Chapter 159 The Unsullied Gets

Lynn learned about the price of the Unsullied from the translator,

One hundred gold marks, a gold coin that circulated in Astapor and Yunkai, with a pyramid on one side and a harpy on the other.

In addition, they also accept the Jinhui coins of Meereen and various gold coins of the nine free trade cities, but the exchange ratio of gold coins in each city is different.
Lynn heard that there are too many types of gold coins here, and it is too cumbersome to exchange them.
Each city will mint its own gold coins, which is also a problem caused by the system of the Essos continent,
Since the destruction of Valyria, some large cities have become self-governing, and the rulers in the cities have made rules and laws, slowly forming the social system of this trading city-state system.

The rulers of Astapor are some big slave owners, they are called "good masters".

Fortunately, no matter what kind of gold coin, gold is essential, so gold is also a "universal currency"

Lynn made a request to settle in gold, and the interpreter told him

The Unsullied are sold in units, bought in hundreds or thousands at a time.

A catty of gold is exchanged for ninety gold marks.

"If sir is willing to buy one hundred Unsullied, my master is willing to make a concession, and only one hundred catties of gold is needed."

"Damn slave owner!" Lynn cursed inwardly, the price was obviously a scam,
Although he didn't know the exact price of the Unsullied, he clearly remembered that the bald slave owner valued Long Ma's boat at one hundred Unsullied.

The price of that ship would not exceed thirty catties of gold at most, that is to say, the slave owner tripled the price for himself!

Although Lin En has a lot of gold, he is not being taken advantage of. Up to now, the total amount of gold in his space has not exceeded two tons.
So he resolutely refused, shaking his head and said: "Three hundred catties of gold for one thousand Unsullied, I want 1!"

"1!" The slave owner's eyes widened in shock, and after confirming that Lynn was not joking, he swallowed with difficulty,

"That's three thousand catties of gold!" The slave owner bowed his head and saluted.
"Dear guest, this is a big deal. I can't provide so many Unsullied alone. I can introduce you to our good lord Krazni! He is one of the biggest good lords in the city, and he can definitely satisfy you demand!"

Lynn nodded, "Yes, I hope the sooner the better!"

"Of course, we can go now!" After the slave master finished speaking, he asked his slave to report to the messenger, and led Lin En all the way to the largest pyramid in the city.

He didn't doubt that Lin En was lying to him. This is Astapor, and it has been doing the slave business for thousands of years, and reputation is the foundation.

Secular agreements are sometimes more effective than laws!
If someone cheats, the punishment square at the door is not only used to nail slaves.

When they walked to the entrance of the pyramid, a man who looked familiar to Lynn appeared at the door, with curly hair, slightly dark skin, and very clear clothes, but he should not be very old.

"Is that the registration officer who often appears by Longma's side?"

As soon as Lin En saw her, he thought of Long Ma's series of names!Inexplicably some joy,
"Honorable guest! Our good lord is already waiting for you, please follow me." The registration officer spoke the common language very well, without any accent, and spoke clearly and forcefully.
Lynn followed her to the edge of a school yard, and a bald slave owner greeted him, speaking a lot of Valyrian words kindly, although Lynn couldn't understand what he was saying, but from the tone and facial expression Look, I'm not swearing,

"Strange, isn't this person a poisonous tongue?"

I remember that he didn't have many good things to say when he traded with Longma!The attitude towards myself today is completely different.

But this is not what he wants to care about, Lynn stated the purpose directly,

"Three thousand catties of gold buy 1 Unsullied,"

The slave owner was also shocked by his generosity. The Unsullied took a very long time to train, and the elimination rate was high. Many of them were cultivated from a young age. The number of finished products that successfully completed the training each year would not exceed 1000. This is the sum of all Astapor. amount together.Now all the Astapors combined will not exceed 1 people, and they still have to keep [-] Unsullied guards according to the custom, and they can sell up to [-].

"Three thousand catties of gold, eight thousand innocents!" the bald slave owner countered,
"No, it's only [-], don't you have it?" Lynn knew he didn't, so he deliberately said this to lower the price.

The bald slave owner was angry. How could he admit that a place dedicated to selling slaves couldn't give the customers the quantity they wanted?This is simply a disgrace!Astapor's disgrace, so he bites to death,
Anyway, that's the price.

Speaking of the end, Lynn said:

"It's also possible, the amount of gold remains the same, eight thousand Unsullied, plus one thousand other slaves, and her." Lynn pointed to the female slave who had been interpreting for them.

"What do you want from a thousand other slaves?" The slave owner didn't ask about the translation of the female slave. In his eyes, this female slave is simply a dispensable tool that can be replaced at any time.

"Those who can read and write the common language, those who can calculate, those who can build ships and forge iron, all of these are fine!" Lynn's goal is broad, and there is no age limit.

By the standards of slave owners, these requirements are almost no requirements!He happily agreed:

"No problem, generous guest, so we're done?"

"Lyn nodded," it's settled! "

That night, the slave owner invited Lin En to live in the pyramid, and arranged for a female slave to serve him in the evening.
The slave owner made an agreement with several other big slave owners overnight that they gathered together the eight thousand Unsullied and immediately sent them to the square to line up.

The next day, when Lin En and the translator Missandei hired slaves and carried the gold to the square, there were already eighty square formations, each with ten horizontal formations and ten vertical formations, and one hundred Unsullied. tidy,

Just no weapons in hand!

Even though they had been standing all night, they did not waver or dissatisfy in the slightest, standing in the field like javelins.

Seeing Lin En carrying the gold, several slave owners surrounded him happily. After counting all the gold, the whip to control the Unsullied was handed over to Lin En!

Transaction complete!

Lynn tried to say a few simple commands in the Valyrian language he learned last night,

Under the blessing of the loud voice of the spell, his order reached the ears of every Unsullied, and the Unsullied ordered and prohibited them in unison,

What a loud voice!
The slave owners were amazed that when they ordered so many slaves, they needed multiple messengers, but they didn't have such a loud voice as Lynn.

The bald slave owner, Krazny, walked up to Lynn, "Generous guest, the deal with the Unsullied is complete! The remaining slaves will be ready before dark!"

Lynn nodded, "When everyone is here, I will wait outside the city with the Unsullied." This is also the rule that I just learned last night.

The Unsullied must leave after the transaction is complete,

The slave master will hand over the weapons of the Unsullied to the buyer outside the city,

While they were talking, a merchant ship from Qarth came in front of the port of Astapor, and on the side of the ship stood a petite woman with silver hair and purple eyes,

She looked at Astapor, and her guard Jorah Mormont suggested to her that one hundred slave soldiers called the Unsullied should be bought for self-defense to prevent what happened to Qarth,

So, here they come,
(End of this chapter)

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