Chapter 166 Rebuilding the Port
"Master! The shipyard has been built! You can start building ships at any time."

Eugene, the slave in charge of building the ship, knelt in front of Lynn and said,

"So fast?" Lin En, who was writing a reply to Pai Siwen, continued to ask without raising his head.
"Where are the shipbuilding blueprints? Have you recruited enough workers? What about the timber?"

"Here are the blueprints," Eugene said, taking out a stack of blueprints from his pocket and handing them to Myrcella.

Lynn stopped writing, reached out to take the drawing and looked at it,
Eugene handed him the blueprints of two kinds of ships, one is the offshore long ship that the Ironmen like very much, and the other is the Cork ship that can withstand the wind and waves in the sea.

If possible, Lynn is of course willing to build a big ship. There are two major forests, the Royal Forest and the Rain Forest, in the Stormlands. There are abundant timber resources on the mainland, and the raw materials are extremely convenient.

Moreover, once the shipyard is started, it can bring about a series of effects, such as logging, transportation, and boat workers. These businesses will benefit,
"Where are the workers?" Lynn asked.
"More than 100 workers have been recruited, but none of them have construction experience. If you build a warship in the open sea, the construction speed cannot be guaranteed at present!"

"Don't worry, start working first, and talk about problems later!"

After Eugene left,

Lynn continued to write a reply, Maester Pethwain's letter said that Hay Hall had been captured, and there was almost no fighting,
The new grain harvested just before the rainy season was found in the castle. There is a lot of it. On the way back from escort, he himself is still counting the population, but it is too difficult to measure the land. He can hardly complete it by himself. I hope to send more people to support it. ,
"This fox! It's clearly expressing merit and complaining!"

"It's just that he really can't do without him at the moment, at least only these bachelors can cultivate the skills of ravens,"

"It is necessary to get rid of all the restraints of the school city. The school is only the first step, and the next step is to develop our own communication technology, carrier pigeons and post stations,"

Lynn thought more and more, and finally shook his head,
"This won't work, these plans are almost impossible to implement with the population and resources of Storm's End!"

"So the next step is to fight!"

"Speaking of the whole storm!"

"With the resources of the entire Stormland, it is possible to carry out many plans!"

Lynn raised his head from these mundane things, his eyes flickering.

Three days later, all the lords of the Stormlands received the Raven of Storm's End. The content of the letter was simple and straightforward,
"Order! All the vassals of the Stormlands must go to Storm's End before the new year to swear allegiance to the Duke of Lynn. Those who fail to do so will be considered rebels! Seize the title and execute!"


"Haha! Take the title and execute him! Why is he an illegitimate son? With his thousands of slaves?" There was laughter in the hall of Yege City,
"Lord Earl, this illegitimate son is probably crazy, thinking that with the title of an empty duke and thousands of slaves, he can rule the Stormlands,"

"We have already pledged our allegiance to the Iron Throne, and we will ignore that empty duke until there is no instruction from Prime Minister Tywin!"

"By the way! Has the red viper in Dorne gone north?"

"Yes, my lord, the Prince has left Nightsong City for King's Landing this morning!"

After Lynn's order was issued, he ignored it. He knew that few people would come to declare their allegiance, and he could even imagine how they would laugh at him.

This is just right, when the time is over, my side is ready, and no one has an excuse to stop the "conquest of rebellion".

When all the land is returned to Storm's End, both the population problem and the resource problem can be easily solved.


Lynn finally found someone who could help him manage the city,
He posted a list to openly recruit officials, and within a few days, more than 30 people were selected. Lin En personally assessed them one by one and arranged jobs.

It turns out that one of the knights is Ronald Storm, the bastard son of the Clinton family of Griffin's Roost.

The Clinton family was originally a wealthy and powerful family, and they were loyal vassals under Storm's End and King's Landing. Hand", commanded the king's army to attack Stone Pond Town, defeated King Robert, and then the Mad King stripped him of his fiefs and titles and exiled him!
Later, after Robert succeeded to the throne, he returned Griffin's Roost to the Connington family, but in order to punish them for their loyalty to the Targaryen family, most of their fiefs were confiscated and they were demoted from lords to property knights.

Ronald Storm has been wandering as a knight, he doesn't want to go back to that little Griffin's Roost to be despised by everyone, he wants to prove himself, when he heard that Lynn defeated four hundred heavy guards alone When he regained Storm's End, he felt that this was his most important opportunity. As soon as he entered the city, he saw the announcement of recruiting officials, signed up without hesitation, and met Lynn.
Lin En looked at this Ronald with great interest. He is in his 30s and has a red beard. For some reason, his supposedly bold face always gives him a shy feeling!

Under Lynn's long gaze, he lowered his head a little at a loss,

"My lord, I'm here to report to you about the port situation!"

"Well! Tell me, I'm listening!"

Ronald cleared his throat and said: "Our port is too small. There are more and more residents in the city, and the requirements for the port are also increasing. The current port can dock at most twenty ships every day. There are many ships. Once you come, you can only float on the sea and wait for the ship's place, it won't work for a long time!"

"And the lighthouse is old and hasn't been repaired for almost a hundred years!"

"Has it been so long?" Lynn was startled,
Lynn didn't care about the port at the beginning. In fact, Storm's End is not very suitable for building a large port. Except for the windy season, there are often storms in Shipwreck Bay, and the sea current is chaotic and the wind direction is uncertain, so ships can't move. Would love to come over!
But the importance of a well-developed port to the city is self-evident,

Now that you have free hands, you should really plan to improve it.
"Since this is the case, why not completely rebuild a bigger one! Bigger than the one in King's Landing!"

"My lord, there are not so many ships coming!" Ronald quickly reminded,
"Sooner or later, there will be! Start planning this matter immediately. Take away all the slaves in the castle who only have strength. If there are not enough slaves, hire them from the city. Don't worry about money."

"Also, I have a very good lighthouse design here! Come and get it in two days!"

After Ronald led away, Lynn got into his portable space,

As soon as he entered, Haiqin smoke fell on his shoulders all of a sudden!Neighing non-stop, it rubbed its neck against Lin En, and its increasingly powerful tail "slapped" on his back!

That is to say, Lin En's body is tough, and another person can vomit blood in a photo!

(End of this chapter)

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