Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 168 1 ton of 5 catties of hay

Chapter 168
Missandei knocked on the door and came in,
"My lord! The knight from Highgarden wants to see you before he leaves, and convey the greetings from Lord Metz!"

Lin En frowned. He didn't really want to see them at first, but they came as gifts, so it's reasonable to want to see the Lord's family before leaving.

"Well, where are they now?" Lynn said, standing up,

Missandei said while helping him put on the cloak, "In the stag hall,"

After speaking, he took two quick steps and pushed open the door in front of him.

Lynn walked all the way to the Bucks Hall,
The Bucks Hall is no longer what it looked like when Lynn first came here. Both sides of the spacious hall are full of floor-to-ceiling windows, and the highly transparent glass has various complicated and gorgeous patterns. ,

The hall was empty, except for a high throne at the end. The throne was made of unknown material, exuding a cold metallic luster!The appearance is like an iron fist tightly clenched together!
Three knights in Highgarden were waiting in the large hall, one of them was tall, one was petite, and the other was actually fat. All three of them were wearing armor.

One of the petite knights said, "Giles, isn't this a big change!" The voice was clear and graceful, and it sounded like a young woman's voice.

The fat knight in the middle nodded and said: "Yes, miss! It's only been half a year, and the changes are really great. And these glass, I noticed just now, you can't actually see the inside from the outside, but you can stand inside. It's amazing to see the outside!"

"Really? I didn't even notice! Noticed that the entire floor of Storm's End has been paved with new slabs""

The tall knight suddenly said: "Miss, don't talk anymore, it's hard to explain if someone finds out! I told you not to come, you have to come, you must only watch a word for a while and don't say anything! I don't know what's so interesting! "

The female knight stuck out her tongue, closed her mouth tightly, put on the helmet,
He secretly said in his heart: "Of course there is something to see! I must see if this Lynn is that hateful Green Valley thief. I, Margaret, are cheap, not so easy to get!"

After a while, Lynn walked into the hall, glanced at the three of them,
The fat knight in the middle stepped forward, "My lord, the Duke of Metz sends his greetings to you!"

"Sir Giles, please convey my thanks to the Duke of Mace!"

On the way he came, Missandei had already introduced to him the identity of the leading knight, Giles Flower, the illegitimate son of the Duke of Metz's younger brother, they turned a corner on the way back to High Court from King's Landing Turn, come to Storm's End.

After the two exchanged a few polite words, Lynn suddenly asked,

"I heard that Sir Loras and Cersei of the Lannister family are engaged. How did you hear the news of Miss Margaery, Rose of Highgarden?"

When Lynn spoke, he stared delicately at the petite knight,
The atmosphere was a bit awkward, obviously Lynn had recognized Margaery, otherwise she wouldn't have asked this question at this time,
Giles laughed, "I didn't expect to be recognized by the Duke. In fact, Margaery said that she admired the feat of taking Storm's End by herself, so she begged me to secretly bring her over to have a look!"

This is of course a polite remark, but it is a good way to resolve the embarrassment.

Margaret took off the helmet, her long golden hair was scattered, and her steel armor couldn't hide her noble and charming temperament.

Wei Wei saluted and said: "My lord Duke has done such a big thing at such a young age, not only restored his surname, but also became a Duke and won Storm's End. Such a hero will definitely not blame me for such a small act of disrespect, right?"

The words were gentle and pleasant, but a pair of big eyes stared at Lin En fiercely!Grind your teeth secretly.

That's the bastard!

Lin En seemed to know what she was thinking, touched his nose and said: "Of course not, Miss Tyrell is as beautiful as in the legend. It's the first time I've seen her. As an uncle, I didn't prepare any gifts. Why don't you say If you have a wish, I can grant it to you!"

Little Rose secretly scolded the person in front of her for being shameless, who was obviously not a few years older than herself, yet shamelessly calling himself an uncle!
Turning his eyes, he put his hands on his forehead and said weakly: "I can see that my lord has fulfilled my wish. I just keep on going. I feel a little uncomfortable. I hope I can rest here for a few days. Your lord will definitely agree to my request." ?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lynn to refuse, he continued:
"By the way, has your lord heard of a villain called the Green Valley City Bandit!"

Lin En was taken aback, and said without changing his face: "No? What? Did this person do something good to help the weak?"

Little Rose smiled, "I haven't heard of that, but I heard that this man is as tall as a giant, and he specializes in stealing fodder from war horses. He can eat [-] catties of fodder in one meal! It's really scary!"

As he said that, he shrank his head as if he was afraid!

It's just that the teasing in the eyes didn't mean to hide it at all!
Lin En secretly thought, the little girl is looking for trouble, right?Okay, I'm afraid you can't do it!

"Okay, Miss Tyrell is unwell, of course we should provide all-out help, Missandei, tidy up the guest room and let Miss Margaery recuperate!"

Giles blushed anxiously, but he couldn't expose Margery's lies at this time. After returning outside, he begged Miss bitterly,
"Miss, this really won't work. After I go back and find out, my lord will definitely tear my bones apart! Please have pity on me!"

Giles is really scared!Especially thinking of the methods of the Queen of Thorns!
"Don't worry, as long as we don't tell, grandma won't know! We'll only stay for a few days before leaving. Just a few days!"

After Margery finished speaking, she dropped the two of them, and led the maid to follow Lynn into the tower where he lived.

As soon as I entered, I found the difference.

Everything here is too similar to the house where she was imprisoned, especially the lighting fixtures. She asked all the knowledgeable bachelors, and everyone has seen it, let alone the game console!

She was so excited that she seemed to be bouncing around when she walked, she didn't look uncomfortable at all!

"I want to live here!" Margaery said in astonishing words,
Her maid covered her mouth in surprise, "Of course not, miss! Do you want your reputation!"

Little Rose gave her a blank look, "Miss Margery has already returned to Highgarden, she has never been to Storm's End, don't talk nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps and caught up with Lynn in front.

"Your Excellency, you won't have the heart to let me, a patient, live in a cold and damp house outside, right?"

Lynn simply has nothing to say to her, doesn't this person know what it means to be reserved?
The little sheep took the initiative to send it to the wolf's mouth, and he, Lynn, is not a vegetarian!
(End of this chapter)

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