Chapter 181 Two Rivers Peninsula
Lin En rode his horse and ran back and forth twice before the formation,

All the cavalry looked at him eagerly, especially many cavalry who had not been canonized!
"I'm not talking nonsense! Leave all the food and supplies behind, and set off immediately!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The First Cavalry Regiment agreed without any doubt!

Lynn took the lead, followed by light cavalry, and heavy cavalry at the end. Five thousand cavalry rushed out along the King's Road towards Night Harbor City!

Countless cavalry galloped along the King's Highway, and the roar of iron hooves trampling the ground could be heard ten miles away, so such movements could not be concealed from anyone.

Storm's End declared war on the same day, dispatched troops on the same day, and marched towards Night Harbor City at a rapid march!
No matter how powerful they were, they marched three hundred miles a day at such an almost miraculous speed that they were delivered to Night Harbor City in four days!

When the news came out, the surrounding forces were all at a loss for words. No one expected Lynn's reaction to be so firm and fast!
Moreover, Lin En, the Duke of Storm's End, since he went to Storm's End alone to succeed him, his experience in a short period of time now looks like a legend!

First, one person captured the [-] defenders of Storm's End, and then defeated the Earl of Hayhall who was besieging Storm's End like a heavenly soldier, and then issued a time-limited allegiance order that everyone seemed ridiculous, as if being ridiculed After ignoring it, they went down to Nine Cities within a month and regained most of the core areas of Stormland.
And then, within two months of stopping, he dared to bring [-] cavalry to declare war on Dorne!

In less than a year, from an illegitimate son who was hunted down alone, to the current Duke of Storm's End who commands the Stormlands, has [-] soldiers under his command, and promises everything!

With a group of recruits, they ran at such a miraculous marching speed of [-] miles a day!

It's astonishing,

In fact, the reason why they were able to achieve such a rapid speed was because Lin En personally led the team. He seemed to have a durable BUFF on his body. As long as the knights saw him still running ahead, no one would say that they were tired.

The second is the knights he conferred before, they interspersed among the various brigades and squads, encouraging and spurring all the cavalry,
The third is because they took the King’s Road at the end, although Lynn complained about this road countless times, it’s ridiculous!But after all, it can be regarded as a rare good road on the mainland, and the marching speed is still guaranteed.

When the First Cavalry Regiment arrived at Night Harbor City, the acting city lord and the Unsullied who stayed behind in Night Harbor City had already led the two thousand recruits they trained to prepare the camp, prepared food and fodder, and even prepared meals in advance, Black Harbor The maesters of the city are here too,
Lin En came on horseback, before he reached the front of the camp, all the black worms and the Unsullied stood in front of the camp to greet them,
Get off your horse, the Unsullied salute together,

"Hei Chongzi, come in," Lin En said and walked directly to the big tent in the camp.
Paul Norton and Gos Gall, two paces behind him,
The people gathered in the big tent,

A sand table has been prepared in the middle of the big tent. As the important town of Bone Road, Black Harbor City has always been the top priority for Dorne's defense. The sand table is ready-made, and the accuracy is extremely high.

Lynn and a few people gathered around the sand table, and Hei Chongzi introduced the situation to everyone.

"To the south of Black Harbor City is the Bone Road to Dorne. The Bone Road crosses two rivers, ending in Black Harbor City in the north and Yronwood City in Dorne in the south,"

"A peninsula is formed between the two rivers. It has been occupied by Dorne for many years. There are three cities on it, namely Weir City, King's Tomb City and Vulture's Nest!"

"The most important of these is the city of Vail. It guards the access to the peninsula from the Bone Road, and it has fertile land and a large population. It is the most important city on the peninsula,"

After listening to his introduction, Lynn looked at the sand table carefully,

From the point of view of the sand table, Dorne took the absolute strategic initiative in both the Bone Road and the Prince's Pass in the two days.

At first it looked like Dorne and the Stormlands were evenly matched, but that was just the appearance,
These three unremarkable cities on the Lianghe Peninsula are almost at the same time, and can affect all the middle sections of the two roads.

What's more, now that Yege City has surrendered, there is only one Yege City left on the Stormland side, and it is still outside the Two Rivers Peninsula!
What he was thinking about was not how to capture these cities, but how many cities he was going to capture!
He has full confidence in capturing any city, but after that, he doesn't have so many troops to garrison, and he doesn't have so many officials to carry out reforms. If he occupies too much, he can't eat it.

War is just a means to achieve an end. When a war begins, one must want to end it.
Therefore, you must be prepared to capture and occupy, and you cannot eat too much at one time.
"Bang!" Lynn slapped the entire peninsula with his palm!
"Let the soldiers recuperate and go out in three days!"

"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke!"

Paul and Goss left quickly, arranged for the soldiers to eat and feed the horses, and then allowed them to rest,
No matter how tired you are, the horse has to be fed in person. This is the only way to cultivate a tacit understanding with the horse.

Most of the [-] cavalry were recruits who had only been trained for a few months. They were recruits, but after three days of high-intensity marching, they almost died of exhaustion on the road!Many people can't even walk after dismounting.

After persevering, everyone was exhausted, but their spirits and spirits changed greatly, their impetuousness receded, and they became more resilient!
This tenacity will be one of the qualities they must have to become elite soldiers!

The next day, Lynn opened the door and walked out of the war. The black bug stood at the gate of the war all night.
"There is no need to be so defensive in the camp,"

"Master! I have something to say!" Hei Chongzi fell to his knees,
Seeing how solemn he was, Lynn nodded and said, "Speak!"

Hei Chongzi raised his head and said, "Master, I want to fight!"

"Since coming here, there have been almost no decent battles. Either we won before we fought, or we are training recruits. We Unsullied are warriors, swords, and spears. Our destiny is to die on the battlefield. Please complete it, Master!"

After speaking, he knocked his head on the ground,
Lin En frowned and watched, silent for a while,
Maybe I did ignore these Unsullied, they are indeed extremely useful soldiers, I have already regarded them as seeds, and I was not even willing to let them be damaged, and I hid them in the rear to train soldiers, but I didn't think about it, these people Even if they are not complete, they still have desires. They have been training for combat all their lives, and they are eager to show their value!
"Three days later, Vail City, you and the recruits you trained will take the lead!"

Hei Chongzi was overjoyed, and promised loudly: "Thank you, Master, for your fulfillment. I will definitely dedicate the city of Weier to Master!"

After speaking, after saluting, he trotted away!

After the First Cavalry Regiment had been repaired in Night Harbor City for three days, although it hadn't adjusted to the peak, the horsepower was still insufficient, but Lynn couldn't wait any longer.

"Drums and trumpets!"

Early in the morning, the deep and loud horn sounded, and the cavalry were already ready to go. As soon as the horn sounded, they assembled at an extremely fast speed.

Lin En stood in front of the formation, patrolling back and forth on horseback, making sure that everyone saw him, and as soon as he reined in the horse, a high-pitched and loud voice spread throughout the entire formation,

"The Second Banner Regiment opens the way and crosses the river first to establish a position! When encountering an enemy, fight, and when encountering setbacks, separate on both sides! The First Banner Regiment Heavy Cavalry Regiment follows closely, and will destroy all enemies standing in front of you at any cost!"

"Before dark today, I'll be at the foot of Vail,"

All the cavalry tensed their nerves subconsciously, feeling waves of heat flowing through their bodies, and the blood in their bodies was burning!
"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke!"

The deafening roar resounded through the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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