Chapter 19
Lynn ran with all his strength, smashing the rocks under his feet with every step, and the rumbling sound was like thunder.

The gravel and grass were thrown away and left behind. From a distance, it looked like a human-shaped tornado destroying everything along the road, heading straight towards the three of them.

The partridge whistle was so excited by this killing intent that he immediately raised his yellow skin and shouted, "We are here to save the cat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin En stopped suddenly in front of him, and the gust of wind turned the old foreigner upside down.

At this time, he was crawling on the ground, staring at Lynn with wide eyes!As if wondering if he is a person, is this something that a human can do?

Lynn glanced around for a week and saw the yellow skin in Partridge Whistle's hand, as well as the kitten arching in Hua Ling's arms.

I was relieved, no, where are your dead cat's claws?It's so's so worrying!
Haha smiled and said: "Thank you brother, my kitten has been with me since childhood, and it is no different to my family. I couldn't find it for a while, so I'm a little anxious, don't blame it!"

As he spoke, he was about to help up the old foreigner who was still lying on the ground.

How dare the old foreigner let him help him, when he saw him stretch out his hand, he turned over in a jiffy, and said hurriedly and politely:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's human nature! It's understandable! It's understandable!" His eyes were evasive, and he didn't dare to face it.

The partridge whistle handed out the yellow leather in his hand and said:
"It was this evil creature that lured the kitten here. When we got there, the yellow-skinned boy was about to attack and was rescued by us."

Lynn stretched out his hand to take it, and saw Huangpizi's hungry skinny, all the fur on his body was about to fall off, leaving only the skinny old skin.

He looked over and over, but he couldn't see anything strange, only a pair of eyes that were rolling around, which really didn't fit with the skinny body.

The partridge whistle continued: "The three of us, brothers and sisters, have been walking in the mountains all the year round. It is extremely rare to have a yellow-skinned scorpion like this. It has always lived in the burial mounds, and lived by eating the flesh of the dead. A sorcery that can make the prey immobile and let it be slaughtered."

Lynn was dubious in his heart. He was just a weasel, and if he could still learn spells, he would find out by trying it.

Two fingers pinched its spine, "click", it didn't move!

It seems that it can't spell!
Immediately stunned, I found that it was a system prompt, and the source energy increased by 0.1!

In the battle just now, more than 200 Japanese soldiers only added 0.2 of the source energy, and now a tiger can't add 0.1.

This weasel looks really weird, it has more energy than a tiger and more than 100 people!

"Are there many weasels like this?" Lynn raised his head and asked the partridge whistle. If there were more, wouldn't there be an additional way to harvest energy?
"Not many, such weasels are rarely seen in the old forest, but in ancient tombs, evil beasts are not uncommon, wild cats, raccoons, foxes. Many beasts will become different after staying near the cemetery for a long time! You can even encounter zongzi sometimes!"

Lin En's eyes lit up, and he laughed and said, "Since we have the fate to meet again so soon, a few of them even saved my cat, and they have to come to my house no matter what! Let me do a little bit of the friendship of the landlord!"

Partridge Whistle hesitated: "Brother Lin is too polite, so please don't bother."

"No, I'm not at ease if you don't go." After speaking, he pulled up the partridge whistle and left, not giving him a chance to refuse at all.

The partridge whistle was pulled away by him, and it felt as if he was being dragged by an elephant, and there was no room for resistance!
Lynn returned to the tree, put the box on his back again, and walked back with the three of them.

When I came, I walked for a day, and when I went back, I went into battle "lightly" and returned to the hut before dawn.

Xiong Da Xiong Er should have gone out to hunt for food. After a winter of rich breeding, their body size has increased sharply, and they are similar to adult brown bears.

And the two are inseparable, only they bully other animals.

As soon as Lynn entered the room, he greeted the three of Partridge Whistle to sit first, and then went to put the box away.

After returning, Hua Ling was already boiling water, and a few people started working together. After a while, the meal was ready. After eating, they drank tea and chatted on the kang.

After this meal, several people obviously got to know each other a lot, at least the old foreigners no longer dared to look at Lynn's face.

Hua Ling also believed that he would not eat her, so she was relieved, she would be hugging the kitten and stroking non-stop!

Since this little cat came back to his senses, he rubbed Lin En's leg twice, and after that, he has been lying in Hua Ling's arms and ignoring his master!
Lynn gritted his teeth secretly, "You little thing, I don't even think about your master when I have such a good thing. I'll see how I educate you when I leave!"
A few people were chatting, and Lynn had been asking Partridge Whistle about evil animals, and they knew everything.

Evils are rare in the wild, but they are not uncommon near or inside some ancient tombs.

"Most of the ancient tombs are built on the feng shui treasure land. The animals and insects that grow in these places are different from the same kind. In addition, the corpse qi infection will inevitably mutate."

Lynn pondered, the increase in source energy is by no means fixed. The old yellow-skinned man has increased the source energy a lot, perhaps not because of how strong it is, but because it is special?
The real beasts in the mountains are hard to find, and the increased source energy is also decreasing. It is better to follow the partridge whistle and go to the ancient tomb to get more source energy.

Although I don't know how to find the ancient tomb, I know something in front of me!

Thinking of this, Lynn said directly:

"I also think of the long experience in the ancient tomb. I wonder if a few of them can take me."

Partridge Whistle and the others were reluctant at first. Going to the mountain to go to the tomb was not a true friendship of life and life, and no one was willing to take a stranger there.

It's just that Lin En saved the old foreigner's life after all. If they refused directly, they didn't dare, so they discussed a farther place to dispel his thoughts.

"The place we are going is too far, and your parents may not agree!"

"Don't worry about this, where are the brothers going next?"

"The land of western Hunan has many mountains and tombs since ancient times, and there are many poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. It is a very dangerous place! How about next time? We will find a less dangerous tomb and take Brother Lin to see it!"

Lynn categorically refused, when is the next time?Where did I go to find you?

"You don't need to go to Xiangxi next time. I have long wanted to visit the Miao family village!"

Seeing that he was really determined, the partridge could only agree to take him with him.

"Great, let's get ready, let's go as soon as possible!"

Lynn immediately prepared a letter for her senior sister.

He said that when he was practicing hard in the deep mountains, he watched the sky at night, and felt the secrets of heaven. He knew that his chance was coming, and he had to go to the south immediately. It was too late to say goodbye in person.
(End of this chapter)

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