Chapter 116 Christmas
Professor McGonagall froze. She was just worried that some students would be hurt. Now she saw that everyone was fine, and her mood was a little calmer.
"Merlin, luckily you are all fine!"

Professor Snape stepped forward to check the troll's situation,

"Such a serious injury! All the bones in its limbs were broken, but it is still alive! How did it do it?"

The professor's scrutiny turned between several people, and then fixed on Lynn!

Lin En raised his hand, swung a wooden stick bigger than others, and knocked it on the giant monster's head!
With a bang, the troll fell silent!

"Look, that's how it's done!"

The surrounding students all took a step back!

"Poor Lynn, why do you always encounter such things!" Professor Sprout Dumbledore rushed over together, exaggeratedly inspecting Lynn's body,
"I'm fine, Professor!"

"Okay, the danger has not been completely resolved, the heads of all levels take your students back!" Professor Dumbledore urged everyone not to gather together again, Lynn was about to leave,
"Lynn, I'll be waiting for you in the office! You know the password."

"Iced Lemonade"

Lynn reluctantly walked into the principal's office.

The professor smiled and invited Lynn to sit down,
"Have something to drink, little Lynn,"

"A glass of watermelon juice, thank you,"

A glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice suddenly appeared on the table in front of Lynn,

"Add more ice cubes!"

With a jingle, two pieces of ice fell into the glass,
The elf is really easy to use!
"Lyn, we haven't had a good talk since you entered school, are Hufflepuffs still used to it?"

"Very good. Professor Sprout gets along well with his classmates. Professor, why did you call me here?"

Lynn asked directly, this kind of nonsense nonsense might as well go back to sleep,
"Haha, I, an old man, just care about the health of my students,"

Lynn understands, the professor is concerned about a silent person,

"Thank you, Professor, for your concern. I've been fine recently, without any signs of outbreak,"

"That's good, Newt also wrote to say that I believe you can control it very well," Dumbledore asked with a wink and a smile:

"I've learned a lot of spells recently, can't I find a place to practice?"

Lynn was surprised, "The professor knows?"

"I didn't see it, but the portrait of the castle told me!"

Lynn wished he could slap himself, it was too careless!

"I don't mean to blame you. Your situation is different from ordinary students. If you want, you can indeed learn more spells. I just have a small suggestion!"

"Don't learn black magic, okay? It's only bad for your body! If you agree, I can find you a place to practice magic spells!"

And this good thing?
"Of course! I agree!"

Since the night of the troll, Lynn has had more friends, and Hufflepuff needless to say, added [-] points!The little badgers can't wait to feed delicious food to Lynn's mouth!
There are also many Gryffindors, especially the Weasley twins, who are lively in nature and even gave Lynn the title of "Troll Terminator"!

The relationship between the protagonist and the third child has also become a lot more harmonious. They can often be seen going in and out of the classroom together, and sometimes they come to visit Lynn to visit Hagrid together.

Time flies, and the weather is getting colder!

The entire Hogwarts woke up in the snow and ice. Normally, Lynn would yawn, water the flowers and plants in the lounge, and then clean himself up before going out for breakfast.

But today is different, he is lazy and doesn't want to move.

Today is the beginning of the Christmas holiday, and Lynn has never been able to figure out why the wizarding world needs to know about Christmas. These are completely two opposing factions. Didn’t the blood feud in the Middle Ages happen?
Or is it really a celebration of a day without witch hunts?If you think so, wizards are really optimistic!
Yawning, Lynn nestled on the soft cushions in the lounge, holding a book of basic spells in his hand,
Recently, his spells have made great progress, but they are all harmless spells, such as armor spells, disillusionment spells, and standing spells. Some offensive spells can only be practiced in the Room of Response on the eighth floor.
By the way, this place is the place where Dumbledore told him to "practice spells"

Tired of watching, I went to the auditorium above. I didn't meet a few students along the way. Not many people applied to stay in school. After all, it was a good opportunity to go back and reunite, especially for those who grew up in Muggle families. Especially for older children!

A strong Christmas atmosphere has been set up in the auditorium. The tall Christmas tree is full of decorations, ribbons, lights, golden stars,
Lots of fat roast turkeys, hills of roast meat and boiled potatoes, platters of delicious little sausages, bowls of buttered peas, plates of thick, thick gravy and lingonberry sauce, and There are piles and piles of wizard bunting firecrackers,
Seeing everyone happily eating, Lynn finally regained some energy. Happiness is contagious. When you are alone, you should not hide in a place where there is only one person!
"The only thing you can touch is yourself! Be happy!"

Lynn imagined what gift he would receive tomorrow, oops, it seems that no gift has been prepared yet!

Hurry up, Cedric, and give me a set of "Xinhua Dictionary". I heard that he seems to like the autumn of the second year, and there is no harm in learning it in advance!

Just give Dumbledore a hat, woolen socks probably received a lot, this old love interest!

When Hermione, the little girl with fried hair, went to find her specially when she left school, she said that she had prepared a gift for herself, but she kept a mysterious look and didn't tell him.

Just give her a forbidden book!

Forbidden books in the restricted section, don't think wrong!

As for Hagrid, Lynn often skipped class to collect materials in the Forbidden Forest, and if he intends to make friends with him, he is considered an acquaintance. It is still necessary to build a good relationship, so he gave him a set of fire dragon photos!He will be satisfied with the high-definition photos from various angles.

Harry and Ron,

Wizard Candy Bar, no more!

Early the next morning, when Lynn opened his eyes, there were already a lot of gift boxes piled up in the room.

Most of them are chocolates, in various flavors, and some made by yourself. If you don’t know, you may think it’s Valentine’s Day. It seems that it’s really good to be handsome!

Cedric gave him a set of "The Quibbler", and Dumbledore gave him a copy of "Use Your Magic",
Surprisingly, Hermione didn’t give him a book, but gave him a magic doll. If you tap its head with a wand, it will do a solo dance for you. If you say hello, it will nod its head and agree that you are right!
Of course, Lynn has never used this function, but saw it on the attached note,

The note also said that Harry was looking for clues to Nicolas May recently, if Lynn knows, please tell him,

Lynn was stunned when he saw this!
Suddenly he slapped himself,

idiot!What's the name of the first Harry Potter book?Magic stone!

What is the Philosopher's Stone for?Turn a stone into gold!

What else do you earn?What a one-stop potion tycoon!

low end!Too low end!

Let your brain fly!Put your imagination on the Paris Metro Tower, or the Statue of Liberty!

(End of this chapter)

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