Chapter 135 Space Experiment
hiss! ——

The situation in front of them made Professor McGonagall and others who had just entered take a breath of cold air!
I only saw Lynn's tall and strong body standing in the middle like an iron tower. Under the dim light, the tough and explosive muscles all over his body were as cold as steel!

Pinching his blurred figure in the air with one hand!At the feet is a huge basilisk whose head has been smashed!
The young Voldemort struggled feebly in mid-air, his wand fell to the ground, and his hands and feet fought back feebly,

On the contrary, Lin En showed a mouthful of sharp white teeth with a face full of excitement.

Professor McGonagall shivered when he saw his expression, and hurriedly said:
"You can't eat this!"


"Professor McGonagall! It's just in time, I'll leave this to you! It should be a Horcrux!"

After Lynn finished speaking, he threw Voldemort in his hand on the ground like garbage!
Professor McGonagall and the others have heard their conversation just now, and they are clear about the state of the young Voldemort in front of them.
Voldemort rolled twice on the ground, struggled to stand up, stared at Lynn angrily with a pair of blood red eyes,

"Harry Potter! I'm not a thing. You can't give it to anyone you want. Are you humiliating me? Shaming a devil!"

Lynn looked at him, nodded and said, "You're right, I'm humiliating you! What are you going to do?"

"What can you do?"

After finishing speaking, she folded her hands on her chest and gave him a contemptuous look!
"Come on, show me the show!"

Properly look like a big devil!


Voldemort is at his peak!He claimed to be smart, played tricks on everyone, and drove Dumbledore out of Hogwoods with a little trick. He thought he would be resurrected immediately,
A young and energetic Voldemort!How exciting!
But this pride was shattered by the man in front of him in an instant!

All I feel now is utter humiliation and despair!
"I curse you! Curse you! Harry Potter!" Voldemort rolled on the ground like a snake, screaming hoarsely,

"I curse you!"

"Curse you!"

"Since you want to curse!" Lynn said suddenly,
"Then you must at least know my name, my name is Lynn Ruth!"

"I was lying to you just now!"

Voldemort suddenly stopped roaring, lay on the ground and stared at him with wide eyes, as if looking at a devil!
"Cheat... liar!"

His body suddenly began to tremble, panting violently, a little bit of light floated out of his body, more and more!
Then, with a "bang!", it turned into light...


Lynn was taken aback!
Ginny suddenly took a sharp breath and woke up, the notebook in her arms began to burn violently!


When Lynn and the professors placed the huge corpse of the basilisk in the middle of the college, the students cheered,
Schools don't have to close!The threat of the secret room monster has also been lifted!Is there anything more worthy of celebration than this?
Yes, that is Professor Dumbledore is back,

Dumbledore returned to the school with Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Fudge took someone to check on the basilisk, and then stood beside Lynn with an excited expression on his face.

"Great feat Mr. Lynn! Thank you for your contribution to the safety of our students!"

While talking, he rubbed his hands, but his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to shake hands with Lin En, as if he was some kind of monster!
Lynn could guess some reason for his fear,

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Fudge left in a hurry, taking Professor Lockhart with him when he left. He will be accused of illegally using the Forgetting Curse on many people to seek improper benefits, and he will probably enter Azkaban!

In the following April, Professor Sprout planted mandrakes of excellent quality, and all petrified people recovered when they matured.
It didn't take long for the exam to start, and the last supper before the holiday, because Hufflepuff's great participation was very well prepared!

And Hufflepuff not only prepared the dinner, but also decorated the auditorium!

The whole auditorium is covered with yellow and black hangings, and the biggest Hufflepuff house logo hangs behind the chairs!

A little badger!This is the first time it has hung here in countless years!
That's right, they are this year's Academy Cup winners!

Hufflepuff won the honor never before, the House Cup!

Professor Sprout took off her coat and hat, which were covered in dirt and patches, and put on a brand-new gown she had never worn.

Lin En, as the hero who added more than half of the college's points this year, was pulled by the professor throughout the party and refused to let go!

She kept telling Lynn that she only ever won the Academy Cup when she was dreaming!
The little badgers were restless and refused to settle down even for a moment. As the house with the largest number of houses, it has never won the house cup once. What a pity for Hufflepuffs!

This year's Academy Cup, they will remember it forever!

And it's not just inside the academy, there's plenty of families in the British wizarding world outside of the academy celebrating as well.

On the third day of the holiday, Lynn received a letter from the Order of Merlin, informing him that he had been awarded the Third Class Medal of the Order of Merlin for his performance in eliminating the basilisk!You can come to the Ministry of Magic to accept the award at the right time!
Lynn guessed that the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore, and possibly Hufflepuff in the wizarding world were all involved in this matter. If not, why didn't Harry in memory get this medal?

When he received the letter, Lynn was buying a new property in London. In order to complete the task as soon as possible, he planned to purchase properties in both Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley.
He wanted to exchange all the gold in his hand into assets, and also invested in companies in the Muggle world. When all this was done, he went to receive the Merlin Medal.

When Lynn's photo of receiving the Order of Merlin was published in the Daily Prophet, his world quest was complete!
Open the panel that has not been opened for a long time,

【Name: Lynn】

[Level [-] Life Form] (Legendary)

[Physique: 8.6] (Legendary Intermediate)

[Spirit: 9.0] (Legendary Intermediate/Demigod Elementary)

[Original Energy: 326/2000]

The task is completed, and a skill can be promoted to the top level.

Lynn opened the skill bar,

He has already mastered many spells, but most of them are at the second and third levels, which can only be used proficiently. There are only a few high-level spells above the fifth level.
Untrace Stretching Mantra LV5 (103/100000)

Restore as before LV5 (366/100000)

Stop spell LV6 (65/1000000)

According to his estimation, it would take an exaggerated amount of time for the sixth-level Abiding Curse to be upgraded to seventh-level.

Lynn does not intend to use this precious opportunity for spells that require magical participation.

No one can be sure whether there will be magic in the next world, so he only considers those purely spiritual skills, such as summoning the gods, or brain defense.

In the end he decided to use the reward for,
Untrace Stretching Mantra LV7 (99999999/99999999)

That's right, he used the reward for this skill!

The full-level Untraceable Stretching Curse can no longer be upgraded, and the effect is also very good. The space created is no longer dependent on specific items. It actually exists in a point in the space around Lin En. The size of the interior depends on the switch. Lynn's mental strength,

That is to say, his spiritual power is equivalent to the key of space, except for him, there is basically no way for others to find it, and even if they find it, they cannot open it!

However, Lynn is not satisfied with this!
He had fully considered various gains and losses before choosing this skill, so he added a little potential to the Untraceable Stretch Curse,
just added a little,
Untraceable Stretch Mantra MAX!

Then this skill disappeared after a burst of flickering...

Lynn laughed out loud.
He clearly "sees" a space, which is in his consciousness!The small ones are as imperceptible as a speck of dust,
Lynn waved his hand, a light door appeared in front of him, he raised his foot and stepped in, the light door disappeared the moment his body entered,

Appeared in a huge space, the size of this space is comparable to the entire Hogwarts, on the empty ground are all kinds of items he originally put in the ring,
He began to understand this space with great interest.

The space does not generate matter by itself, and Lynn needs to bring anything from the outside world, including the soil on the ground.

He planted herbs in the soil, but found that they could not survive, because the space is closed. Although the air can be exchanged with the outside world, the sky and the sun here are virtual, and plants cannot really grow.

Lynn is not depressed, this has already made him extremely happy, because if the prediction is correct, this space can be traveled with him!

This is his real purpose of choosing this skill!

New stars in the sea of ​​consciousness have begun to twinkle, and if he wants to experiment, he can do it at any time, but he still has great concerns.

Because each universe is independent, the total amount of matter in the universe remains the same!

This is the basis for many of the laws of the universe,

If he brings the matter of this universe to another universe, will it cause any catastrophic uncontrollable consequences?
This is no small matter!must be treated with caution,
So which world should we choose?

Lynn observed several stars in the sea of ​​consciousness,

Now there are three stars twinkling, one is the world of Warhammer, one is the world of the Republic of China, and the other is the new world, plus the world of Harry I am staying in now, there are four worlds in total.
It seems that only by constantly exploring new worlds will new worlds emerge.

But not now!
Lynn's eyes flickered, it's decided!

Such a dangerous attempt is set in the Warhammer World!

Anyway, she gathers all kinds of monsters, ghosts and snakes, and she is not afraid of being a little shrimp to make trouble!

Before you try, you need to do some preparations,
In order not to affect this world as much as possible, Lynn emptied his space and left everything in this world,
I only brought one Mandrake, one ordinary grass, one small stone and one small ant!

Mandrakes are magical plants, and grasses are ordinary plants.

The stone is an inanimate substance, but that little ant is an ordinary life.

This covers most cases!

PS: Won't be long at Warhammer!

PS2: I'm already crying in the toilet, made a stupid mistake,

NO.19 is the day of the cold, two updated chapters, one chapter 2400 and one chapter 1800.Total 4200.

Do you see any problems?
(End of this chapter)

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