Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 102 The Fallen Commander? How Is This Possible?

Chapter 102 The Warmaster Falls, How Is This Possible?
Ruth's words made the surrounding wolves envious,
Icewave Armor, Primarch Leman Russ' battle armor, blessed by the Emperor, Russ wore it to participate in almost the entire Great Crusade!

If you can get this reward, the glory in it is simply immeasurable!
"I'm going! My lord, please let me go!" The hall was boiling!All the warriors, even the wolf lord, are rushing to complete the task to get this reward!

"You can't!" Ruth refused, pouring a basin of cold water on this fiery emotion!
"Proud Magnus won't believe you, and it won't work if you see it!"

The meaning of the wolf king is very clear, the wolves can only extinguish this thought, but the eyes of Lin En are even more envious!

Lin En looked at the posture, it would be too bad if he didn't go by himself!Moreover, this may be an opportunity to reveal the secrets of yourself!
Russ must know something about himself. Judging from what he said, Magnus should also know,
From my own transformation surgery, to power armor, to the current ice wave armor, and my inexplicable "dream".Maybe they will all get the answer during this trip to Prospero.

All the wolves have left,

Only Russ and Lynn were left in the hall.

"Wang, do you know some information about me, and I don't know it?" Lin En didn't seem to be beating around the bush!

Ruth heard the words, but did not answer his question, but solemnly comforted him:
"Lin En, don't worry about this now. Your mission this time is related to the lives and deaths of countless soldiers of the two legions! It's even more serious than these!"

"I have only one expectation for you, to see Magnus safely, if not, you must come back safely!"

"Your life is also extremely important! I will let my personal guards go with you! Be responsible for your safety!"

Ruth's wolf guard is only responsible for his safety. He is highly respected by the soldiers in the entire army, and his status can even be compared with that of a Dalian wolf master. This time he was actually assigned to protect him!
Lynn felt more and more pressure,
Leman Russ also suggested to Lynn,

Do not tell anyone when and how to act!

"Why? Wang, do you suspect there is a problem in the wolf group?" Lynn was surprised,
"Of course my wolves have no problem!"

"But now we are not the only ones in the fleet! There are also the ships of the Sons of Horus!"

Ruth smiled. Ever since he received this mission and knew that he was going to attack his own brother, he never smiled again. Now facing Lynn, he has some interest in talking.

"You know we're here to take Magnus to Terra, but do you know why?"

Lynn shook his head, dispatching an entire legion at a time to capture the Primarch of another legion on its parent star, this was a major event that shook the entire galaxy, but it was strange that no one knew the reason, could it really be Is it because of the trivial matter of studying the subspace?
Psykers have an innate connection to the Warp, an open secret back in the days of the Legion's think tanks!
Even if the Kenia ban has been promulgated, such a big reaction is impossible!
Russ didn't let Lynn guess wildly, and said directly: "Because Magnus reported that the Warmaster had fallen and surrendered to Chaos! This is an extremely serious accusation! And because of his inappropriate reporting behavior, he caused great harm to the Emperor." Big trouble!"

"So the Emperor orders, bring him back to Terra!"

Lynn was surprised when he heard this, "The Warmaster has fallen? How is this possible?"

This kind of thing is probably hard for any space warrior to believe!
The Warmaster was the first child to return to the Emperor, even before the Great Crusade began,
Before the return of the other Primarchs, all Space Marines were conscripted on Terra,
After the start of the Great Crusade, almost all the space fighters of the Legion of Warmaster Horus had the experience of fighting side by side, and carefully taught each returning Primarch!
He can stand up and fight well and care for every soldier!
It can be said that the position of the Warmaster in the hearts of many Terran veterans is second only to the Emperor, comparable to the Primarch!

And now these veterans are still fighting in various battle groups, and there are many in the wolf group!Report the Warmaster as corrupted?This is stabbing a hornet's nest!
Ruth continued: "I would like to believe the Warmaster! So Magnus may be affected by Chaos!"

"I originally thought so! Take him back. If he resists and doesn't want to go back to see his father, then Magnus must be the one who was lured by chaos and fell!"

Lynn nodded, such a guess is reasonable and logical!
"But..." Ruth changed the subject, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes!
"Why did the Warmaster send his Son of Horus to come to me? And persuade me to kill Magnus directly!"

"What is the Warmaster afraid of? Afraid that Magnus will see the Emperor?"

"I can not confirm."

"So be careful with your actions this time, and try not to let any unrelated people know!"

Lynn thought for a while and said directly:
"Then let's go now!"

"So fast? Don't you prepare?" Ruth asked

"The faster the better, the faster you move, the less time the enemy will have to react!" Lynn nodded.

When Ruth heard the words, he directly informed his chief wolf guard, Grim Blackblood, and asked him to take a team of wolf guards to go with Lynn.
"Then how do you plan to go? Where do you land?"

"Let's go airborne, the destination is the capital Tizca!"

High-speed airborne pods can reach anywhere on the planet's surface.Due to their small size and extremely fast speed, the airborne pods are almost impossible to be hit by anti-aircraft fire, and it is almost impossible to destroy them after the airborne pods are launched!
While his speed is unbearable for mortals, for Space Marines this mode of transportation is extremely reliable.

In particular, an airborne pod is almost impossible to detect and track, which provides convenience for covert operations.

"Tizca can't do it! Where's the always-on defense position will crash the landing module!" Wolf King reminded,

"Then around Tizka, the closer the better!"

"Yes" the wolf king agreed and turned to look at his several wolf guards.

"Your only mission is to protect Lynn's safety. I like that you protect him like you protect me! I'm waiting for your triumph!"

"Your order! My lord!"

Several people boarded the airborne pod quietly without disturbing anyone.

With the soft sound of the buckle disengaging, the airborne pod quickly fell,
Lynn thought that no one would know about such a secret and swift action,
At least he thought so when breaking through Magnus' blockade,
He was right, no one really knew

But this planet has long been the ration of the Chaos God!

He has been planning for a long time, salivating, and now it is time to feast, how can he look away!

(End of this chapter)

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