Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 151 The Brave and Fearless Emperor Qiao

Chapter 151 The Brave and Fearless Emperor Qiao

Lynn came all the way to the gate of the Red Castle,
From a distance, I saw a short figure standing in front of the door,

He dismounted and walked, Tyrion ran a few steps and said excitedly, "Lyn, thank you, you saved King's Landing!"

Lynn shook his head and said, "Jun's Landing is here, it doesn't need me to save it, I just saved some poor people who are about to starve to death!"

"That also saved the king. It's not hard to imagine what kind of tragedy would happen if you came one night late! Lynn, this is a reward from the king!"

With that said, Tyrion took out a scroll from his pocket and handed it to Lynn, "The king restores the legitimacy of your name."

"Your name will be written in the Baratheon's family, and the announcement will be made tomorrow! From now on, you are the child of the former king Robert, Lynn Baratheon!"

This was expected by Lynn, but he still nodded and said, "Do I need to thank the King?"

Tyrion said with some embarrassment, "It may not be a good time today. After all, the king is still young, and he was a little frightened today."

In fact, Joffrey was furious in the castle. Although he was forced to admit Lynn's identity today due to the situation, in the king's mind, today's incident was extremely humiliating from beginning to end. What would happen if he saw Lynn at this time? Bad thing, so Tyrion doesn't want them to meet.

From the next day, Tyrion transported the food outside the city to the Red Keep. After all, it was too dangerous to store so much life-saving food in an unprotected place outside the city.

Countless people go to line up to receive food every day,

When Lynn was walking on the street, the people around him would bow and salute, because he had no title, so everyone called him, "Master Lynn."

Lynn, on the other hand, still lives in the small building he rented.

This is Geoffrey's contempt for him,

According to tradition, after the new king ascended the throne, the other children of the old king left the capital more or less after receiving some fiefs or titles.

But Lynn has nothing but a name!

Even the house is still rented!

Lynn sat in front of the window of the small building she rented,
Looking at the Red Castle not far away, thinking about his mission,

"The goal of the first stage has been achieved!"

"With this surname, many things can be started,"

"I still need a foundation."

King's Landing is obviously inappropriate. There are many parties competing here, and the eyes of the whole continent are fixed on this place.

Where is it suitable?While Lynn was thinking,
A woman in a red robe downstairs walked to his window, looked up at him and smiled,

"Mr. Hot Pie, I'm coming for you!"

Lynn frowned, how did you find this troublesome woman?
"come in!"

The red-robed girl smiled and stepped into the door, and went to the second floor by herself.
"Should I call you Hot Pie? Or Lynn?" The red-robed woman seemed to be complaining,
"I've been looking for you for a long time! I didn't expect that you were the one I met next to the Lake of God's Tears!"

"how did you find me?"

"I have God's guidance, the Lord of Light will tell me!"

"Speak human!" Lynn frowned,

"I found Hot Pie, the Bread Apprentice, and he said you're back in King's Landing."

This makes sense, the fat man must have lost control of his mouth when he saw that the witch was beautiful, and said everything out.

Wonder what happened to Arya?In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since we separated!Lynn was a little worried for no reason,

Close your eyes and feel carefully,

The necklace he gave Arya before leaving contains his spiritual power, not only can release the Patronus Charm, Lynn can also perceive Arya's mental state through the necklace!In the future, after his mental power is fully recovered, he can even locate its location, and if the distance is not far away, he can even apparate there!
Through Lin En's perception, Arya's spirit is still stable and lively.It seemed to be pretty good, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the red-robed woman.

However, she found that the red-robed woman was lying on the ground as if she had been suppressed by something, her face was flushed red, and she looked at him with horrified eyes!

Lin En frowned and relaxed his mental strength. The red-robed woman hurriedly panted heavily and asked tremblingly,

"Who the hell are you?"

The red-robed woman has never felt such a powerful spiritual force. Ordinary people may not feel it strongly, but she is a witch, and her perception is extraordinary. The moment Lin En closed her eyes, she felt a powerful, vast, The inconceivable spiritual power was rapidly exaggerating, and in an instant she was suppressed on the ground without any resistance!Can't even breathe!
Even if she is praying for the occasional response from the King of Time, it is just a phenomenon, not such a clearly perceived power!
Can't describe her mood, excited?shock!There is a kind of panic that ordinary people feel when they see the extraordinary for the first time,
Lin En was a little helpless, he didn't expect that a momentary distraction would cause such a result. Of course, this was also related to the sharpness of the red-robed woman herself.

He looked at the red-robed woman innocently and said:

"Lynn Baratheon, the illegitimate son whose surname has just been restored, has no other identity besides that!"

"Impossible!" The red-robed woman said excitedly: "Maybe, you are also the messenger of the Lord of Light! God needs us to assist Stannis together?"

"Stannis is still questioning the existence of the Lord of Light! Instead of letting me follow the army, let me come to you! All this is the guidance of the Lord of Light! Let me just meet you."

Seeing her crazy look, Lynn shook his head and denied, "But I really don't know the Lord of Light, I have no faith, and I don't believe in any gods!"

"That must be because the time has not come! When the time comes, the King of Light will perform miracles and guide your mission!" The red-robed woman became more and more determined as she spoke, gradually calming down.

"Don't worry, everything has its own fate!"

Lin En didn't want to talk nonsense with her, and asked directly: "What are you looking for me for?"

The red robe woman exhaled and said softly, "Cersei is the murderer of your father, Joffrey stole the throne, Stannis knows about you, he thinks you should avenge your father, assassinate Cersei, if you can Do it, he is also willing to give you a legal identity!"

Lynn laughed, "How could he recognize the legitimacy of my identity? Once he admits, then my order of succession should be ahead of him! Who will be the king then?"

"Does he think I will believe this kind of lie?"

The red-robed woman hesitated, "That's right! You're right! With Stannis' serious and strict character, he will strictly abide by the law of succession. So he will never recognize your legitimacy anyway! Because once he recognizes your , then he is illegal!"

Then he shook his head and said, "It seems that even if I get rid of Renly, his greatest enemy, for him, his trust in me is still limited!"

The red-robed girl invited Lin En to no avail, and she didn't dare to stay longer. After all, King's Landing was dangerous to her.

A few days after she left, Stannis issued ravens widely, saying that Joffrey had no right to inherit the throne at all, and all his orders were illegal, including restoring Lynn's surname,
This time, Lynn is more trusted by Tyrion, and he even took Lynn to visit the wildfire prepared for Stannis,
The mountain tribes brought news to Tyrion,
Stannis led his cavalry through the Forbidden Forest from Storm's End and is almost at King's Landing. At the same time, his fleet, more than 200 warships, will face the defenders of King's Landing with absolute superiority.
The war is finally coming,
One day later,
King's Landing has found Stannis' army across the Blackwater,

At the same time, news came from the sea that the enemy's warships were gathering in the open sea. They seemed to have completed their pre-war preparations and were just waiting for the right time to land!
His Majesty Joffrey, accompanied by Chief of Intelligence Varys and Chief of Staff Tyrion, came to the city wall to inspect the defense and boost morale.

"Very good! When will we launch an attack?" Joffrey stood on the city wall and looked at the continuously reinforced city wall and dozens of warships in the port, his fighting spirit was very high!
"Attack?" Tyrion thought he heard it wrong, and turned to look at Lynn next to him, as if to confirm,
Lynn nodded and said, "That's right, His Majesty asked when the attack will be launched!"

The little devil said with difficulty, "My dear nephew, did you also see that we built the city wall for defense, and Stannis' fleet will be here soon."

Joffrey nodded proudly, "Yes, as long as Stannis appears here, I will personally greet him! Take my sword!"

"What a wise decision, I'm sure my men will follow you closely!"

Seeing Tyrion agreeing with himself, Joffrey was even happier, "I heard that Stannis never smiles. When I catch him, I will give him a bloody smile, from left to right!"

Tyrion seemed to be numb, and he no longer refuted Joffrey's nonsense, but only hoped that he could really appear on the city wall to boost the morale that was not much!
After nightfall, the assembly bell rings,

Lynn stood beside Tyrion, watching the fleet gradually approaching in the distance,

They beat the drums and rushed into the Blackwater River in a dense formation, preparing to land at the Mud Gate, the ferry of King's Landing.

The imp's trick worked, wildfires blazing and chains blocking the way out!
Countless ships are burning, and the eyes of Joffrey the Great are full of green flames,

Nearly half of Stannis' fleet was lost at once!
But Stannis's navy did not retreat, they were well-trained and moved forward in an orderly manner. A large number of warships rushed out of the green fire and began to land without stopping.

attack the city gates,

At the same time, Stannis on the other side of the Blackwater River also landed under the cover of the fleet. He took the lead and stood at the forefront of the ferry. Tens of thousands of infantrymen were fighting high.
Stannis has fought countless battles in his life, only losing once,
He used to follow the laborers, and he would never surrender at Storm's End until he ran out of ammunition and food.

He made a huge sacrifice for Robert's accession to the throne, and his wife almost starved to death.

After the victory of the war, Robert sealed him on Dragonstone Island.And the fertile storm region was sealed to Renly who had never fought a war.

Even so, Stannis obeyed Robert's orders, but now,

Robert is dead, none of his legitimate sons are of the blood of the Baratheon family, and he is the most legitimate heir to the Iron Throne!

There is no doubt that both public and private kings should be his.So he has high fighting spirit and no scruples!

Joffrey on the city wall no longer looked as excited as before,

There are too many enemies on the river!They almost covered the river, chanted slogans and rushed towards the city gate. The fear of being besieged by mobs came to his mind a few days ago,

"They're coming, they're going ashore!"

Tyrion glanced back at him, "Didn't Your Majesty say that he would meet him in person? Now is the chance!"

Where would Geoffrey go, he could only cowardly dare not speak,
Tyrion ignored him, as long as the king stood on the wall,

"Get ready to fight and rain fire on them!"

Stannis is the Lord of the Navy, and his experience in siege and defense is a few blocks away from Tyrion.

His men raised their shields and hoisted their boats above their heads, and the rain of arrows from the walls was less menacing,
Stannis began to rush under the gate under the cover of his shield,
"Siege! Siege!"

The battering ram in the rear came to the gate of the city,

The sound of "Boom" made everyone behind the city wall terrified. They knew the consequences after the city was broken. With their strength, they would not have a chance to resist.

But at this time, the Queen Mother ordered His Majesty to go back to discuss important matters!

Nobody is a fool!This is an escape in full view!All eyes were on Joffrey,
There are doubts, ridicule, and clearly visible contempt in everyone's eyes!
If it was the past, Joffrey would have killed those who dared to look down on the king.But now, he just wants to run away,

Even if you die in the Red Castle, you can live longer, right?
Joffrey turned his head and ordered the Kingsguard beside him, representing the king, to stand on the battlefield to meet the enemy!

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and fled here!
Lynn looked at Joffrey's back, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his eyes!
The morale of the golden robes defending the city suddenly plummeted, and the king ran away!What's the point of their fight?
Tyrion waited on the city wall to boost morale and told the soldiers that Stannis was going to slaughter them and rob them, but these golden robes were old fritters.How can you believe this.

The city is broken, and if they change to another Baratheon, they are still citizens of King's Landing.Live on!
Better than that runaway bastard!

Tyrion was going out of town himself, in a last-ditch effort,

With a bang, the city gate broke open!
Tyrion looked pale!
"It's over!"

The morale of the golden robes was completely demoralized, and they were about to put down their weapons and run away, when there was bursts of cheers behind them, and they turned their heads to see,
Joffrey was dressed in golden armor, riding on a white horse, brandishing his "Heart Eater" and charging towards the enemies who broke in!
The emperor's face was ferocious, and he took the lead, and the guards behind him could hardly keep up with him.

If they could get close to him, they could probably hear him muttering "Help, I'm not going!"

The bravery of the emperor infected the defenders. They watched the young emperor rush into the enemy's formation, killing left and right, and they were extremely brave!
Tyrion slapped himself hard!

Wake yourself up from your dream!Shouting and rushing to the army of Stannis entering the city!

As soon as Stannis entered the city gate, he saw Joffrey on the horse, and couldn't help but praised, "What a brave lion!"

Then a sword slashed at him!
Joffrey wanted to resist, but his whole body didn't listen at all. He could only watch helplessly as the sword cut his neck open!

(End of this chapter)

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