Chapter 118 The fastest boy
"Oh my god, we've searched all over the library!" Ron lamented, he probably never thought that he would have a day to read quietly in the library,
"But we still haven't found anything!" Harry lamented, after the magic mirror was sent away by Dumbledore, he returned to the work of finding Nicolas,

Hermione gave them both a sideways look,
"If you keep looking without talking nonsense, we will definitely be able to find it sooner!"

Harry and Ron haven't even dared to be lazy since she came back!I can only obediently look for clues.

"Maybe we can ask other students! It's just a name!" Ron suggested,

"For example, Brother Lynn, how about it?"

Since Lynn gave Ron as much chocolate as his Christmas present,
Lin En's image as a good big brother was quickly established!

"He doesn't know, I wrote to ask about it at Christmas!" Hermione shook her head in denial,

"I know!"

Lynn who "coincidentally passed by" suddenly said,
"What did you say?" The three little ones exclaimed at the same time!

"Get out if you talk any more!" Mrs. Pince's roar scared the three of them back, and they quickly sat down.

"Brother Lynn, do you think you know Nicolas May? How do you know?" Harry asked,
Lynn took out the chocolate frog from his pocket, ate the chocolate inside, and handed the card to them.
Hermione snatched it and read it in reverse:
"Albus Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts, is recognized as the greatest wizard of our time. Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the Dark Wizard Grindelwald in [-], discovering the [-]% of dragon's blood. Two uses, with partner Nicole Flamel in ancient alchemy is very effective!"

When Hermione read this, her voice couldn't stop rising!
"All of you, get out!"

The four of them were kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince in desperation.

"My God, it's so easy to find, chocolate frog card, I always seem to have seen it somewhere!" Hermione said annoyed,

"I also have Harry for this card, and we got it together! It's on the entrance train! Do you remember Harry!" Ron also excitedly shook Harry beside him? .

Lynn smiled triumphantly, "It's good to be popular, right?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him,
"So, who the hell is Nicolas?" Harry asked.
"Don't you all read books?" Hermione said in a low voice, "Nicole May, the only known owner of the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn any metal into pure gold, and can also create a potion of immortality , he and his wife are more than 600 years old this year, and they live in seclusion in Devon!"

"So, the Sorcerer's Stone is guarded by the big dog! Nicole May knew that someone wanted it, so he gave it to Dumbledore for protection, because they are friends."

"Do you know about the big dog?" Hermione turned to Lynn and asked,
Lynn shook his head and pretended not to know,

Ron proudly introduced the adventure of the three of them, from being spotted by Mrs. Norris to hiding in the big dog's room from Filch's pursuit.

"Amazing courage, the three of you are indeed qualified Gryffindors!" Lynn praised them with an expression of approval!

Heart said: "Very good, the more I know, the more logically I can join in! At that time, you want your points, and I want my stone, and everyone will cooperate and win-win!"

Ron was overjoyed, and felt that Lin En was really an understanding and good person, and he understood him better than his brothers!

Only Hermione felt more and more that Lynn had a fox tail dangling behind him!

It can be seen how important a person's first impression is!
"There will be Harry's Quidditch match in two days, let's watch it together!"

Lynn looked at him with a puzzled expression. Is his skull broken? Of course I knew there was a match, and I knew it was a match against Hufflepuff!
Harry stopped Ron with a look of embarrassment, "It's a match with Hufflepuff!"

"Ah!" Ron blushed, "I thought Brother Lynn was Gryffindor!"

Lynn was satisfied, "I can also tell you one piece of good news! The referee of the game that day was Professor Snape!"

The news, which was like a bolt from the blue, made Harry's outside scorched and his inside tender, and he lost energy after eating for two consecutive days!
On the day of the competition, the breakfast in front of Harry didn't move at all!

"Don't go to the competition!" Hermione suggested,
"Just say you're sick," suggested Ron.
"Pretend to break your leg?" Hermione suggested.
"Really break your leg!" suggested Lynn,
"No, I can't" Harry wailed!
"Ten points from Gryffindor!" Snape would never indulge Harry's actions.

"You have to learn to respect others, especially in the classroom!"

In the afternoon, Harry felt completely miserable.The weather is very cold, but this is not the main reason. Wood has already talked about his tactics for an afternoon.

"We need to make a quick decision. The referee this time is Snape, and he will definitely target us,"

Wood paced back and forth, "This is our best chance, as long as we win this game, not only the Quidditch Cup, but even the Academy Cup will be ours too!"

"We have lost to Slytherin in the Academy Cup for six consecutive years, today is the best opportunity!"

Harry felt really stressed!He didn't dare to tell others that he was worried that Snape would kill him, and he was still confused for a while when he came out.
Lynn was standing among the Hufflepuffs, constantly cheering for the Quidditch team, but his eyes were fixed on Quirrell in the stands,

He has seen Quirrell take out his wand, and he still looks excited. He really can't understand, is he really planning to do it in front of so many wizards?
How could there be such a stupid idea!

Fortunately, Harry was fast enough this time, the race had just begun,
A beautiful dive, Snape in the air started his broom, and saw a little golden thing "whoosh" flying by, and then Harry flew past, he only had time to see the pair of lake-like green eyes swipe past. Pass!

Harry raised his arm high, and the Snitch was tightly grasped in his hand.

The stands are boiling, this is really too fast!Record fast!

Hermione screamed and kept jumping up and down!

Lynn pouted,

"What's the fun in such a game? All the spectators just want to watch a dive? Are the players of the two teams training hard just to put on a pose?"

The whole Gryffindor was cheering for the victory of the game, and this enthusiasm has not subsided for several days!

Until a bad news came, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were each fined [-] points for wandering around at night in violation of school rules!

The College Cup I got, flew away!
(End of this chapter)

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