Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 154 The sky is high and the sea is wide

Chapter 154 The sky is high and the sea is wide
After Cersei left,

Lynn tore off the bandages on his body,
The blood on these bandages is real human blood, but from assassins,

The assassin is also real, and Lynn paid for Varys to hire him!
Two days later, Lin En came to the Iron Throne Hall wearing a formal suit with a faint smell of blood, and saw Duke Tywin again.

Duke Tywin sat on the Iron Throne, with bushy golden beards and pale green eyes staring at him. Lynn even noticed that this old man with a powerful aura like a lion had a touch of golden color in his eyes.

Even though he was sitting on the throne, he was still wearing a pitch-black armor with bright lions painted in gold and wearing a blood-red cloak. The strong color contrast easily attracted people's attention to him.

In the hall, in addition to Duke Tywin, Queen Cersei, Intelligence Director Varys, Grand Maester Pycelle and many other members of the Royal Council, there are also many officials and nobles of King's Landing.

Everyone gathered here today has only one purpose, Lynn's canonization,
As for the canonization of other heroes, it will be arranged after Tommen ascends the throne.It can also increase prestige for Tommen.

The Duke read out the reward for Lin En from the Imperial Council in public. At this moment, he officially became the Duke of Storm's End!
The crowd in the hall applauded him,
It was also at this time that everyone found that the imperial meeting did not give Lin En any support.

They didn't give money or soldiers, so how could they take back Storm's End?
The most important thing is that he didn't even give him the nobles of the Stormland who were captured in the Battle of the Blackwater River!

Everyone had different expressions. Looking at Lin En, there was no envy in his eyes, only gloating and subtle sympathy.

Lynn killed so many soldiers and nobles in the Stormlands on the Blackwater River. He and the local nobles only had hatred, and now he went alone. If it was just the Earl of Storm's End, they might not be too bad.
But the Lord of Storm's End?
In name, the entire Stormland is his fief, and everyone has to pay him taxes!

It suddenly becomes unacceptable for a person to have an enemy with no roots as their lord.

The best solution is that Lynn can bring back the prisoners from the Battle of the Blackwater River. With the support of these nobles and their families, he may be able to gain a firm foothold.
But now, Tywin didn't let him go!
These nobles of the Stormlands are in the hands of Tywin, not to mention that Lynn cannot take down Storm's End alone.Even if he wins, I'm afraid he won't live long.

Lin En's face was as usual, as if he didn't know the twists and turns inside, he just said urgently:

"Prime Minister, Storm's End is still in the hands of the rebels. In order for it to return to the kingdom's rule as soon as possible, I hope to set off immediately to recover the lost land for the kingdom, as my congratulations to the new king Tommen on his enthronement!"

This is exactly what Tai Wen meant. If Lin Enlai did not leave in King's Landing, Tai Wen would be in trouble instead.
In particular, Lynn himself expressed his attitude by saying congratulations to the new king Tommen.

Tywin nodded in satisfaction, "Alright, I wish Duke Lynn all the best!"

Lin En walked out of the Red Castle and planned to leave King's Landing directly, but before he left, he had to meet a friend,
Tyrion still lived in that cottage, and Lynn knocked on his door,
"Who?" A nervous voice sounded,

Lynn sneered and said, "Are you so afraid of death?"

Relieved inside, Tyrion stepped on the bench and opened the door for Lynn,

As soon as Lynn entered the door, he sat down on the chair carelessly, "Come on, quickly salute the Duke!"

"Also, let your little lover come out together and salute the Duke!"

Tyrion ignored him, peered out, and shut the door tightly behind him.

Then he pulled out his whore lover, Xue Yi, from behind the curtain.

She was indeed a beauty, with a good face and fair skin. At this moment, she was embarrassed to salute Lynn, but was held back by Tyrion.

"This is Lynn, my... friend!" After speaking, he turned to look at Lynn and introduced:
"This is Xueyi, my love!"

Lynn nodded, "It's really enviable to dare to stay by your side at this time,"

"It's a pity that I didn't bring any presents, why don't you give me a gift!"

"So you will be the first to salute my duke! What an honor! Think about it?"

Xue Yi hurriedly saluted, this time Tyrion didn't pull her, but looked at Lynn with wide eyes,

"Are you really duke?"

"Yes, Duke of Storm's End!"

Tyrion sighed. "The Prime Minister didn't let you take those prisoners?"

Lynn laughed, "You really know your father well!"

"What's so ridiculous, do you know that you are dying!"

"Don't worry, I can't die! You should worry about yourself!"

Tyrion went back to bed, Xueyi brought a cup of tea and handed it to Lynn respectfully.

"Be casual, don't be too polite, and don't you think this dwarf is ugly?" Lynn asked, pointing at Tyrion,
Xue Yi smiled, "My lord, no one would despise oneself for being ugly!" After speaking, she sat back beside Tyrion,
Tyrion held her hand tightly,

Lynn, who was thrown aside, said angrily, "I'm here to say goodbye to you, not to see you dating!"

"And, seriously, Tyrion, I can help you, if you will go now, to the other side of the Narrow Sea, and your lives will be happy!"

Tyrion shook his head, "Shae and I have already talked about this issue, we will not leave!"

"Well, is it happy love or realizing your own value! If this is your choice." Lynn stood up.

"I should go too, I really don't like this King's Landing very much!"

"Oh, by the way, I still have a bottle of ointment here, which has an excellent recovery effect on injuries, you can try it!"

After Lynn finished speaking, he handed him a medicine bottle. Tyrion took it and put it on the table. Obviously, he didn't hold out any hope. The injury on his face was seen by himself. useless.

Lin En blinked and didn't say much, anyway, whoever uses it knows,
"Tyrion, my friend, I am not trying to provoke the relationship between your father and son, but if Duke Tywin has no intention of letting you inherit Casterly Rock, your situation is no safer than mine!"

"I know! And I am willing to bear the consequences!"

Lynn walked out of Tyrion's residence, didn't even go back to the residence, and rode out of the city directly.

One man, one horse, nothing superfluous.

After leaving the city, I laughed and felt very good.The intrigue and intrigue is finally over!
Everything in my plan is going well,

But now that he has everything he needs, the sky is really high and the sea is wide, and if he goes there, he will turn it upside down.
Let this piece of Westeros completely change to a new king!

Not long after Lynn left the city, a carriage of the Tyrell family, escorted by many knights, drove into the city of King's Landing.
"The hateful thief in Green Valley City must be that Lin En! Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that he just got so much food? They won't fall from the sky!"

"But Miss, we have no proof!"

"What evidence do you want? I just want his people!"

(End of this chapter)

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