Chapter 14
Lynn took out the kettle and poured it out slowly. The water droplets fell on the stone under his feet, and fell into two halves with a "ding", and rolled down!
"Damn, this ghost weather, where to find prey!"

The winter in the northeast is too cold. In other places, it is an adjective to say that water drips into ice, but here, it is a natural phenomenon!
In the first few days of cooling down, Lynn was too cold to go out, but after a few days, the temperature got lower and lower, but he didn't feel cold anymore.

The strong adaptability of his body has made him immune to this level of cold.He can feel the temperature change without feeling sick or hurt by it!

I still go out every day not just for hunting, but hoping to meet a tiger again, kill it, and study the reason for the sudden increase in energy.

If you figure out the reason, you can fill it up as soon as possible and see what magical effect it has!

Unfortunately, I went out for more than two months without finding a tiger.

Looking at the increasing snow, Lynn tightened the leather jacket on his body, not because of the cold, but because of such a heavy snowstorm, it felt rude not to tighten the clothes!

Turn around and take this bear big bear Er to go home!
Pushing the door into the house, the stove in the house is burning brightly, the warm fire and the occasional crackling sound of coal keep the cold out of the door!

Lynn has adapted to the cold, but still likes the warmth!
He stretched out his hand and picked up "Daiyu" who was sleeping on the heated kang with his feet upside down.

Now I no longer take my kitten when I go out. It's too cold outside. It doesn't like it. It prefers a hot stove and a warm fire pit at home!
Heavy snow covered the mountains, and the snow in the mountains was getting thicker and thicker. The people in the village could no longer send supplies to Lynn. Fortunately, the snow was not a problem for him.

Before the Chinese New Year, he personally went to the village and brought back a lot of supplies, as well as a letter from the eldest lady.

Lynn has never been stingy with the ocean, and the years in the village are much better than before,

That brawny village chief even gave him two bags of dumplings!Lynn happily accepted.

Carrying more than 1000 kilograms of supplies, I ran all the way to the small courtyard in the mountain before it was dark.

Lighting the lamp, sitting by the fire, leaning on Xiong Er who was sleeping soundly, he opened the letter from the eldest lady,

The letter said that Master would not allow her to go home during the Chinese New Year. She would try to come back next summer, and then she would ask Master to ask Lin En to return to Fengtian earlier.

He also asked Lin En to practice martial arts more frequently in the village, so as to strive to become dark energy as soon as possible!
After Lin En read the letter, he was silent for a while, then threw the letter into the stove, picked up the kitten, and said with a smile: "Senior sister is not bad, but a little not very smart, right?"

As for dark energy, is that something that can be achieved by practicing?It takes years of practice, superhuman comprehension, and even a little chance to achieve it!
Based on Lynn's assessment of his own understanding, if you want to practice it, it's basically impossible!

And he felt more and more that that road was not suitable for him!
His physique is special, his physical quality is unmatched, and he will get stronger and stronger in the foreseeable future, and he can't see where the upper limit is!

But ordinary people are different. Their upper limit is there. The closer their strength is to the limit, the more difficult it will be to improve. Even if they put in thousands of times of effort, they may not be able to get a small improvement.

So they put more energy on how to use power,
Regardless of whether it is clear energy, dark energy, or transformation energy, it's all about practicing, sending, and in the final analysis, how to use limited energy.

It's like a person can only own a piece of ocean, so he has to figure out how to make this piece of ocean play the best role.

Lynn is different!He is like sitting on a gold mine, what he should do is to find a way to mine, not to study how to spend a piece of ocean in his hand!
Therefore, Lin En now spends less time practicing martial arts than when he was in the palace's mansion. Every day, when he wakes up in the morning, he practices the three-body style.

Counting the days, it should be New Year's Eve today!

I got up early, cleaned the sanitation, cleaned the yard, and hung a pair of firecrackers at the door.

The crackling sound of firecrackers, accompanied by the faint smell of explosives, brought a lively New Year flavor to this small courtyard in the deep mountains!

It was just a few "family members" who didn't give face, hugged together and hid in the room and shivered!It seems that they are not quite used to the sound of firecrackers.

I cooked a few bowls of dumplings, one for each person. Although Xiong Da Xiong Er didn't seem to like this kind of food very much, he still ate it "happily" under the "kind" gaze of Lynn!

After the New Year, Lynn's physique, spirit, and energy increased by 0.1, which was expected.

But what makes him happiest is that in the next two months of the year, he met two tigers and two bears one after another. Lynn had a warm exchange with them and invited them to be guests at home. They shyly expressed Refused, but at Lynn's insistent invitation, they finally carried them back!

Four beasts, the price that Lynn paid was four clothes, not even the skin was torn.

The increase in physique represents the comprehensive crushing of strength, speed, reaction, and even defense. These beasts have no resistance in the hands of Lynn today.

The source energy has increased by 0.2, so it also shows that the source energy is related to the deprivation of life.

Now that the source energy has reached 9/10, it is almost full, and Lynn is looking forward to its effect.

So during this time, Lynn wandered in the woods longer and walked farther.

When there is time, even at night, I will go out to see if I can meet the beasts that come out for food in the middle of the night.

Xiong Daxiong slept soundly in the second night, and Lynn walked around them before going out, but was stopped by the kitten at the door. The kitten grabbed his trouser legs and was about to climb up, obviously hoping that Lynn could take him out with him.

"You have also slept on a tiger and rode a beast on a bear. Can you go out by yourself?"

The kitten ignored it, slipped into the leather jacket in his arms skillfully, and found a comfortable position to lie down, only showing its head outside.

Lynn is helpless, let's go, let's go.

Lin En wandered aimlessly. Today on the [-]th day of the lunar calendar, the full moon shines brightly, and the moonlight scatters from the forest, making the old forest look graceful and graceful.

Walking slowly with the kitten in my arms, I could only hear my own rustling footsteps and the chirping of unknown insects.

My heart is quiet, it has been five or six years since I came to this world, I remembered that I often complained about the boring life in my previous life, and I couldn't find anything else to do except spend money!
Think about it now, alone in this old forest in the northeast, fighting with beasts (of course, I killed them), and embarking on a life that I have never thought of, but it is destined to have a magnificent and dreamy future, far beyond the imagination!
Lynn looked up at the moon in the sky, "Maybe I can even step on the starry sky to see the aliens!" I just don't know when the next world will be opened. This mentally retarded system doesn't explain anything!

"Bang!" A clear and long gunshot broke the silence in the forest!
(End of this chapter)

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