Chapter 111 The Perfect Plan
The afternoon sun shone through the leaves on the hammock in the forest, and Lin En, who was taking a nap, was woken up by the two fleshy paws on his face.

"Coco, don't make trouble!"

Lin En squinted his eyes and saw that Xiaoxiu was confronting a fat-faced owl on the tree.

Seeing Lin En waking up, Ke Ke became even more airy as if she was relying on him, jumping around in his arms, provoking the intruders on the tree.

"Owl! Here's my letter?" Lin Nie instantly regained his spirits, and looked carefully, and sure enough, it was holding a thick sheepskin envelope in its paws!

The owl flew up with a flutter, circled over his head a few times, and then threw the envelope in front of Lynn,

Lynn picked up the envelope and turned it around to see a wax seal on the back with a capital "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

"Haha, Mr. Newt! Here's my letter!" Lynn turned and ran back to the house, and walked into the basement in a hurry.

Mr. Newt comforting a venomous leopard,

The venomous leopard tried to attack the horned camel for its disobedience. Although it failed, it was beaten up by Lynn!
With a hideous and terrifying big head, nestling in Mr. Newt's arms, he looks like a wronged child!
I was really terrified of being beaten by Lin En. Whether it was the poisonous or ferocious power that could easily poison many people, it was useless in front of Lin En. He could only be pressed to the ground by him like a kitten. Wanton friction,

Mr. Newt marveled at how quickly his strength grew more than once!I wonder if he has any special bloodlines. After a detailed investigation, it turns out that Lin En is a pure human being, not even a giant. I can only sigh that he is born with a natural physique!
Lin En ran over and glared at the poison leopard. It was startled, and quickly crawled on the ground, lowering its head and pretending to be cute!

Mr. Newt clapped his hands and stood up, "If you count the time, it should indeed be here!"

"Lynn, when are you going to go to Diagon Alley! Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No need, sir has already paid me enough, I plan to go around now, I may come back later today!"

During this year, Mr. Newt did not let Lynn take care of those magical animals for nothing, and paid Lynn a salary of [-] Galleons per month, which is already a rare high salary!
So in the past year, Lynn has saved a "huge sum" of two hundred Galleons

"Okay, check the list," Newt blinked. "Also, I can give you a book, the latest edition! That way you can still have two Galleons left!"

"Haha! The monster and where it came from? Thank you, Mr. Newt!"


After saying goodbye to Mr. Newt, Lynn came to Diagon Alley,
Walking on the stone pavement that I don’t know how many centuries ago, with uncomplicated shops on both sides, Lynn finally has time to visit this famous street!

Of course, besides buying the items on the admission list, he has another goal in coming here, to investigate the prices of the magic world,
In order to prepare for the task, the self in this world has the purest wish of an ordinary ten-year-old orphan,
【Mission: Become a rich man! 】

[Reward for completing the task: upgrade a specified skill to the top level]

Becoming rich is really a general goal. How can one be considered rich?
Is it well-fed?Or rich and powerful?

If you don’t have to worry about food and clothing, you can easily complete it now,
But if it is a country that is as rich as an enemy, Lynn looked at Gringotts in front of him and muttered to himself, "I wonder if it would be okay to shoot this place?"

Of course, this is the last option!

Lynn walks the store,

Ollivander's wand shop, when I came here, I directly apparated into the house, and didn't go out at all. I didn't expect the outside to be so broken!

Although the wand business is a unique business, most wizards only buy one in their lifetime, which is only seven or eight Galleons!It can be regarded as the most high-quality and cheap thing, no wonder no one is robbing the business, and there is no way to make money! pass off.

Momoran Book Company? What a good name!Publishing books may make you rich, but most of the profits will be made by the company. If there is no way to make money, it will be passed away.

Bouncing around Magic Joke Shop?The Weasley twins sure love it here!If there is no money, pass it.

Oh, and there is also an ice cream shop. I can’t remember how long I haven’t eaten it. I’m eating the newly bought vanilla flavored ice cream and want to make a fortune selling ice cream? pass off,
At the door of Mrs. Malkin's clothing store, the voice from inside made Lin En stop!

"Oh, your figure has become better, you should change into a bigger wizard robe, otherwise it will be bad for your body's development..."

Lynn swears, he never stopped because the content of the conversation made him fantasize about certain pictures!
Until a short and fat witch walked out with a simple and honest smile, Lynn twitched and left here, pass!
Lihen Bookstore, Partage Crucible Store, pass it,
Floo Bang, the exclusive franchise of Floo Powder, two sickles per tablespoon, has never changed in price for hundreds of years! pass off,
The Yila owl store is the same as the wand store. The renewal cycle is too long, and the prices of these animals are mostly below ten Galleons. There is no way to make money. Pass it away.
After wandering around, the target was not found, and the bag of gold coins in Lin En's hand had shrunk so much that it made people feel distressed.
"Merlin, can gold coins give birth to their own children?"

It wasn't until Lynn came to the pharmacy that he finally discovered Huadian.

Bat Wing, 5 Galleons,

Bezoar, 10 Galleons,

Leeches, 6 Galleons,

Unicorn Hair, 10 Galleons
All kinds of magic materials, there are many kinds, and they are expensive!more importantly,

These are the prices of raw materials, and the prices are even more exaggerated after they are made into finished potions.

The price of a bottle of Hair Smoothing Potion is more than ten Galleons. Hiccup Potion, Hair Growth Potion, and Vitality Nourishing Potion are all expensive, and these are consumables, and the profits are astonishing!
Newt, how much money have you wasted!How much money have I wasted!Lynn beat his feet and chest!

And, Hagrid, you've been my brother since I started school!
On the day of the start of school, after bidding farewell to the Newts, Lynn put all the salutes into the inner ring space, arrived at King's Cross Station empty-handed, passed the platform with ease, and boarded the Hogwarts special train!
I found an empty box, sat by the window, stared outside in a daze.

Lynn is still thinking carefully about the relationship, from the ingredients of the potion, to the leveling of the potion, to sales.

At the same time, the telekinetics manipulated the pen and paper, recorded his thoughts one by one, carefully thought about his own advantages, where he could start, and most importantly,
You have to learn how to make potions yourself.

Who can teach himself?Professor Snape!
Yes, as long as you enter Slytherin yourself, let Professor Sness teach you everything, and then use the space of the ring to plant potions and breed magical creatures, then you can collect raw materials by yourself, then produce them yourself, sell them yourself, and get down in one go , the profits are all their own!
You can also use your mind power to divide it into several parts and start working anytime, anywhere, which not only saves labor, but also exercises your mental power for fine control!

Perfect!I can definitely become a tycoon in the potions world!mission accomplished!
"Haha! Let's start with joining Slytherin!"

Lynn is ambitious!

(End of this chapter)

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