Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 132 Do you want to air dry?

Chapter 132 Do you want to air dry?
Hermione pulled Lynn to the back, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Have you been here?"

Lynn nodded, "I've been here! I've been here since the beginning of school last year, and I've been acquainted with these spiders for a long time!"


Ron followed Harry and followed the spider all the way through a tree hole until he reached a clearing surrounded by giant trees. A giant spider the size of a house, Aragog, appeared.

Harry explained to it that Hagrid had been taken away because the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and Aragog said angrily, "Hagrid didn't open the Chamber of Secrets!"

"Then you're not that monster anymore?"

"Of course not. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets was born in this castle, but I was brought here by a traveler."

"If you weren't that monster, what was it that killed that girl 50 years ago?" Harry asked.
"We never mention that thing, it is an ancient creature that we spiders fear most!"

"Harry!" Ron's shout stopped Harry's questioning, and he turned his head a little angrily,
Seeing Ron crying and pointing at the top of their heads,
Harry saw that his scalp was numb. It turned out that they were surrounded by dense spiders from all directions. They were all huge, and some were even bigger than the round table!
Gudong, Harry swallowed, "It's okay, then let's go first!"

"Hahaha" the giant spider Alagog laughed wildly, "Want to leave? Where are you going? Damn humans, except Hagrid, especially those thieves! Kill them!"

The giant spiders happily waved their big turtles and rushed forward!
"It's time to pay the rent!"

With a loud shout, these spiders were immobilized as if under a fixed spell!


"The rent reminder is here!" The giant spiders quickly hid themselves at a faster speed than when they came, and in the blink of an eye, the surroundings of Harry and Ron became empty again.

Ron blinked, watching Lynn pull Hermione to catch up from behind,
Trembling, he moved to Lin En's side, "What kind of spell is this? Have you invented a new spell?" There was excitement in his tone. If he could learn this, wouldn't it mean that he would no longer have to be afraid of spiders?

Lynn ruthlessly broke his fantasy, "It's not a curse."

Then he walked in front of Alagog and asked, "Alagog, what about this month's rent?"

Aragog showed a little smile on Mao's expressionless face, and pointed to a tree hole at the root of the tree with his long legs.
Lynn walked over, and sure enough, he found the bottle containing the poison.

It can be seen that these spiders are afraid that the bottle will fall down, and they even found a hole for it to save,
Put away the bottle full of venom, put the empty bottle in again, walked back satisfied and said: "Continuing the topic just now, what exactly is the monster in the Hogwoods Chamber of Secrets?"

"It's a basilisk!"

Alagog said it without hesitation!
"Didn't you just say you never mentioned it?" Harry looked at the giant spider in shock!

Aragog squinted at him with one of his eight eyes and said,

"That depends on who asks!"

Harry sank!

Lynn nodded and said, "Not bad! I think you can live for a few more years!"


A few people were walking on the way back,

"Lyn, why did those spiders give you venom?"

Hermione couldn't help asking curiously,
"Because they are afraid of death!" Lynn smiled, "I promise not to kill them, on condition that the bottle is filled with venom every month,"

"But that bottle can hold two pints! A pint of acromantula's venom costs one hundred gold galleons, which means that these spiders will give you two hundred gold galleons every month!"

Hermione looked at Lynn in disbelief,

Ron stammered, "Two hundred Galleons, I, my father, only get forty Galleons for my monthly work!"


Early the next morning, Hermione found an introduction to the Basilisk in the library, and she gathered several people together to introduce the situation to them.
Harry asked after listening:
"The basilisk is huge and can live for hundreds of years, but the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has existed for at least 1000 years! Can the basilisk survive after so many years? What does it eat?"

Hermione thought for a while, "Maybe it has been sleeping? After all, snakes can hibernate and only need to eat occasionally."

Ron asked again: "The basilisk's way of killing is not only its fangs, but also its gaze. That is to say, as long as you see its eyes, you will die. So why didn't anyone die in the previous attack?"

Hermione frowned "None of them saw the basilisk directly, Mrs Norris probably through the reflection of the water on the ground, Colin through the camera, Justin through the headless Nick's body! Also, maybe this is why spiders are afraid of the basilisk The reason is that they have eight eyes, and they cannot close them."

Lin En asked three times, "Headless Nick is a ghost, how can he drink the Mandela potion?"


Harry and Ron looked at Hermione...

Hermione frantically "Shut up, how would I know!"

Lynn thought for a while, and tentatively said:

"Maybe it can be fumigated..."

Hermione's eyes were cold, "Do you want to dry it?"


While several people were talking about the way the basilisk behaved in the castle, the hogwoods broadcast sounded,
"All students, please return to the common room of their respective colleges immediately!"

"Please gather all the professors in the corridor on the second floor!"

The broadcast lasted several times, and all the students were acting quickly. No one dared to ignore the danger in this tense moment with frequent accidents.
The little ones looked at each other,
"Something must have happened. I think we need to tell the professors what we know!"

Lin En nodded in relief, and finally grew up a bit, not arrogant enough to think that he could deal with this extremely deadly thousand-year-old monster!

A few people are in the library on the second floor. After going out, they hide behind the door carefully.
Listening to several professors coming in a hurry,

Professor McGonagall said in a desperate voice, "The heir of Slytherin left a message again, and a student was taken away and brought into the secret room!"

"The students must be sent home immediately, Hogwoods may be closed forever!"

A few little ones held their mouths in shock, Hogwoods is going to close?
what should they doEspecially Harry and Hermione!If there is no Hogwoods, are they going to return to Muggle society again and can no longer learn magic?
When everyone was anxious, a frivolous voice sounded,

"Sorry! Overslept! Didn't you miss anything?" Professor Lockhart came late.

Snape said in a cold voice without any ups and downs, "A student was captured by a monster, and your chance to perform has finally come!"

"Me?" Lockhart was stunned.

"Didn't you say last night that you always knew the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?"

Professor McGonagall said coldly, "Very well, then I would trouble you to deal with that monster, Lockhart, and let us see your skills!"

"No problem!" Professor Lockhart agreed with a relaxed expression, as if he had a chance of winning.

"I'll go back to my office to get ready now," he said before turning around and leaving!
Madam Pomfrey asked sadly, "Professor, who was taken away!"

"Ginny Weasley"

(End of this chapter)

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