Chapter 105
"Bang" loud noise!
Lin En's body was pressed against the big devil's chin like a cannonball,

The big demon snorted, and the bird-like beak was knocked shut tightly, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth!
Lynn's body rolled several times in the air, and just landed on the strong back of the big demon!
He took a deep breath, let out a roar, and tightly grabbed the wings of the demon with both hands!

Exhaling violently, Lin En released the shackles that bound the muscles and bones of his body. His heart exploded like a heavy drum and hammer. His whole body suddenly swelled up, and his skin was covered with black steel. Color, muscles tangle up, layer upon layer. The bursting blue tendons are as ferocious and terrifying as steel bars!
With a tear, Lynn tore off a pair of its wings from the root!The big demon roared up to the sky!
Blood gushes out!

Before it could move, Lin En jumped onto its thick and long neck!

The power contained in the arms seems to be endless, and they are tightly clasped on the neck of the big devil, and the flesh is deeply tightened!The huge heat released by the body evaporated, forming a twisted air wave!

The big demon fell to the ground, crazily twisting, struggling, and wanted to scream, but he couldn't make a sound!
Lynn's arms stretched deeper and deeper, and there was a creaking sound of bones rubbing against each other, until finally there was a loud bang!
The big demon's thick and long neck was broken at a strange angle, and the huge bird's head fell to the ground with a slap, bounced twice, and never moved again!
Lin En stood up and let out a long breath slowly, his whole body was still steaming like boiling water!
For the first time, he felt the soreness of his muscles, and his steps were even a little sloppy.
After three or five breaths, it returned to normal...

The purple dance that filled the surroundings began to dissipate!The whispering voice disappeared, and the distorted sense of loss of control was returning.

It's just that the surrounding space fighters, whether they belong to the wolf group or the thousand sons, looked at him as if they were looking at an unknown... object!
What is the big devil? It is the incarnation of the evil god, comparable to the original body, and even better than some original body's subspace demons!
One of the legendary monsters can easily destroy a world.

Now, in front of their eyes, was a person who had no armor, no weapons, uh... no clothes.Strangled to death!
Everyone has a sense of unreality that the legend is happening right in front of their eyes!

The giant eyes in mid-air gradually closed under the full attack of the two demigods.

Before closing, a hissing whisper came from the crack, the voice was faint, and no one could understand it,
But the voice was completely different in Lynn's ears, just two words

Lin En was furious, opened his mouth and cursed loudly:
"It's interesting you uncle, what kind of villain is you pretending to be! If you have the ability, let's fight!"

"Knock out your mouth full of teeth!"

Before he finished speaking, Ruth covered his mouth!
"Stop shouting! Stop shouting!"

Lynn muttered and cursed a few times, and then stopped!
Looking at the damaged power armor on Ruth's body, the word distressed was written all over his face!
"Haha!" Ruth laughed.
"Don't worry, I fixed it for you!"

Lynn nodded quickly, "That's it!"

While the two were talking, the dead body of the Thousand Transformation Demon turned into wisps of smoke and began to disintegrate.

Lynn looked strange, can the demon decompose automatically when it dies?Really environmentally conscious!
Magnus knew a lot about these demons, explaining:
"Demons are creatures of the subspace. The stronger they are, the less likely they are to break through the barrier between illusion and reality, and come to this world. Once they come, they need to keep killing to obtain souls to increase their staying time!"

"The great demon is the clone of the evil god, second only to the existence of the evil god. Death in this world will not really die, but return to the subspace to be reborn!"

Lynn was dumbfounded, "So to kill them completely, you need to go to their hometown to find their bodies?"

At this time, the body of the big demon was almost disintegrated, and suddenly a ray of light turned into a small big monster, shooting at Lin En like lightning,
Lynn hits with a punch!Right in the head of that big devil!

It was broken up with a "bang",

As the dim light flickered, it turned into eyes and imprinted on Lynn's wrist!
Ruth and Magnus' faces changed drastically,
"The mark of the evil god!"

The system that never seemed to exist unexpectedly gave an unprecedented warning!

Lynn turned on the system,


Discovering the invasion of the evil god's divine power will have unknowable consequences on the host's spirit and body!
Solution 1: Advance to the fifth-level life form True God,
Solution 2: Start the next world fusion.

Lynn frowned, carefully watching the two methods,

The first method is to advance to the true god, and be at the same level as the evil god, so naturally you will not be afraid of his divine power threat!
However, the system shows that he needs a lot of source points. His current highest attribute physique has reached the legendary middle level, and he needs 300 points to upgrade to the high level, 1000 points to the demigod level, 2000 points to the middle level, 3000 points to the high level, and 10000 points to the true god. A total of [-] points.

Lin En looked at the numbers and was a little dazed. At this time, the system provided him with detailed upgrade points for the first time. If this calculation is done, according to this algorithm, can he become a true god by lying still for 6000 years?

But in fact, this is not the case. The system has no way to count the attributes of the annual growth of the Doomsday talent!Although this talent will not increase the spirit, but the annual physical growth of 0.1, the more exaggerated the meeting!
Perhaps, it only takes a few hundred years to reach the true god!
Do you have a few hundred years?Since he is being targeted by the true god in this world, can he give himself hundreds of years to grow up?
Lynn's eyes turned to the second method!

Solution 2: Open the next world fusion,
The next fusion is not ready yet, if it is forced to open, there will be uncontrollable risks!Including delayed awakening time, delayed fusion time, etc.!
Lin En felt even more puzzled when he saw this. He never understood the way of system traversal, he only talked about fusion, but he didn't understand the fusion method at all.

Now the system finally gives more explanations,

In fact, it is not very complicated. To sum it up, it is a very simple sentence:

Merge yourself from all parallel worlds,

The only one in all worlds!

Both Russ and Magnus looked at Lynn anxiously, he had been in a daze for a while!It won't be controlled by the evil god, right?

Magnus's various protection spells don't spend money on Lynn,
The wolf king didn't care about this, he took a step forward and grabbed Lynn's shoulder and began to shake violently.
"Lynn, wake up, wake up!"

Lynn came back to his senses and said, "I'm fine, don't worry,"

"It's just that I have such a big trouble now, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Terra!"

Ruth breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, I didn't want you to go now!"

Magnus continued: "You stay here for the time being, there may be a solution in my great library! Ahriman!"

He turned his head and shouted, a thousand sons equipped with think tanks stepped forward and saluted, "My lord!"

Magnus said: "I will keep this brother here, you must help him with all your strength!"

Ahriman anxiously said: "My lord, do you want to go to Terra by yourself?"

"Ariman, I went to Terra to make up for my mistakes! All the Thousand Sons are not allowed to go to Terra until my father forgives me!"

The meaning of Magnus' words is very simple, that is, he will go to Terra to confess his guilt as a prisoner, how can the prisoner bring his guards!

Although the Thousand Sons were unwilling, they could not disobey the Primarch's order, so they could only stay in Prospero and wait for the Primarch's call.

The Wolf King and Magnus set off together for Terra after a little rest!

Lynn stayed here!

After the wolves left, Lynn sat cross-legged in the secret room at the top of the pyramid!Quietly communicate with the new stars in my mind!
PS: It's a pity that the subscription has been dropped, and I can't even keep the subsistence allowance!

The outline remains the same, only Warhammer will be compressed!

Will be back!
(End of this chapter)

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