Chapter 179 Declaring War
Paul Norton was originally the son of a farmer. He became a servant of a knight lord by virtue of his extraordinary physique and strength since he was a child.
Of course, in the past few years of war, his master died long ago. With a simple and honest personality, he moved goods on the pier to keep his family alive. Later, Duke Lynn came to recruit soldiers, and Paul signed up.

Because of his knight training experience, he was successfully selected into the heavy cavalry regiment. From that day on, he often trained and fought with the Duke.

Even two days ago, the steward told him that the Duke would personally make him a knight!He was so excited that he couldn't believe it the whole day after that,

I am going to become a knight master!And it was conferred by the Duke himself!

What an honor!

At the same time, he also gave himself a piece of land. Although it was not big, it was enough for his family to live a prosperous life.

"Thank you, Lord Duke!"

As a quasi-knight, Paul needed to bathe and change his clothes the day before he was conferred. Then he changed into a white shirt and a red robe. Other members of the Knights told him that the white shirt symbolized purity and the red robe symbolized bravery.

Then go to the Hall of the Stags to pray, and place their armor and weapons under the throne for blessing.

According to tradition, these prayers and blessings should be held in the church, but the church in Storm's End has long been vacant, and the Duke used it to transform it into a school, so the prayers were changed to the Bucks Hall.

When Paul came here, he was the first person, and then other quasi-knights came one after another. Everyone’s faces were full of excitement and anticipation. They would pray under the throne for a whole night!
As the prayer proceeded, the lights in the hall were turned off, and everyone gradually quieted down. Everyone consciously lined up and prayed with their eyes closed. The surroundings were pitch black, so quiet that only the voice in their own hearts could be heard.

Paul, like everyone else, began to examine himself, prayed for God's grace, and appreciated the gift of the Duke!
The next day, the sun shone brilliantly through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and Lynn stepped into the hall,

The prospective knights lined up on both sides, kneeling on one knee, watching Lynn's iron boots walking towards the throne,
When he was seated on the throne, the knights began to swear,
"I will be loyal, I will value honor, I will be fair, and I will protect the weak..."

These oaths echoed back and forth in the hall like thunder, deafening and shocking. At the same time, Paul obviously felt the difference. This oath was absolutely different from the past.

Every word and every sentence of the oath seems to be weighed heavily on the heart and engraved into the soul!

It was as if God was watching them from above!

After the oath was completed, the knights looked up at the throne, and Lynn sitting on it became different in their eyes, as if they saw their father, their beliefs, and their frivolous soul seemed to have weight and support!A sense of fullness filled the whole body.

Paul and the others knelt on the ground with their heads held high, tears streaming down their faces uncontrollably!
Swearing an oath in front of this demigod is of course different from bragging in a tavern. Even if Lynn is only a demigod, his weak divinity can still bind the oath, just like the deal with Daenerys back then!
Lin En blessed the armor in front of the throne, walked up to the knights, hung the swords around their waists with his own hands, and punched them again, completing the most important "sword giving ceremony" in the whole ceremony.

Every knight trembled at the contact with him, not fear, but excitement, even so excited that they couldn't help themselves, as if they had touched a god!

After that, they have to go to the school grounds, ride on horses, chop up dummies, accept the cheers of the people,
These, of course, no longer require Lynn to be present,
After completing the canonization ceremony, he returned to the tower,
The next day, he canonized his first lord, Ronald,
Ronald was originally the illegitimate son of Griffin's Nest Castle. When Lynn sent him to recover Griffin's Nest Castle, he completed it very quickly and perfectly.
So this time, Lynn canonized him as Earl of Griffin's Nest Castle, but unlike previous lords,
The earl Ronald only enjoys [-]% of the net financial profit of Griffin's Nest Castle and a large piece of land that was given at the same time, and no longer enjoys judicial power, taxation power,

In other words, he will no longer be able to collect taxes, because the land and the city belong to the king, which means that he has no right to entrust other nobles!

He will no longer have the judicial immunity that belongs to the nobles and will not have the right to judge others,
Everyone thought that this was Lynn's dissatisfaction with Ronald, and it was his punishment.

But this is actually an experiment or a test of Lynn's policy reform for the nobles in Westeros.

Any policy that has never been implemented cannot be decided by patting your head. You must always experiment first to see the effect and feedback.

Ronald is not dissatisfied with this. He is an illegitimate child. He doesn't need to do anything now. The city hall will send officials to manage the city and collect taxes. He can even ignore it and go wherever he wants. For example, now, He was steward at Storm's End.

Lynn's policy was supported by commoners and businessmen, but offended almost all nobles,

That is to say, he has just cleaned up all the old nobles, and now the storm is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, so that he can be allowed to govern. If it is in other places, his policies will undoubtedly set off a rebellion.

Like Nightsong City,
The only city in the Stormlands that has not been recovered officially declared Lin En as a tyrant for the first time!
The Cullen family in the Stormlands declared that Lynn's actions were an insult to all the nobles and a rebellion against their ancestors, and officially declared that they would no longer be loyal to Storm's End, but would instead pledge allegiance to Dorne.

Yege City is an important town guarding the Prince's Pass. They are usually called the Marshal of the frontier, which shows their military strength. It is said that their rebellion this time was originally intended to surrender to the High Court of the River Bend.

But the "Queen of Thorns" of Highgarden rejected him without hesitation, so Nightsong City turned to Dorne to surrender,

Prince Doran of Dorne also refused at first, but when news came out from King's Landing, the prince changed his mind and agreed to the surrender of Nightsong City.
Lynn also received the news,

The younger brother of Prince Doran of Dorne, Prince Oberon, known as the "Red Viper", assassinated Ser Gregor Clegane, the general of the Lannister family, in the street of King's Landing!Also known as the "Magic Mountain"

Cersei was furious, thinking that this was a provocation against Lannister, and Oberon must be executed, but the Tyrell family objected, and Oberon was only arrested and imprisoned yet to be tried.

The conflict between Cersei and Tyrell's family began to appear,
Although Lynn knew the reasons, such as why the Red Viper killed the Mountain, this was not something he needed to consider.
No matter how much consideration and last resort Donne had in doing this, it was not a reason for Lynn to forgive them.
So he immediately declared war on Donne!
(End of this chapter)

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