Chapter 183
boom! ——

The two iron teams collided fiercely!
At the junction of the two armies, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, followed by countless roars, miserable howls, and the muffled sound of falling horses!

All the miserable howls will be drowned by countless iron hooves in the blink of an eye,
In the first wave of collision between the two teams, countless Dornishmen fell from their horses, but the storm heavy cavalry formation was still tight. Lynn took the lead, and the spear in his hand turned into an arrow. Anyone who stood in front of him would be smashed into pieces. The vanguard of the heavy cavalry remained extremely intact. Even if their companion fell off the horse, they didn't even look at it. They just crouched on the horse's back, held the lance, and galloped forward with gritted teeth!

The Earl of King's Tomb City on the hill not far away, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood. He watched helplessly as he spent countless gold coins and countless hours to equip the best equipment in Dorne, the best Shama, which he worked hard to build. The cavalry were defeated one by one by the storm heavy cavalry, and they were crushed layer by layer!

"Rush over, rush over! Rush over!" Earl Manwoodi was trembling all over, muttering something to himself, and finally, his tone gradually increased, his cheeks twisted, and he roared almost crazily:
"Rush over!" His body was trembling and almost crumbling,

A guard grabbed him tightly and said in a deep voice, "My lord, calm down, they rushed out!"

Man Wudi looked up, sure enough, the Dornish cavalry in twos and threes rushed out of the attack range of the black torrent, and then stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.
"My lord, you should take them to the city of Vail immediately. The heavy cavalry in the Stormlands can't catch up with us, and their light cavalry still need to turn their horses around. This is the last chance!"

The Earl trembled all over, "Yes, yes! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he cheered up, didn't even look at the result anymore, grabbed the reins tightly, and galloped in the direction of Weir City,

As he fled, those scattered cavalry also fled in the direction of the flag,

Lin En's spear swept across, piercing through with force, the spear was like a magic weapon, whether it was the body or the iron armor, it was cut open like a piece of paper, and the spear in his hand couldn't bear it when the blood was splashing, and it collapsed violently Break it apart!
His expression remained unchanged, he took one off the horse and held it in his hand again,

This wasn't the first spear that was broken in his hands. To be precise, it was the third spear just for this charge.

Spears made of ordinary fine iron are invincible under his tyrannical force, but the material itself is still difficult to withstand too large impacts, and it often breaks down. You must prepare several spears for each battle.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Lynn prefers to use a warhammer. The leather is durable and suits his appetite, but the damage range is not as large as that of a spear when charging.

Lin En had just changed his spear and hadn't rushed a few steps, when his eyes suddenly lightened, and there were no enemies anymore...

Gouged it!
But the queue still couldn't stop. The heavy cavalry charged, and the formation was tight. Whether Wuluan accelerated or decelerated, he needed a long distance to proceed slowly.

The war horse didn't stop, and continued to gallop forward, until it ran out of a stone's throw, then slowly slowed down and looked back.

Thousands of Dorn's cavalry were defeated by the charge of the first banner regiment, and the second banner regiment was constantly killed on both sides, leaving less than [-] cavalry to flee to the distance.
"Goss! Catch up!" Lynn tore off his helmet and shouted loudly.

the trumpet sounded,

Goss led the Second Banner Regiment to turn a corner, turned around and chased after them.

Lin En led the heavy cavalry, regrouped, and chased after them slowly, feeling happy.
Unexpectedly, just after crossing the river, less than half of the troops in the Lianghe Peninsula were wiped out in one battle. It was an unexpected victory.

According to prior information,
If the entire force of Dorne is divided into three parts, the Lianghe Peninsula will definitely be able to occupy one part. The three cities add up to more than [-] troops!
It also reflects how important this place is to Dawn from the side!
Now that Lin En had knocked out four thousand elite troops halfway, the troops who were still at a disadvantage had directly gained the upper hand after the First World War.

If we concentrate our forces to take down the city of Weir, there will be no soldiers available in Dorne in the Two Rivers Peninsula!
In the evening, Lynn came under the city of Weier,
When Goss chased here, Earl Manwood had already entered the city, so it can be seen that Dorn's light cavalry ran really fast!

Cavalry in the Stormlands, even light cavalry, should be equipped with chain armor, longbows, scimitars, and some even shields. In addition, horses are indeed not as advantageous as Dorne's sand horses. It is normal that they cannot catch up.
Lynn walked back and forth along the city wall, observing carefully,

The ten-meter-high city wall is not too high. It is mostly built of earth and rocks. Even the city gate is not so majestic. It can be seen that its first goal is not to be strong, but to prevent wind and sand.
It was indeed frightened by the giant dragon!

Lin En did not directly attack the city, but set up camp to repair,

The next day, Hei Chongzi arrived with his five hundred Unsullied and two thousand recruits. After inspecting the city wall for a week, he began to cut wood and build ladders and cars.

They are probably very familiar with this process, and it will be ready in less than a day.

At this time, it is best to have [-] to [-] soldiers defending the city of Weier, and Black Worm only has [-] soldiers. No matter how you think about it, attacking the city is a difficult task.

But the Unsullied had no worries or fears,
On the third day, they began to attack the city. These soldiers formed a tight formation, held their shields high, and marched under the city wall without fear of any casualties. The siege ladder was erected, and the soldiers climbed holding their shields.
At the same time Goss' light cavalry divided into several groups, and feinted around the city wall to attract their forces,

Hei Chongzi chose several key locations to attack the city, no matter how many defenders there are, they cannot all squeeze onto the city wall!
The Unsullied took the lead, and the soldiers they trained were also brave and unrelenting. After three storms, the battering ram actually smashed open the city gate!
The infantry swarmed in, followed by the light cavalry. When Lin En stepped into the city gate, it represented that the city was completely broken!
In the city of Weier, Lin En left the Unsullied to defend the city and collect the remnants, and led the cavalry to storm the other two empty cities. In less than ten days, all three cities in the Lianghe Peninsula were conquered.

After conquering three cities in a row, Lin En led the troops to personally stand on the bank of the South River, assuming they were going to cross the river and storm the city of Yronwood!

After occupying the Two Rivers Peninsula, he had a strategic advantage. If he went to the left, he could directly threaten the Prince's Pass, and if he crossed the river to the south, he would be at the end of the Bone Road, Yronwood City!
Yronwood City is already the hinterland of Dorne. If you capture here, you can directly cut Dorne in half by heading south. If you choose to go west, it will be the real and core area of ​​Dorne.Green Blood River Basin!
Therefore, it is extremely important, attacking it is to force Don to die!

Dorne hurriedly added troops to the city, and the troops in Yronwood City expanded rapidly.
At the same time, the princess of Dorne, the first in line heir to Sunspear City and Dorne!Arianne Martell came to Yronwood City in person and sent a message to negotiate with Lynn,

(End of this chapter)

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