Chapter 147 Riot
Tyrion kept chanting "Little Monkey, Little Monkey" which was a bit of a shock,

But he still went to grab Maester Pycelle from the bed and threw him into the dark cell.

Then he arranged for the Minister of Finance, Littlefinger, to go to High Court to discuss an alliance without stopping, and promised him the title of Duke of Harrenhal.

In this way, only he and the chief intelligence officer who cooperated with him were left in the imperial council, and Cersei and Joffrey were completely excluded by him.

He began to recruit mercenaries, arrange defense, rectify military discipline, and prepare for the defense of Stannis.

June's King's Landing has not seen any raindrops for more than a month, and the ground seems to be distorted after being exposed to the sun. At this time, someone pours some "treasures" from upstairs, and the smell rises!Just seeing it makes people uncomfortable, and Lynn has to consider changing places to live.

Maybe Silent Nun Street is good, where is the rich area, although it is not an aristocratic area, there is no such habit of dumping on the street, and there are specially hired cleaning staff there.

Thinking about it, Lin En immediately turned around and walked towards the golden robe's barracks.

This kind of thing, of course, is to ask the local snake, the golden robe of the law enforcement brigade who is part-time urban management. Although they are not good in character and combat power, they walk around the streets every day, and they know very well the big and small things in King's Landing.

Bronn warmly welcomed him, and after pulling Lynn to the wicker chair in his office, he turned around and poured him a glass of red wine,
"Try it! This is the golden wine of Arbor Island! The best wine in Westeros!"

Lin En took the wine, the golden liquid swayed slightly in the glass, the golden light shone in the sun, the bubbles were churning, the aroma of the wine seemed to be there, he took a sip, the liquid flowed down his throat, silky Smooth and mellow, fruity fragrance lasts for a long time,

"Really good wine!"

"Really?" Bronn was overjoyed. Ever since he told Tyrion Lynn the news, he had been a little afraid of him. After all, this matter was something of a whistleblower, and he was really guilty.

"It was given to me when I became the commander of the capital's garrison, and I was not willing to drink it myself!"

Lynn nodded, and swallowed the wine in his hand, "Let's get down to business. I want to find a place to live on the Street of Silent Nuns. You can rent or buy it. The gold robes are well-informed, so I came to you to ask!"

"No problem!" Bronn promised, "It's a small matter, just wait a moment, I'll ask right away!"

After finishing speaking, he opened the door and went to the hall outside, shouting loudly: "Listen up! Who knows if there is anyone in Nun Street who wants to buy a house? Rent is also fine!"

It was quiet and no one answered.

After a pause, a voice came back, "My lord, the atmosphere in the city is becoming more and more tense now. Those who have a little bit of conditions are rushing to the rich area. After all, it is much safer there. So..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but he expressed his meaning clearly. Bronn cursed angrily: "Fart! If my friend is looking for a house to live in, there must be one. You guys, go and clear an empty house!"

"Ahem! Bronn, it's not urgent!" Lin En quickly stopped him, boy, what is he going to do?
Bronn turned around and came in, squinting his eyes and said with a smile: "Lin En, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will definitely find you a good house before dawn tomorrow!"

This is where to find it, it is clearly going to "clean up" the house!Lin En interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said solemnly, "I'm not short of money, I can buy or rent it! Clean it!"

Bronn suddenly understood that Lynn really planned to spend money, clapped his hands and said, "That would be easier, I just know one! If you are in a hurry, we can go now."

Lynn got up immediately and said, "Let's go."

Bronn brought a few people with Lynn to a second-floor house facing the street on Nun Street, and a man in a gold robe called the landlord.

The landlord is a fat middle-aged man,

"The owner of this home is a bakery owner. The house is newly built. He originally planned to build a new house for his child. Unfortunately, the child had an accident some time ago, so they planned to buy the house and rent it back."

Lynn didn't ask what happened!

After looking at the house, I paid the rent for one year with satisfaction.One gold coin a year!
The landlord, Cory, is a fat baker who runs a bakery by himself, but the price has risen sharply recently, and it is actually difficult for him to buy flour, and he is just trying to maintain it.

After receiving a gold coin from Lynn, Corey was very happy, saying that their home is not far away, and if Lynn needs it, he can go to them anytime!
After everyone left, Lin En stayed here directly, and there was nothing to clean up. The furniture here is all new, and the bedroom on the second floor faces the street. After he made the bed, he sat in front of the window. You can see the streets below, and when you look up, you can see the Red Keep towering on Aegon's Hill in the distance!
"It seems that it's time to eat?" Lin En planned to go out with a thought.

"Mr. Lynn! Are you home?"

Going down the stairs, the landlord Cory and a woman were waiting outside the door, and when they saw him coming down, they said enthusiastically: "Mr. Lynn, thank you for your generosity, we made fresh pigeon pie, and I would like you to try it !"

The pigeon pie here is very famous, and it is said that it is a special delicacy in King's Landing. Lynn happily agreed, and followed Corey to his house with a present.

Mrs. Corey is an ordinary woman, but thrifty and capable, and she has everything ready when Lynn comes.

The husband and wife did not ask about Lin En's situation during the meal, perhaps because he was recommended by the "golden robe leader", and he seemed a little reserved.

Lin En didn't ask about their children, but concentrated on tasting the pigeon pie,
The pigeon meat is fragrant, smooth and soft, and the crust is crispy.It does have a special flavor, but it's not very tasty.

Lynn praised Mrs. Corey's craftsmanship, and said that if Mrs. opened a store, the business would be booming!
When going out, the husband and wife sent him to the door.

In the next few days, when passing by Corey's store, I will visit it frequently.
On the night of the third day, the fire in King's Landing burned half the sky red!
A riot happened!
The starving poor raided every place they could find to eat, from Flea Bottoms to Stinkwater Bay, Piglan Lane, Flour Lane, Eel Lane.The number of people is snowballing, looting everywhere, fire prevention!
Crying and begging for mercy are the main theme tonight!
Until the golden robes began to brutally suppress and the knights mounted their horses and began to slaughter these mobs, they quickly seeped into the ground like water and disappeared.

In the middle of the night, the cleaning staff came out

Despite the best efforts of the cleaning staff, there were still many places that were not cleaned by daylight.

Lin En walked on the street in the early morning, and he could still see dark red stains in many corners.broken shop door,

When he came to Tyrion, many people gathered outside his door, gold robes, merchants, and nobles.Noisy noise boiling.

"My lord, the merchants in Flour Street have requested additional manpower," Bronn reported to Tyrion about the situation last night,
"They want protection. A baker was baked on his own oven last night, and the mob said his bread was too expensive."


"This kind of thing can't be fake!"

Tyrion swallowed, and asked with difficulty, "They...didn't eat him?"

Bronn grimaced and did not reply.

"It won't be the last time," said Tyrion heavily. "I've given as much protection as I could, and the gold cloaks did well last night!"

"The merchants claim there are gold cloaks mingling with the mob..."

Bronn said: "I therefore request an audience with His Majesty himself.


Tyrion ran to the Red Castle and asked Cersei to open the royal family's grain storage,
"You have no right to do that! That's the royal family's grain!" Cersei rejected him embarrassedly,

"But you are losing the hearts of the people! Joffrey actually kicked out the business representative today! This is a scandal!"

"Ha! Bastard!" Cersei sneered. "You think I care?"

"You have to care! How do you rule over thousands of people when they want you dead?"

"The entire King's Landing is famine. Last night's riot was just the beginning. If there is no food, there will be a next time. The mob will gather more and more. When their numbers are endless, you think they will focus on Where?"

Tyrion's words blew through Cersei's body like a cold wind, but she still pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Moreover, the golden robe gave them the loudest slogan, the Queen Mother slaughters innocent babies!"

Cersei's face turned pale, her eyes averted a little.

Tyrion pressed, "You're not even willing to give the appearance of denying it?"

"No, no! It wasn't your order, was it? Joffrey didn't inform you at all?"

Cersei turned her head away, "He just did what he had to do!"


Tyrion walked out of the castle gate with an ugly face,

"She didn't agree?"

"Let's think about other ways. The grain storage here can't solve the problem of King's Landing as a whole."


After Lynn sent him back, he walked slowly on the way home. When he passed Mianfen Street, the door of Mr. Corey's bakery was closed.

No one was seen when passing by their house. For some reason, he suddenly remembered what Bronn said this morning,
"There was a baker on Flour Street who was baked in his oven last night..."

Lynn felt inexplicably nauseated.

the next day,
When seeing Tyrion again, "Maybe I can find a way!"

Tyrion raised his head sharply when he heard the words, and stared at Lynn's face with burning eyes, as if to see if he was joking!

"This is a no-joke thing, Lynn!"

Lynn looked at Tyrion seriously and said, "I'm not joking!"

Tyrion jumped off his stool and took a sharp breath,

"Let me tell you about the current situation. I counted the royal family's food reserves and all the food on the market. It's only enough for King's Landing for one month!"

"Lyn, do you know what this means? It means that if there is no food for 20 days, people will starve to death in King's Landing, and people will starve to death on a large scale in 25 days. In less than a month, King's Landing will be starved to death by the mob." Bloodbathed!"

"And to solve this problem, we must open up the grain road. Now the sea is blocked by Stannis, and the road is blocked by High Court. How do you solve this problem!"

Lynn nodded, "You just need to tell me how much food is needed to get through this?"

Tyrion said in a deep voice: "At least there needs to be enough food for everyone in King's Landing for two months! At that time, the new autumn harvest can make up for it!"

Lin En frowned and thought about it. There is no need to think about the sea route. It is not that there is no food in Gaoting on land, but they have blocked the road and do not allow food to enter King's Landing.

Others can't hide it from them, but I can!The portable space is huge, enough to hold enough food, and it will not be discovered by anyone.

"I have a way to find enough food, but I need money! A lot of money!"

Tyrion was ecstatic, and excitedly jumped onto the stool and hugged Lynn, "Don't worry about money, and I can promise you that when you come back, I will propose to the royal family to restore your legality!"

After speaking, Tyrion shook his head first,
"This guarantee is too ineffective, just wait, I will go to the imperial meeting now, the Queen Mother and Joffrey must give a guarantee today!"

Lynn waved his hand, "You do what you have to do, I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving soon."

After bidding farewell to Tyrion, Lynn left the city directly,

At the same time, King's Landing began to spread a little story about the queen. It is said that the queen met a witch when she was a child.And divination her fate.

"Will I marry the prince?"

"No, you will marry the king!"

"Then will we have children?"

"You and the king will have twenty children, and you will have three! They will be crowned with gold, and they will be shrouded in gold!"

In the imperial meeting,
Cersei has broken seven teacups,
Tyrion the King, Varys the Octopus Spider, Minister of Intelligence,
They all looked at her furiously slowly!
When she had vented enough, Tyrion said: "The Queen Mother should have heard all the rumors in the city during this time!"

"Add Stannis's proclamation, and many people believe what he said is the truth. After all, there are no blond children in House Baratheon!"

Cersei roared angrily: "Lies! It's all lies! You go and arrest the person who spread the lies immediately, I want him to die!"

Tyrion said: "And the Queen Mother's actions some time ago confirmed this rumor even more. She killed King Robert's own son. What must the royal family do to stop this rumor!"

Varys went on to say, "Rectifying Lynn's name is the best action. It not only rewards Lynn, but also shows that the queen never killed King Robert's own son. Those are all rumors,"

"No! I don't agree!"

Tyrion raised his voice. "You don't agree? You don't even need Stannis to call. The starving people in the city can burn King's Landing! Toss you from your thrones and tear them to pieces!"

"Who can save your mother and child, six thousand gold robes? They only have 6000 people, how many poor people are there in the city, 100 million! Use your brains to think about it!"

"They even started eating people! What can't be done?"

"Don't expect your father to save you. He is already fighting Robb Stark in the western region. Tell me now, should you die with the whole family, or give Lynn a legal identity!"

Varys continued:

"Queen, this is just a promise! After all, the food hasn't come back yet, has it?"

(End of this chapter)

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