Chapter 12 Extraordinary
"Let's go, we should go back!"

Lynn put the kitten in his arms, grabbed the tiger's front and back legs with both hands, and carried it up.

I tried it, and it didn't feel heavy, even a lot lighter than I thought.

Carrying the tiger corpse all the way back, the fierce and bloody atmosphere scared the small animals along the way to flee in a panic.

He suddenly stopped and stared at a grass in the distance. With his amazing eyesight, he could clearly see two bear heads hiding in the grass, with black bean-like eyes peeping at him.

Lynn was a little nervous at first, thinking that he would take advantage of the opportunity, but he saw two bears' butts leaking out of the grass side by side!The corners of the mouth twitched,
"Two little bears, adult brown bears are basically alone, and they are not so stupid, they are simply inexperienced!"

With a toe kick, a stone screeched into the grass, and two bears jumped out with an "Ow".

"Go away!" Lynn shouted sharply.The two bears ran away without looking back like they saw a monster!

It turned out to be two juvenile brown bears, one was red and the other was yellow.

Adult brown bears can weigh [-] to [-] pounds. These two little bears, which are less than [-] pounds, should have come here for fun when they came out with their mother bears to forage and store fat for the winter.

Since the little bear is here, the mother bear may not be far away. She is not in a good state now, and she has to go back quickly.

Lynn speeded up, and soon returned to the small courtyard, hung up the tiger corpse, closed the courtyard door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Resisting the pain all over his body, he washed his body with water, and found that the wounds on his body had actually scabbed over.

Lynn shook his head. Something must have happened to him. Although his head was dizzy, he still cheered up and opened the system panel.

host gene unlock,

Doomsday gene officially awakened,
The physique has tripled to the limit of mortals, congratulations to the host for achieving extraordinaryness!

【Name: Lynn】

【Age: 10 years old】

【Secondary life form】

[Physique: 1.5] (Extraordinary first-order)
【Spirit: 0.7】

【Original Energy: 6/10】

Passive talent 1: Energy absorption, slowly absorb energy and enhance physical fitness.

Passive Talent 2: Immortality, every cell of yours is resisting death, any death and injury will make you undergo targeted evolution!
The physique has exploded by 0.5. According to the original natural growth rate of 0.1 per year, in a short period of time, my physique has gained five years of growth!
I roughly estimate that I should have three thousand pounds of strength now!

He vaguely remembered that the highest strength record was 500 kilograms, so when he systematically assessed that his physique was three times more than that of a human being, he would be considered to be promoted to extraordinary and become a second-level life form.

And the value of the panel not only represents strength, but also includes speed, reflex nerve, endurance, defense, recovery speed and other comprehensive values ​​related to physical data.

It is comprehensive. All the comprehensive values ​​are three times higher than that of humans. If the limit of human speed is 9 seconds per [-] meters, then the speed of Lynn can reach [-] meters and [-] seconds when he bursts out with all his strength?
Oh my God!With a physical strength of [-] pounds, and a reaction and speed that is three times higher than that of ordinary people, ordinary human beings are really similar to paper in his eyes!

The source energy has increased by 1, which is very strange. Since the awakening of the talent, the source energy has been very stable every year, and it has suddenly increased before the time has come. It should be because of the battle just now.

Is the surge in physique and the increase in energy due to fighting or killing?Lynn is still unknown.

No matter what the reason is, I will always know in the future that the most important thing for me now is,

I really can't open my eyes, I'll talk about everything when I wake up!

"Uncle, are you at home, uncle? We're here to bring you something."

"It seems that no one is there, let's go into the yard and take a look?"

"My God, what is this? Tiger?"

"This tiger weighs at least 400 catties. Who killed it?"

"Idiot, who are you talking about? Now you should be concerned about how it died, can you see it? It was beaten to death with bare hands and fists!"




"Don't f*ck hiss, I won't be angry anymore, who will wake up the uncle?"

"Don't look at me, I dare not!"

"Don't look at me, I'm afraid his old man will kill me with a snot!"

"Nonsense, Uncle is such a amiable old man, how could he kill you with a snot?"

"Then you go!"

"Cough cough! I think it's better to wait in the yard for a while, because the noise will make him sleep well."

"I think you're right!"

With a "squeak", Lynn pushed open the door and said, "Come in." Turned around and went back to the house.

Liu Cheng and his party of three, with some daily necessities, lined up like a good baby and entered the door, standing in a row.

"Put things down, is there anything else?" Lynn asked while changing his clothes.

Liu Cheng stood at attention subconsciously, "It's okay, uncle, we're just passing by to bring you something. By the way, do you have any other needs?"

"It's okay, did the tiger in the yard see it?"

"I saw, I saw, uncle is invincible in the world, Wu Song is a younger brother in front of you!"

Lynn's mouth twitched. Are you complimenting me?

"...Stop talking nonsense, you go and clean it up, one person and one ocean."

"How can I get paid for such a trivial matter? We have done this since we were young, keep it safe and do it well."

After a few people went out and carried the tiger, they went to the river to clean it up, skin and bones.

The more he tried, the more surprised he became. Seven or eight of the tiger's ribs were violently broken, the jaw was broken, and the tail vertebra was broken. The most serious fatal injury was that the spine was broken by a hand!
Pinch the spine of a tiger with your bare hands!That's not the same as pinching people's bones!
A few people touched their necks, and they worked harder!

After a while, several people returned to the small courtyard.


"Uncle, it's ready, but the tiger skin still needs to be brought back for tanning, half a month will be fine. Do you want to sell it?"

"Don't sell it, bring it over after the nitrification, and I'll cover my Daiyu for the winter!"

Liu Cheng stayed for a while!Covering kittens with tiger skins for the winter?Then don't scare it to death!

When they got there, Lynn gave them a few pieces of ocean and a few catties of tiger meat each.Several people thanked and left.

After they left, Lynn took a rest for two days, then took the kitten and continued to go out hunting.

I have never encountered a large beast for many days in a row. Also, a tiger is a beast with a strong sense of territory. It is what Zhanshan said as the king, so no other beasts are allowed to exist around its territory.

After eating tiger meat and tiger soup for many days, Lynn buried tiger bones around the yard, which can effectively scare other animals and prevent them from entering the yard.

He also hung the tiger's head on the door. It is said that it can prevent disasters in the house, hide the wind and gather qi, and call it the tiger head in feng shui, but it is not good for the surrounding neighbors. Lynn has no neighbors, so don't think about it.

It's just a strange thing, since the tiger's head was hung up, the two little bears have always wandered around the door of Lynn's house every now and then.

Lynn didn't want to kill them and drove them away a few times, but they still came the next day!
(End of this chapter)

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