Chapter 144
Beric Dondarrion, known as the Lightning King, the original Earl of Black Harbor City,

When he was in office in King's Landing, he was sent by the then Prime Minister Ned Stark to the Riverlands to exterminate the "bandits".

"Of course, everyone knows that this bandit is the Magic Mountain of Lannister! His features are so obvious."

When Lynn heard this, he said to Arya: "Look, that Tywin is so cunning and cunning! He first sent the Devil Mountain out but pretended to be a bandit, and waited until Robert died and your father was imprisoned before officially playing the banner. It's the exact opposite of Robb's eagerness to send troops!"

Bailey sighed: "The opposite is not the only thing. When we first came, we were just, and the Devil Mountain and the others were bandits. Once the Prime Minister died, the Devil Mountain became legal, and we became criminals who violated the royal law! "

Needless to say, Earl Bailey decided to stay here. They upheld the law, protected civilians, and fought against Lannister, and gained the support of many civilians.

Out of respect for Lord Ned, Beric promised to send Arya back to her mother and brother, but he would have to wait a few days, when all of them returned.

Arya was very surprised,
A few people live here temporarily,

Lynn discovered that these people were not believers of the Seven Gods. They believed in a small group of gods called the Lord of Light, and they often prayed to the Lord of Light under the leadership of Soros.

Lynn didn't know what their Lord of Light was, and didn't feel anything unusual.

The next day, Lynn found the Earl of Berry,
"Then you must be short of money, right? After all, there is no military support from King's Landing."

When Lynn saw the equipment of these fighters, he could only describe it as crude, with very little armor and very old weapons.

"I have some gold here," Lynn said, taking out two ten-jin gold bars. "Although they are not gold coins, the purchasing power of gold is similar. If you can find a place to exchange them for gold coins, there is actually no difference." !"

After speaking, he mentioned it to the Earl of Bailey,

Berry reached out and took it without hesitation, "Of course there is no difference! The seven families were secretly minting gold coins, but now the situation is chaotic, and gold can pass!"

He shook it in his hand, "These golds are enough for us to buy dozens more sets of armor, Lynn, tell us what you want! These are not given to us for nothing, right?"

Lynn smiled.

"No request, thank you for sending Arya back for me!"

"If it's delivered safely, you can send someone to King's Landing to let me know. I still have this ten times the gold as a gift!"

After so many days of understanding, Lynn believed that these people would send Arya back, but of course it would be better if some insurance was added.

Bailey stood up and said solemnly to Lynn, "I promised to send Arya back out of respect for Lord Ned, but the gold is still accepted! We need it and promise to use it in the right place. The place!"

Lynn nodded, "That's exactly what I expected."

A few days later,

As members of the Brotherhood Without Banners return, they also bring new news,
Stannis the Second Deer did not choose to directly attack King's Landing, which was closer, but instead attacked Storm's End, the fief of Renly the Three Deer.

Ren Li, who was leading an army of [-] on the slow journey, knew about it, and ordered the army to stop, and he led people back to help.
Unexpectedly, he was assassinated and died in the barracks.
The Knight of Flowers, an ally of the Highgarden family, was heartbroken, even more heartbroken than Rose, the younger sister who just married Renly, and vowed to avenge him!
The [-] troops under his command, except for the [-] troops supported by Highgarden to withdraw for Renly, the remaining [-] troops from the Stormlands took refuge with Stannis Erlu. After all, they were all vassals of the Baratheon family.
Since then, Erlu's goal is only King's Landing, which has only [-] gold robe defenders. Erlu's military strength has skyrocketed. Whether it is a sea battleship or a ground force, he has an absolute advantage. As long as he breaks through King's Landing, Joffrey and Ser Xi, he is the legitimate king and the only legal heir.

In this situation, Tywin has only two options, one is to return to the western border to defend his hometown, and the other is to support King's Landing.

In the end, Tywin led the army out of Harrenhal yesterday, and blocked the young lords to the west, preventing them from going south to Casterly Rock and copying Lannister's hometown.

Order Tyrion to go to King's Landing with his mercenaries and the mountain tribesmen.


"I should go!" Lynn said goodbye to Arya,
Arya clutched the corner of her clothes tightly, raised her head stubbornly, looked at him and said, "Lyn, when can we meet again?"

Lin En touched her head, "As long as you want to see it, you can always see it!"

"Besides, if there is nothing else, I can go to you. For a young lady like you, it should be easy to find out where you live?"

Arya ignored his teasing, and hurriedly said, "That's a deal, you must come to me, if you don't come, I will come to you!"

Lynn nodded in agreement, and handed Arya a box, "It doesn't look like a girl at all, I picked it up and gave it to you."

Arya reached out to take it, and after opening it was a silver necklace,

The material does not look like silver. The pendant is a woman with wings. The wings and hands are clasped together in front of her chest to pray, as if she is guarding something.


After Lynn left, Arya was a little depressed. At night, Beric and Thoros lit a bonfire together and prayed to the Lord of Light.
Arya is not a believer of the Lord of Light. It should be said that she has never heard of this god at all. People in the North believe in the old gods and pray under the weirwood.

Except for the northern border, most people in the Seven Kingdoms believe in seven gods, namely: Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Blacksmith, Crone, and Stranger. Churches are very common.

The King of Light that the Brothers Without Banners believe in prays under the leadership of the red monk, and Soros is the red monk among them.

It is said that they can see the prophecy in the fire, and they have been working hard to find the savior and save the world that is about to be swallowed by darkness and ice!
Although Arya couldn't understand their beliefs, at least she knew how to respect others, stood aside and watched without making a sound,
Until the climax of the sacrificial ceremony, when everyone was kneeling together, the necklace that Lynn gave her started to heat up, and she was wondering,

In an instant, the bonfire stopped beating!

The stars in the sky stopped twinkling and fell in front of her, a soft silvery-white light enveloped her surroundings, and in the light, another figure who couldn't see clearly surrounded her arms to protect Arya!

Soros, Bailey, and the other Brotherhood fighters watched all this dumbfounded!
The light in their eyes is hazy and soft, like the sun rising first in the morning. Although it is not orange, it has the tranquility of moonlight and the warmth of sunlight!

Under this light, everyone felt a burst of relief, as if drinking a cup of hot milk tea on a snowy day, sitting by the stove and feeling the fire, the warmth from the inside out!

"Lord of Light! Is this the person you guard?" Soros was so excited that he knelt down and knelt down trembling!

This is the first time he has personally experienced this "miracle"

Except for resurrecting Bailey, he didn't know what happened to that matter!

Lin En, who was hundreds of miles away, looked back in this direction...

PS, I almost didn't finish coding!

(End of this chapter)

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