovered something. The existence in hell may overthrow the gods!"

"If I just become a mediocre pope, then nothing will change, but if I can use the power of hell, then God, I may also pull it down!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Hell finally came.

"Hell is an ancient existence. It is full of wicked souls of those who cannot die, but there are not only wicked souls in hell. The souls of those who cannot die are evil and dirty. They are just food."

"Food?! What do you mean? There are soul eaters in hell?" Chen Zifan asked alertly.

"No, the things that exist in hell are fundamentally different from soul devouring. Soul devouring is born from the evil thoughts of human beings, while the existence in hell feeds on the souls of these evil thoughts."

After Lu Ke finished speaking, Chen Zifan immediately realized that the existence in hell was not born from human evil thoughts.

"Chen Zifan." Lu Ke cast his eyes on him, "Your arrival was not accidental. I really didn't expect Jiang Lingyin to send you to kill me, but even if she didn't do that, I would call you here."

"What do you mean?" Chen Zifan asked with a frown.

"It's that lord, that lord wants to see you." Lu Ke said calmly.

At this moment, he suddenly took off his robe, and Lu Ke unbuttoned his jacket, and everyone stared at his body in amazement.

Luke's abdomen is actually a dark purple hollow?
"This is how I practice and summon hell. Now I only have this chance left. Opening the road to hell requires paying the price of life." Lu Ke unexpectedly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Please allow me to sit down." Luke sat weakly on the ground, "Originally, the four knights under my seat would not stop you, and I just want to try your skills, because the lord chose you It’s not that I am dissatisfied.”

"Chen Zifan, that lord must have a reason for calling you. I'm not qualified to question you, but this is my last mission. I will... send you to hell."

"Boy of the Indra family, your way of hell can only open the gate of hell, but my technique can directly summon Chen Zifan to that lord. It wasn't me who attacked you just now, I used it." This Infernal Art summons only a sliver of the power of the adults."

Just when Lu Ke was about to speak, the chaotic space where everyone was in was shaken violently.

(End of this chapter)

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